

Kira, an only child left alone when her father dies, and her mother leaving her in the hands of another. She sets out to find the truth about her fathers death and mother's disappearance with rage in her heart

Emoji_9 · Urban
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9 Chs

02: Missing

Abigail stood by the window in her room staring at the vast beautiful garden below, her arms crossed over her chest as she shed silent tears, wiping away her tears with a determined face, she turned to her daughter who laid on the bed hurdled up in the blanket, walking over to the edge of the bed, she lowered herself and kissed the girl's forehead, caressed her cheeks and smiled with a glint of pain in her eyes "I'm sorry Kira, i love you so, so much, but mummy has to go" she whispered and kissed her again before she headed out.


Kira sat on the bed, noticing the absence of her mom, she carefully and slowly got off the bed and went out of the room rubbing her eyes, the maid- Laila- saw her and rushed over worried she'd cry out again "kira?!" She called out, before picking the girl up.

"where's mummy?" Kira asked with her cute curious eyes looking around, "huh?, is she not in the room?" The lady asked, and the girl shook her head "no" she turned a bit emotional, Laila who was wondering where the madam could be as she hasn't seen her since this morning, not wanting the little girl to cry, "okay, she's around somewhere.... but first let's have breakfast then we find her okay?" Laila coaxed her and went to the breakfast table, dropped her then served breakfast. Laila hurriedly left the girl to go look for her mother.

After checking basically the whole house, she went to the front door to ask the guards if they saw her going out and none of them knew or even saw her leave the building. "Tell the little miss that her mother had gone for work" one of the men who looked bulky like the boss told laila, she quickly nod and asked "what about her school?, i dont think it's safe anymore" she worriedly said and of course the man knew and gave a simple nod "mh, whoever it is, it seems this person knows the madam and her daughter, so from now we don't let her out of sight" he ordered, Laila frantically nodded and went back in, the man turned to his colleagues "check the CCTV footage to see if you can find anything " he gave his orders and two of them headed to it.

In the sitting room.... Laila was coaxing Kira making her watch television with the excuse that her mum had gone to work early, handing a teddy bear to her, the little girl believed and ended up enjoying her afternoon with goodies. Laila heaved a sigh of relief sitting beside the girl, noticing someone else's presence, she raised her head, saw the big man -sam- standing by the door, he signaled her to come over, she quietly got up and went to him "did you find her?" Laila questioned.

"Yes, she left the house early this morning with nothing but her bag" the man reported, knowing and understanding fully well that the madam must have run away. Laila looked behind her sadly staring at the little girl on the couch "now what?" She asked sounding more like she was talking to herself, why would the madam suddenly leave just like that with no trace, leaving her child behind in this crucial moment. She rubbed her temples and sighed "did you try to find her whereabouts at least, airport, train stations, anywhere?" The man nodded

"she booked a flight to ABU Dhabi, that's the only lead we have" he told her again, Laila bit her lip, what the hell is going on here, first the boss gets killed now his wife runs away?.

A screeching sound disrupted her thoughts, a car pulled over and the lawyer, Mr Andrew, came out of the car and walked towards them, he greeted them with a smile but it soon faded when they broke the news to him, he creased his brows in thoughts and wonder. when suddenly gunshots began, as different cars came in pointing guns, and shooting.

"Shit....." Samuel cursed as he sensed danger "get the little miss out of here!!!!!" He yelled and Laila ran back in grabbed kira and ran to the back door, the little girl was in shock, upon reaching the back door, some men came through with guns pointed at them,

"hand the child over!" His deep voice rang as they walked towards them, Laila panicked a little, pressing Kira's head to her shoulders to cover her eyes. Another shot was heard and Laila immediately shut her eyes and opened to see the man on the floor, she heaved a breath and looked at the man who just pulled the trigger "come with me" he entered the house and into the boss's study room and put it on lockdown mode. Kira was sniffing "mummy!" Laila rubbed her head "its okay, it's fine now, mummy will be home soon" she pet her looking at the man with pleading eyes "thank you" she muttered and he just nod and smiled. Its obvious they came for the little girl, after the mother went missing of course next target will be the daughter.

Outside the study room bodies were scattered around on the floor, mostly the invaders after making sure each and everyone of them was dead, they started cleaning up and arranging to take the little miss somewhere safer. Things went from bad to worse, and they still have no idea what was going on. After staying inside the study room for hours, Laila came out with Kira asleep in the young bodyguard's arm before taking off.