
Kira's Journey


Wolveir9999 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Dream that defined Him

3 months after Grim came across the 'old book':

The two strode through the main gate to deliver the good news to their father— they had passed the graduation examination with flying colours. The two had now graduated from high school.

That night, the two were to share their last meal together. As the brothers stood in a balcony, Grim wondered why people had to part ways. He was someone who saw his parents be tortured to death by his grandfather, and be blamed for it. He was one who poisoned his grandpa's alcohol bottles just so that he could avenge his parents and himself. He would murder innocents and steal money from them. He knew that it was something he should not do, but he had no choice— this world was cruel. But, that changed when he came to the Anakira mansion. Those here cared for him, and he had all he wanted. He even considered those here to be a part of his family. He wished not to leave them behind, but he had to. He did not have the Anakira blood, which meant after his foster father's death, Julius would inherit all that he had. Julius offered his brother a place in the mansion, but he could not take it. He did not want to trouble his brother.

"A full moon night huh?"


Grim looked at Julius, confused.

"Hey Grim," Julius started speaking, "I wonder, what do you want to do?"

"What do you mean?"

"Like my dream is to reach the moon, what about your's?"

"My dream, huh? Well, I don't know."

Julius looked at his brother, who was looking back at him. "Why not?" he asked. "Well, I just— nevermind. It's gettn' late, you do want to go to sleep, right?"


Grim decided not to tell him the truth, and the two went to sleep. The next day, he packed up his suitcase, and left the mansion. On his way, he unpacked his bag to see a familiar book. It was the same book he found lying on his desk a few days ago. He did not remember putting it in, so it must have been either his foster father or his brother, or so he thought.

A few days later, he was in New York, USA. He rented an apartment to stay in and got himself a job at a local Pizza Hut. The first day went semi-smoothly for him. He did get a few not so good customers but it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. After returning home, he decided to make the 'old book' his diary. He took it out, and flipped it open. He picked up his fountain pen, opened the cap, and wrote the date on the first page of the book. Then, he decided to write what happened throughout the day, but before he could do so, he noticed that the writing had already disappeared.

"I'm sure I wrote the date," he thought to himself as he rewrote the date. This time, he saw it with his own eyes. The writing disappeared as soon as he wrote it.

He immediately closed the book and locked it in the drawer. "I'm returning it!" he thought as he went to sleep.

That night, he had a strange dream. He was in a dark room where the only glimmer of light was a blue radiance being emitted from a familiar looking book. That book was the same one that was in his drawer at that very moment. The book seemed to be floating in the air. Strangely, even though it emitted such light, it was all that could be seen.

He was drawn towards the book. He could not stop himself from moving. He did not want to either. He was stuck. He walked and walked, but no matter how hard he tried, he did not reach the book. His legs were noodles, but he still managed to walk. Then, suddenly, he fell. He fell into a void of nothingness, yet he could feel the floor underneath him. He opened his eyes. Light from the sun burst into his room as he lifted himself up. He opened the drawer in which he kept the book— it was still there.

Relieved, he took it out of the drawer, ready to put it in his bag, but it slipped from his hand. He picked it up, but not before realizing that it had something written in it. He opened the first page, and read what the book had to say. A menacing glow could be seen on his eye as a smile formed on his face.

"That's right," he started speaking, "you didn't forget about the 'debt', did you, Sir Anakira?"