

why is love so difficult

why do i long for it so

why am i afraid of it

i wish to experience love

but i'm afraid to face it

nor can i look it at

i've told myself i wasn't afraid of love for so long

but now that it's right in front of me i can't seem to handle it

i want you so badly

but i can't have you

when i look at you my body feels warm

i feel safe in your arms

your presence comforts me unlike any other

mayhaps i'm in love with the idea of you more than you

i used to be so sure but i might just be immature

oh how i want you so

but i can't have you

I wrote this poem because I was thinking a lot about love, specifically how I feel about it. For a long time I thought that love would be something easy and effortless until I actually had to experience it. I've been in a few relationships, but none of them ever really work and that's because I'm afraid of love. I told myself for a long time that I felt the opposite, but when I really came to terms with it I knew the truth.

sp1eekstercreators' thoughts