

"Tay, hurry up, we are going to be late." Time yells as he is putting his shoes on."Give me a moment, I'm almost done," Tay yells from upstairs in their room.

10 minutes later

"What is taking him so long" time says to I'm self-sounding annoyed as he walks up the stairs and goes to their room he then opens the door to see Tay doing his makeup "Tay, really your taking forever, because of makeup" "yes, I need to look good, and you can't talk you where it to" he says as he turns around a little to talk then turns back around to finish his makeup "yeah but i put foundation and the basic stuff, you go all out, and we don't have a lot of time, Tay" time says as he looks at his watch "and I'm done" Tay says as he finishes his lips and gets up "get in the car, I will meet you, indeed to grab my bag" Tay says as he is walking out of the room. With that time walks out of their room and starts walking to the car, a moment later Tay walks out of the house and walks over to the car "are we all ready to go" time asks as Tay gets in the car" yeah let's go" and with that they are off.