

The screams of girls echoed through the halls of the school of performing arts high school. One would feel the slight tremors in the floors due the herd of girls running towards the theater.

"Kings of Hearts are playing today," a girl shouted excitedly as she passed by the examination room, where students were taking the entrance examinations. Among those students sat Park Jin-Ae. Unlike the others who were standing trying to see what the commotion was all about; Jin-Ae was sitting and trying to finish her exam.

"Everyone please settle down and finish your exams." the invigilator shouted. Not long after one by one students started to hand in their papers. After everyone's paper was collected the invigilator announced, "Please head towards the theater for your musical auditions.

Everyone gathered their belongings and exited the room heading towards the theatre. Upon entering Jin-Ae's eyes glowed at the sight of the huge stage. The colors of red and gold made her smile in awe. It has always been her dream to perform on a stage as big as this one. She walked up to the third row and sat down on the seat where she saw her name.

"Hi, my name is Kim Min-Seok, and this is my sister Kim Ae-ra," a guy spoke as him and his sister sat on opposite sides of Jin-Ae according to the set-up seat names. Breaking away from her thoughts Jin-Ae stuttered, "y...yeah, nice to meet you, I'm Park Jin-Ae."

They theater was filled with the echoes of students chattering, which quickly faded away as the lights started to dim. Everyone clapped as a flash of light spotted on the stage revealing the Dean of the school. She walked up to the mic and introduced herself,

"Good Morning everyone, I am Min Cha-Ri the Dean of this school, and I would like to welcome you all. As you all know there are three stages to entering this school, which are Invitations, getting invited to take the examinations. Exam, to which you are tested on your knowledge in the four basic subjects, Mathematics, English, Social-Studies, and Science. Although this is a school for performing arts we still teach these four basic subjects, and last but not least, Live Auditions. In this round you showcase your talent and by tomorrow afternoon you will be contacted if you have been accepted to study here. This year we are giving away 2 scholarships to one boy and one girl, but you can only get the scholarship if you have the highest marks in both Examination, and Audition."

At hearing this everyone started to mutter, and whisper, turning to their friends or the person beside time discussing who they think will get the scholarships. Jin-Ae started to bite her nail, for she started to worry. She needed the scholarship, for she can't afford attending to the school just based on daily wages from part-time jobs. She started to look around the theater thinking to herself that everyone looks more talented than her.

The Dean cleared her throat and continued speaking diverting everyone's attention back to her.

"Now I know you all might be starting to wonder who both will get a scholarship, but that all depends on what you showcase here today. Now there are 20 Freshman's in total listen up. You all have 3 minutes on stage. You will dance, and sing; you can also perform as group or duet, it's all up to you; For the dance you were already notified of the song you need to dance to. Since it's 3 minutes per person if performing as a group or duet depending on how many people you have your time will be added together. Also at the end of the auditions there will be a surprise performance from your seniors. Good luck everyone, we will start in five minutes with the singing round, this round will go according to your seat numbers."

Everyone clapped as the Dean walked away and disappeared behind the curtains. Jin-Ae looked at her seat number to find that she was number 19.

Five minutes later

The audition started with the first girl. Jin-Ae was shocked at hearing the level of high notes that girl could hit. She was getting more and more nervous with each passing second. Soon it will be her turn, but she was starting to loose faith in herself as she heard the vocal talents of everyone before her. They sounded like professionals who had vocal coaches, while she was just self taught, and doing covers on YouTube. Jin-Ae bit her tongue as Min-Seok the guy beside her got up and walked towards the stage, "Break a leg," his sister shouted.

"Too soon," he sucked his teeth. Jin-Ae laughed as she whispered, "Good Luck."

Everyone clapped for Min-Seok including Jin-Ae when he was finished. Other freshman commented that he sounded like the real artist of the song. As he sat back down beside her,

Jin-Ae got up and nervously starting walking up to the stage.

"Good Luck,"


"Break a leg,"

"Do your best,"

She heard as she walked past her peers. She tightened her fists as she stepped on to the stage, taking a deep breath she walked towards the pianist as whispered in his ear and gave him two sheets of paper. Everyone was curious as to what she was doing and what she was going to sing.

"Didn't she have her instrumental prepared?" Someone asked in the crowd, which made Jin-Ae more anxious than she already was.

When she was done she walked center stage looking at everyone sitting before her. She closed her eyes and thought, "Mom this is for you." Smiling she turned her head towards the pianist and nodded nervously. The pianist turned around and started playing following the music notes on the sheets she gave him.

Soon after the music started her voice broke free.

"I've never been one, to step out of my comfort zone.

Whenever I try, I'm afraid to just let go.

I've never been one, to break free,

cuz I've always cared what everyone thinks of me.

Don't know why I run. Don't know why I hide.

Never let them know, what I feel inside.

Don't know why I'm scared just to take a chance,

while I'm just standing here.

Like a bird, I'm free to fly.

Spread my wings and find my light.

Like a bird, out of the cage,

I'm up so high it's my time to shine.

Like a bird, I'm free to fly,

so tell me, tell me, why don't I."

Next chapter