
Kings Game

Kill the King, Take the Crown, Become a God. After losing his family and his home, Roran is thrown into a world where power is everything and the weak are nothing but fodder for a growing empire. The ever churning arena keeps the Empire entertained and gives the downtrodden a chance to rise up and gain fortune, fame, and--if you can climb high enough--the opportunity to challenge the Kings themselves and take their throne as your own. Finding a handful of companions, Roran picks up a blade and sets out to conquer the arena and tear down the men that destroyed his life. [This is a writing endurance challenge. I will be attempting to update this story every single day for a year. My goal is to take the story through a series of arcs leading up to a grand finale.]

LiaScribbles · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Chapter 11 - Hounds (5)

Roran's intestines slowly started knotting themselves together. The knots grew tighter when the Captains saluted back at Chase. They wore the same uniforms as the people who had ordered that Roran and his kinsmen be expelled from their homes. Forced to seek refuge in King's City, or make a long desperate march to another kingdom a world away.

One of the Captains broke rank and grabbed Chase's hand, smiling.

"Chase, my friend, how have you been? How have the wardens been treating you?"

"Not bad Klaus, not bad. I can't believe they made you a captain. I thought for sure they would get sick of you and toss you overboard."

"Oh they tried, I was just too crafty for them."

"I'll believe that. Well, congrats on your promotion. So, who are your new friends?"

"Allow me to introduce Yessin, and Mora. They were promoted alongside me after the conquest of the Aurin Peninsula."

Chase shook their hands. "Good to meet you. Congratulations on your promotion."

"It's an honor," said Mora, "I've heard great things about your hounds."

"Happy to have a mutt of my own," said Yessin.

"These are not mutts," said Klaus, "These are King's Hounds. The finest warbeasts in this world. Some say they are descended from the legendary beast, Inkala."

Yessin grinned at the hounds. "Looking at the size of them, I can believe it."

"How are they trained?" asked Mora.

"They're trained to protect you every hour of the day. No assassin or attacker will be able to slip into your room unnoticed. They can also kill on command, as well as track and takedown an opponent without killing them. I've written a detailed list of commands here. Overtime, you'll get to know the hound as they get to know you. You can also ask any other captain about their hound."

"And should they perish in combat?" asked Yessin.

Chase winced but said, "Should the unfortunate happen, the generals are pretty quick to issue new hounds. They like keeping their high ranking officers well guarded."

"You're as talented as ever," said Klaus, clapping Chase on the back again. "And who's your friend over there?"

"That's Roran, he's been helping me look after the dogs. I'm hoping to make a warden out of him."

Roran did his best to smile and nod. His face hurt from clenching his teeth so hard.

"If you're as good at training wardens as you are at training hounds, I'm sure he'll make an excellent warden."

"Oh he's got plenty of talent without my help. Did you hear, he's the one that took down Gress the unkillable."

"Really?" said Yessin, "I'm surprised anyone could kill that fool. I tried to poach him for my battalion but he always turned me down. Tell me boy, how did you kill the unkillable?"

Before Roran could respond, the man waiting by the gondola cleared his throat.

"Apologies for the interruption, but we are on a schedule."

"Ah, yes," said Klaus, "We should get this done and get on our way."

"Right, if you will all do me the favor of holding out your non-dominant hands."

The officers complied and Chase went about buckling a small leather strap to each of them, each one of a different color. Finally, he handed all of them a small, leather-bound pocketbook.

"The straps have the scent of each hound imbued into them. You won't be able to smell it but the hounds will. It will help the hounds with adjusting to you. The books contain care guidelines and all of the commands the hounds know. With these, you'll be able to command the hounds almost as well as I do." Clearing his throat, Chase pointed at Klaus and said, "Alum, guard and obey."

The hound dipped its head and then went to stand by Klaus. Chase repeated the process for Mora and Yessin, assigning them Oda and Torra. Once the hounds were happily sitting next to their new officers, Chase shook hands with each of them and sent them on their way.

Klaus paused and hugged Chase. "It was good seeing you again, old friend. Next time I have shore leave, let's catch up."

Chase gripped him tightly and said, "Of course, of course. And you can pay this time, Captain Klaus."

Klaus laughed and let go of Chase. Squatting down, Chase took the opportunity to pet Alum one last time.

"You be a good boy for Klaus, okay? I know it gets scary out there but you'll be fine."

The hound whined at Chase but wagged his tail and obediently followed after Klaus when he left.

The Captains and their furry new companions reboarded the gondola. An invisible signal was given and the rope above was pulled tight. The gondola lurched and was pulled up into the air, ascending back towards the flying ship.

"Always bitter sweet these moments are." Herda trotted over to Chase and leaned against him. "I know girl, I know. I've still got you." Turning to Roran he said, "Come on, let's get cleaned up and get the hounds settled away. I'm starving and I'm sure you're twice as hungry as I am."

Together, Roran and Chase repacked the bags and herded the hounds back down into the kennel. They worked in silence, Chase still solemn after letting go of his hounds and Roran still recovering from the shock of seeing people in the same uniform as those that had forced him out of his home. Once they were done, Chase locked the hounds back in the kennel, Herda included, and smiled at Roran. It was a soft sad smile.

"Want some food?"

Roran wasn't hungry but decided he needed to eat so he nodded.

They headed for the warden's mess hall and grabbed a couple plates. At the kitchen, the cooks spooned tubers and vegetables onto their plates. At the end of the counter Beefy was carving up a large roast. He served them each a slice of meat.

"Give the kid an extra slice, he needs the protein."

Beefy shrugged and carved another large portion off for Roran.

They took their food and found a spot at one of the many tables. Chase dug into his meal while Roran just sat and stared at his.

"What's wrong? Not hungry?"

Roran shook his head. "It's not that, it's just...Those people, they wore the same uniforms as the army that captured my hometown. They looked like the people that stole our home from us."

Chase nodded. "Yeah, same uniform, same army. The King's Army likes to be flashy with their red and gold."

"It was just a shock I guess."

"I don't blame you," said Chase. "I was the same way at first too."

"What do you mean?"

"The King's conquered my homeland too. The same army that took your home took mine as well."