

In a world where mortality is the norm, stepping on a nobles path might lead to death. Our tale of a solitary immortal, King Agir, unfolds. With the weight of past loss on his shoulders. Agir is driven to protect his people and create a world where nobody should fear harm or death. Guided by his conviction, he embarks on a formidable journey to reestablish the future he envisions, despite the complex trials of familial ties and hardships he must confront. Against heartbreaking sacrifice, Agir's quest becomes an epic struggle between the fervor of immortality and the delicate fragility of life. Follow along, in his journey. This book is posted On WebNovel, RoyalRoad and ScribbleHub. On ScribbleHub you can find my patreon, Ko-fi, and other wayst to support the book, and me :D. IF you find it somewhere else, it's a rip-off from any of those channels.

SharpedGalaxyPenci · Fantasy
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6 Chs

A King's stroll

A couple of months had passed since the incident.

"Do you need anything, my dear? Water? Something to eat?" Zac's eyes, tired from lack of sleep, darted around anxiously.

"Could I have a cup of water, and also a blanket?" Bella requested

"Yes of course, Is there anything else you need?"

Bella delicately wrapped her baby in a soft blanket, securing him like a rolled sandwich. Their little one gazing up at her with big, mesmerizing eyes that shifted between black and yellow. It was a sight she had never seen before.

"No, thank you, dear. Please rest. You've been doing so much these past few days. You need some rest," Bella insisted, her voice filled with care and affection.

"I'm fine, as long as you and our son are okay,", but his slumped posture and vigilant eyes betrayed the weight of his true feelings.

Zac had undergone significant changes since the incident. His demeanor had softened, but grief and worry still haunted him. Bella could sense that he hadn't forgiven himself for what had transpired. She held no blame towards him for the actions of those fanatics. Even with Zac present, she knew the outcome might not have been different. He couldn't have fought several men at once.

"Zac, you're working, training, taking care of me and our home. You need to rest," Bella urged, expressing concern. "Some of my friends are coming over later. Please take a break then. We'll take Darian out for a short trip."

"Who?" Zac asked softly, attempting to conceal his worries.

"The usual group, Gwen and the girls. Bella reassured him. "Yes, my dear, we'll be fine. I don't think anyone would dare to attack a handful of women in this small village, especially when we're walking to Master Valentina's estate. I can still call on Master Valentina if needed."

"Fine... I'll take a short nap," Zac reluctantly agreed, his weariness evident.

A short time after a couple of knocks could be heard at the door.

"Who is it? Bella asked with a raised voice

"It's hot ladies! Now open the door. You wouldn't leave such fine ladies standing outside for so long, would you?" Laughter resounded from outside their home.

Bella nearly dropped Darian, recognizing her friend's shameless voice. "Coming, coming," she called out.

They had taken steps to enhance the safety around the house, reinforcing the doors and windows with better locks.

As Bella opened the door, she was greeted by her friends, each holding their children. Gwen held Stina's hand, while cradling her one-year-old son in her arms. Bella couldn't help but wonder how so many women in town had given birth within such a short span of time.

Her friends stood with smiles on their faces, ready to embark on their outing. They were her anchor, but Zac and Darian were her boat.

"All I see is a bunch of sweaty ladies outside my home!" Bella's voice carried a playful tone.

Laughter erupted from the group. "Bella, we all know you're blind in your left eye, and your fashion sense is nonexistent," one of her friends teased.

"I'm not blind anywhere, and I happen to like this dress. It belonged to my mother before she passed away," Bella defended, her voice tinged with a hint of defensiveness.

"That's what we're saying! You're probably wearing your grandma's clothes!" another friend chimed in.

Bella couldn't help but feel a tad self-conscious about her fondness for flowery clothes. She knew it was futile to argue with her friends, especially Gwen, who had a penchant for debates.

"Just give me a couple of seconds. I'll grab some small things and let Zac know that we're leaving," Bella said, determined to gather everything before their departure.


On their way to Master Valentina

"Bella have any of those shits been pestering you anything ?" one of Bella's friends asked.

"No..." Bella's voice had a meek tone, and it was evident that she was terrible at lying to her childhood friends. They knew her too well.

"Don't lie to us. Be honest," Gwen interjected firmly. Since the incident, Gwen and the girls had taken swift action against some of the women, delivering punishing blows to teach them a lesson. However, their actions had been restrained when the village guards caught wind of the situation. No official reports were filed due to the previous incident, as nobody wanted to draw the attention of the Royal guards to their small village.

"Only a few times, from a distance when I'm at the market. But nothing near my house or where I feel safe," Bella finally admitted.

"Those bitches, I'll choke them out next time. We don't need pests like them in this village," Gwen declared angrily.

""No, no! We don't need more violence. Life is already tough for all of us," Bella interjected, trying to pacify the situation. Her daughter, Stina, asked a question innocently, unaware of the context. "Mom, what's a bitch?".

Her other friend was furious, she used to be a devoted believer of Valgus.

"These monsters used to be my brothers and sisters at the temple. Now, I can barely see them as anything more than wargs in human skin."

"Don't talk shit about wargs, Lakka. They're much better than these lowlifes," Gwen retorted.

""What do you know about wargs, Gwen?" One of the girls asked

"I don't know. I just felt like it was unfair to the wargs," Gwen replied.

Trying to make sense of the confusing conversation, Bella shared their plan with her friends. "Zac and I have been discussing moving to a safer place, where we don't have murderous neighbors. We've asked Master Valentina for advice on finding work and housing."

A chorus of surprise erupted from her friends. Gwen was almost spitting as she spoke, causing Stina to wince in pain from her tightened grip. "Mom, it hurts!" Stina exclaimed.

"Sorry, sweetie," Bella apologized, realizing her unintentional tight grip. "Bella, why haven't you told anyone before?"

"We didn't want to make a scene, and we were unsure where to go. You guys are the first I've told," Bella explained. Her friends were a joy to behold, always emotionally expressive and ready to share their thoughts on the situation.

"So, where is it?" one of her friends asked, eager to know the details.

"It's a coastal city, closer to the capital," Bella responded as they continued walking. As they proceeded further down the road, two hooded figures emerged from Master Valentina's grounds. A small golden medallion hung around their necks above their white hooded garments adorned with intricate red lines.

"Halt! What brings you to these parts, peasants?" one of the hooded figures demanded with a forced authority.

Suddenly, a subtle force seemed to press upon them, urging them to respond quickly. They were not familiar with the mages.

Darian could sense their magic attempting to pry for information about them. However, he was currently unable to retaliate. It would be several years before he could summon his more formidable and enduring servant. Any attempt to cast spells would only bring harm to himself and potentially put everyone in danger. But he made a mental note to remember them for a future encounter.

"We are here to visit Master Valentina," Lakka responded, her voice almost sounding dazed. The rest of the group had a distant look in their eyes, as if they were under some kind of hypnotic influence.

"She's going to teach us hand-to-hand combat, to help us protect ourselves," Gwen chimed in, mirroring Lakka's response.

Curiosity tinged the question of one of the hooded figures, "What is your connection to Valentina Blackmane?"

Bella glanced at her friends, a sense of unease washing over her as they began to exhibit strange behavior. However, she mustered her courage to speak up in defense of their connection with Valentina.

"She's a friend of ours, someone who has always been there to help us in times of need," Bella replied, her voice filled with sincerity and determination.

"Friends? The Blackmanes don't have friends," a pushy tone came from one of the hooded figures, their skepticism evident.

"Release th..." the other figure attempted to say, but their words were interrupted by Bella's outcry.

"What are you doing to my friends!" she shouted, instinctively stepping in front of them, clutching her son tightly in her arms.

In that moment, a door flung open, revealing Valentina standing there with a drawn weapon in hand. Her eyes narrowed as she observed the scene, immediately recognizing that magic had been cast on her guests.

"I don't recall granting the vanguards the authority to interrogate my guests. Release them," Valentina commanded, her voice laced with authority.

"We mistook them for beggars seeking to disturb your presence, Master Valentina. We beg for your forgiveness," one of the hooded figures responded, bowing their head in submission.

As if obeying an unseen command, a whisper could be heard, but no facial muscles moved. Some form of magic projected an image of a person, detached from the caster's own movements.

"I don't care what you Vanguards do behind your closed doors, but never use your magic against the people of this village ever again. "A threatening warning could be heard.

"Of course, Warmaster, please forgive this misunderstanding. We were foolish to take something so grand in our own judgment. Please forgive this foolish mistake," the other hooded figure pleaded, his words filled with contrition and humility.

"Threatening the Vanguard over a petty squabble with some lowly peasants? I know we were in the wrong, but do you believe the Masters in our guild will stay silent if you dare to bully us!" sneered the individual who had previously cast the spell, his voice dripping with arrogance and superiority.

"You little pipsqueak, trespassing on my land and thinking you can do as you please in my village. You would do well to remember that my patience has its limits. Go ahead, report to your masters if you wish. The Blackmanes won't back down from anyone," Valentina retorted, her tone laced with defiance.

"I will deal with this insolent one later," the more silent figure spoke, sweat now trickling down his forehead, surprised that this foolish knight would dare to stand against Valentin

"We're leaving, please forgive us," the spellcaster hastily added. Vanguard would never engage in a war against the Blackmanes, especially not for such minor transgressions.

"You forgot to say something to my guests," Valentina reminded them, her voice commanding.

"Yes, of course, please forgive us," the spellcaster replied, casting another spell, as their legs start to shine.

"If I ever see you two here again, don't think about leaving here. With all your limbs attached. " her voice cold and commanding.

Everyone blinked dumbfounded wondering what the hell just happen.

"Come inside, we need to discuss your training, Valgus, and your future plans, Bella," Valentina beckoned, her tone inviting yet assertive.


Inside the small chapel, villagers knelt in prayer, seeking solace and guidance from a higher power. The lofty ceiling created an atmosphere of tranquility and reverence.

"Priestess! What should we do?" a believer knelt before a woman adorned in a golden robe, her dark brown hair cascading down her shoulders. Seated on a wooden chair, she attentively listened to the concerns of her followers.

"Yes, of course! Shouldn't we inform the bishop about the incident? It has been months since the birth of the demon," another believer inquired, expressing a sense of urgency.

"Our bishop will be informed when the time is right. For now, his presence is required elsewhere," the priestess responded, her words carrying an air of divine knowledge.

"What then shall we do?" a sense of uneasiness lingered in the believer's voice.

"We wait", she whispered.