
Kings And Queens

21++ Mature Audience Only Why? Why he doesn't want to touch me? I've already become his wife?" Helena doesn't know how to act, feel sad or happy? The man is married to her, didn't even glance at her on the first night. How lowly is she in the eyes of King Aarez? If not for Queen Revania's request, Helena would not want to marry King Louis. A man of all perfection, Even King Louis Aarez already has a beautiful Queen and two empresses. e He is an idol for the people of Aarez."

Sita_eh · Teen
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178 Chs

Louis Aarez: Come and play with me, Helena

The sound of Louis' footsteps echoed in the very quiet Aarez Kingdom's library. And this makes the atmosphere even tenser. What's more, the King's face doesn't look good at this time.

Previously, Louis suddenly came to Helena's Little Palace, but unfortunately, he couldn't find Helena at that time. And after ordering the guards to track Helena's whereabouts, only then did he know that Helena was in the library room of the Aarez Kingdom.

Things that Louis never thought of before, if a royal consort of Aarez who still looks young, is more interested in textbooks than him who is the ruler of Aarez.

But behind it all. There's been suspicion from a Louis since long ago. When Revania was alive, and she once said that Helena was an intelligent woman. It's just that luck was not on her side, so the young woman could not continue her education at a higher level.