
Kings And Queens

21++ Mature Audience Only Why? Why he doesn't want to touch me? I've already become his wife?" Helena doesn't know how to act, feel sad or happy? The man is married to her, didn't even glance at her on the first night. How lowly is she in the eyes of King Aarez? If not for Queen Revania's request, Helena would not want to marry King Louis. A man of all perfection, Even King Louis Aarez already has a beautiful Queen and two empresses. e He is an idol for the people of Aarez."

Sita_eh · Teen
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178 Chs

Louis's Request: Helena Accompany Soaked In The Bath

Helena felt that there was something different from Louis's current attitude. There was no smell of alcohol that could be smelled and stuck to the body of the man who was already on top of Helena's body.

There were no more hateful stares nor high-spirited anger. "King Louis?" called Helena in a low voice.

Helena's body seemed to be under hypnosis when she realized that Louis was starting to kiss her neck. There was a feeling that made Helena, like being lulled back.

"Why haven't you answered my question yet, Helena? Are you dressed like this because you want to tease me?" asked Louis, who was already straightening his face.

"King Louis, isn't this untrue?" Helena asked nervously. She was just afraid that Louis' anger would explode again quickly.

The two faces were so close, Louis could even see Helena's smooth skin. Likewise with Helena can see the side of the handsome face that is owned by King Aarez.