
Kings And Queens

21++ Mature Audience Only Why? Why he doesn't want to touch me? I've already become his wife?" Helena doesn't know how to act, feel sad or happy? The man is married to her, didn't even glance at her on the first night. How lowly is she in the eyes of King Aarez? If not for Queen Revania's request, Helena would not want to marry King Louis. A man of all perfection, Even King Louis Aarez already has a beautiful Queen and two empresses. e He is an idol for the people of Aarez."

Sita_eh · Teen
Not enough ratings
178 Chs

Dilara & Emira

Dilara is busy playing with her cellphone, watching the model demonstration with the latest fashion that makes her eyes sparkle. 

"Hey! look at this!" point Dilara to her sister.

Emira, who had been watching her nails, immediately turned to Dilara with a curious look. 

"What's wrong? Don't tell me that you want to buy those clothes. But… hah…" Emira was surprised by what she saw when Dilara's cell phone was in front of her.

"Gosh… this is good, and we should have it soon," Emira said, who was more excited than her sister.

"As I expected, my choices will always be good. I should be able to become a model because this outfit would fit my perfect body," Dilara said arrogantly.

"Uhmm? But, is Dad going to give us more money? You know, ever since that woman came in and became a member of the palace. Dad was so angry, and he cut our pocket money down," said Emira sadly.