
Chapter 3: Qin Royal Capital

258 B.C.

In a village in a small Rural area a bit away from the city of Sai... No sound can be heard from there... However there are a few old looking people with cloaks walking by as if the current mood isn't affecting them....

One of the old women walked to one of the houses in the village only to see the head of a adult male with short black hair and besides it is a body of a female with long black hair and green eyes...

"What a clean cut...." Said the only woman before she moved a bit further where she saw a young baby sleeping.... Before picking her up.

She then looked at the tag on the baby

"Kyou Kai.... Is this fate that she has the same surname as my tribe?..... Anyways good Job Kyou Sha.... You killed everyone in this village on time"

"This is all due to your training Elder" said a young girl in her teens before looking at Kyou Kai

"Will we be bringing her to the tribe Elder?" Said Kyou Sha

"Mhm, We will be bringing all the children that are under 1 years im this village" Said the Elder



2 weeks later....

Kyou En's Pov:

In the training grounds of a certain castle... There can be seen a young boy practicing his spear....His sweat causing a small puddle in the ground as he spoke every time he thrust

"3789" "3790" "379-"

"Young Master!!!!! Its an Emergency..... Young Master!!!!" Said Advisor Rai Ki as he quickly rushed to the training grounds with tears in his eyes.

"Huh?! Whats wrong Advisor Rai?" I said as I stopped doing what i was as I knew it must be something important... and now that My Father and Mother are on Vacation, I'd be the one that the Advisor reports to although he has most of the Authority.

".... Lord Kyou Ren and Madam Kyou You have both been found dead in Ku Ja village...." The advisor said as he continued to cry

!!!?? Huh... Impossible.... Father and Mother have been... Huh no this isn't right.... I swore to protect them....

"Advisor.... This isn't a funny joke....." I said while knowing myself that he wouldn't joke about this... However I needed hope.... But Alas....

"I'm sorry to say this Young Master..... But they have both been found to be dead... Seems like they were killed by an Assassin...." Said the advisor

"Huh? What do you mean old man!!! What did you say happened to Mother and Father!!!?" Said another childish voice which was from Kyou Yi who was woken up from the sleep he got while watching his older brother train.

..... I can't believe this happened .... I promised to protect my Father, Mother, Yi and Kai.... That's right!!?? Kai!!

"Advisor, you only mentioned Father and Mother so Kai must be safe right????" I said looking towards the advisor for hope....

"I'm afraid I don't know about her situation...The soldiers that went there after losing contact with My Lord couldn't find any traces of her..... We suspect that she was taken away....."

!!!!! Noo this can't be... I think to myself as I see Yi crying with blood in his eyes....

This must be even more painful to him... He's only 4 years old...

I walk to him before patting him in the head trying to comfort him.

"Yi don't worry you still have me" I said while crying

Yi looked at me for a bit before he stopped crying

"You won't disappear on me right brother?" He exclaimed

"Wahahaha did you forget who I am? I'm the son of Kyou Rei and above all... I am your brother... Do you really think something can happen to me??" I said trying to think of how my Father would've talked in a situation like this which made me cry even more....

This made Yi start to tear up again before we started hugging each other and cry



2 Months later.....

Kyou En's Pov:

In the city of Sai.... All of the citizens can be seen together crying while looking at the grave thinking about the person that was just buried in it.....

"Kyou Ren Sama" 

"Lord Kyou Ren"

Father was incredibly loved and was seen as a good lord who cared for the people here....I thought to myself as i started to remember the past

'Wahaha, You actually managed to injure this soldier a bit... As expected of my Son Wahahaha"

"EH, impossible... Even if its a simulation battle and you had more troops than me.... How did I lose against you?" My father said looking flabbergasted before he shrugged and laughed "Wahahaha I was just going easy on you but as expected of my son" Said Kyou Ren as he shamelessly tried to keep his pride.


".... En why are you still not asleep yet? Huh!!!"

Said a young woman who looked to be in her twenties with long black hair and green eyes that was glaring at a young child.

"Mother?? Sorry I wasn't able to sleep hehe- OW, That hurts Mother" Said a young Kyou En as his Mother pinched his nose

"En, I'll be counting on you to protect your family when we get Older ok? Hehe" Said Kyou You

"Mhm, don't worry mother, I'll protect you and Father and Yi no matter what happens" the past me said looking determined

Mother..... I thought of while tears coming from my eyes

However this isn't the time for this.... I thought, while looking behind me and seeing all of the people of the City there crying....

"....My Father Kyou Ren was a good man.... Although he sometimes bragged too much and shamelessly lied.... He was someone who cared for me... Cared for everyone here as well and always tried his best to work for the good of the city..." I said grabbing the attention of the Citizens

"I'm only 9 right now.... I don't have the courage and intelligence my Father had to make sure that everything in the city is organized, My Father's dream was to make this city Flourish alongside all of us.... Therefore.... Starting from here on, Not only will I inherit my Father's title.... I will also be inheriting his dream...." I said before looking determined and deciding to speak to them.

"I hope all of you Will help me with your abilities in making this city develop" I said as I cupped my hands and showing my respect to these people

All of those people in the city starting tearing up with emotion... Mostly of sadness for the death of the Previous Lord.... Some with Pride that the previous and current Lord are people that care for the citizens.... However despite what they were all feeling.... Every single one of them cupped their hands and knelt down to show their acknowledgement and respect to their new lord.

"Yes Sir, We shall do our utmost best to help you Sir Kyou En!!!!!!"



3 weeks later

Advisor Rai Ki pov:

"Good work Kyou En Sama" I said as I looked at him tired from the paperwork....

Both Lord Kyou En and Kyou Yi Sama' s life changed drastically due to the events that happened..... Kyou Yi sama is now training to become a Tactician... Something that surprised most of the people in the castle... What was even more surprising was that even Lord Kyou En sama agreed to it.... 

As for Kyou En sama....

He's been busy ever since the deaths of Lord Kyou Ren and Madam Kyou You.... but despite that, he still continued working even harder than before.... Even when he Trains, It's normal to see blood coming from his hands whenever he's training nowadays 

"This is the minimum I'm required to do as befitting a lord for the city of Sai" Said Kyou En

"Anyways.... I've finished all I can for now.... Can I count on you to look after the city Rai Ki dono?" Said Kyou En...

A few days ago, he was called to the Palace to inherit His title and since he's not of age, he has to receive permission from them. It's around the time he has to go there now.... Must be hard on him ...

"Yes Sir! You do not need to worry as I will do my best."

"Mhm" Kyou En nodded in satisfied 


Kyou En's Pov:

I'm currently traveling in a luxurious looking Wagon that is headed to the Palace.... There are currently 100 elite soldiers from the city of Sai protecting me and-

"Hey brother, are you fine? Why are you zoning out like that???" Said Kyou Yi who looked a lot more mature than before.....

Right.... Kyou Yi... He's also coming along because he wanted me to find a good Mentor for him since he wants to become a good Strategist....

Normally I would've refused him... But I couldn't when i saw his eyes.... He had the same determination that I had....

"It's nothing Yi, Rather than that... How is your sword training going?" I said while grinning at him knowing he doesn't like that topic

"Eee it's going good brother" Yi said trying to hide his nervousness and the fact that he hates training due to not being really talented in it.

Hehe, how cute I thought of while patting his head which caught him off guard





I'm currently in the Palace in the Royal Captial of Kanyou speaking to a high ranking official about how Advisir Rai Ki will have most if the Authority for important stuff until I become of age and how the Soldiers of Sai aren't fully under my command unless they in the city.

Which means it'll be the same as before but I won't have full command of the troops from bringing them to war or out of the city and they're purely the guards of Sai unlike my Father who had full command over them because they were his subordinates when he was a 5 Thousand Man commander.

Most of what they told me was similar to what my Advisor Rai Ki predicted so I'm fine... Other than that, They gave me the Token of Lord for proof that I'm the Lord of Sai.

I also met with the King earlier and gave him a short greeting.... He looked pretty old but his eyes still looked like that of a child... He doesn't look anything like the Rumors of being the God Of Wa at all.... But he was definitely special.... He had this unique Charisma that attracted me to him.

Now that I'm done with inheriting ny title, I just need to find a good Mentor for Yi... Which I have someone in mind but am not sure if he will be accepted due to this guy's rank....



"Hmm you want me to Tutor Your brother Kyou Yi? Said a tall man with a long Black Beard and a square hat.... He gave of the aura of a general yet he wore the clothes of a court official....

So this is Great General Ko Shou.... The pressure he's giving despite not being an enemy is incredible. 

"Yes Sir, although my brother is young... I believe he is talented in the art of war..." I said as I saw Great General Ko Shou looking at my brother who was beside me nervous.

"Hmm I'll have to test him first.... What about you? Do you also want me to Teach you? You are also young but you seem knowledgeable." ko Shou said looking at me wondering what I'll reply with.

Hmm me? I never really thought much of this as I planned to just do get normal teachings from my Mentors in the City of Sai unlike my brother who I wanted to be taught here in Kanyou that has plenty of talented people unlike Sai ince he wants to become a Pure Strategist.... However now that I think about it.... If I could train under the person said to be the Best Strategists among the Qin 6 Great Generals then it would definitely help me....

"Yes Sir, It would be an Honor to be your students" I said before kneeling a bit to show my respect which my brother followed.

"Hmm, Don't get happy just yet, You still have to pass my test.

"Yes Sir!!!" Me and Yi both said 


"Hoh... Kyou En... Your results are pretty good.... While Yi.... Although your results are less than the requirements to pass... This test was never meant to be for a child of your age... Yet you still did good considering your age.... You both pass."

"Thank you for your gratitude Si- Teacher!"

"Mhm don't worry about it" Said Ko Shou before heading out.....

"Kyou Yi will stay here while you sort out your stuff before returning here Kyou En" Said Ko Shou said before leaving.

It seems he knows that I'm the lord Of Sai.... If I want to train under Sensei who's at Kanyou... Then I guess I'll have to count on Advisor Rai Ki for most of the work.... I'll also have to go back to Sai every once in a while to check on things....

I thought of before getting ready to leave for Sai....


5 Years Later

Author's note: Heya guys again 😎 alright.... This is the last info dump chapter I swear 😭 lol, From now on... It's actually plot time fr....

If you all wanted to know what timeline we in now then we at 253 B.C. right now and for the ages

Kyou En: 14

Kyou Yi: 9

Shin: 6 (Shin first goes to war when he 13 so 7 more years till we in the story noobs)

Kyou Kai: 5