

Meal who is chosen by sign in system trevel to desolate kingdom of sole and cultivated his sole to the point where he travelled freely between living world, world of sole and world of heaven now in this novel we see how nobody become sole God and train many disciples.

Purvang · Fantasy
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Chapter 4: The Awakening of Power

As Kael and the Guardian stood in the forgotten courtyard, a surge of energy pulsed through the air, enveloping them in its warm embrace. With a flash of light, Kael felt a powerful force coursing through his veins, awakening something deep within him.

The Guardian watched with a knowing smile as Kael's form began to shimmer and glow, his features becoming more defined and radiant with each passing moment. "You have been chosen, Kael, to inherit the power of Asura City," they whispered, their voice filled with pride.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Kael closed his eyes and allowed the energy to wash over him, embracing the gift that had been bestowed upon him. In that moment, he felt a connection to the city unlike anything he had ever experienced before—a sense of belonging that resonated deep within his soul.

As the energy subsided, Kael opened his eyes to find himself transformed. His once-tattered clothes were now replaced with garments of fine silk and intricate designs, adorned with symbols of ancient power. His body radiated with a newfound strength and vitality, his every movement filled with grace and purpose.

But it was not just his physical form that had changed. With the power of Asura City coursing through his veins, Kael felt a deeper understanding of the world around him—a knowledge that transcended mere mortal comprehension.

And then, as if by instinct, Kael reached out with his newfound abilities and summoned forth the Beginner Gift Pack—a collection of artifacts and treasures imbued with the essence of Asura City. With a wave of his hand, the pack materialized before him, its contents shimmering with untold potential.

Among the treasures, Kael found the Immortal Asura Body—a sacred relic said to grant its wielder unparalleled strength and resilience. With a sense of reverence, he donned the artifact, feeling its power surge through him like a tidal wave.

But it was not just physical strength that Kael gained. Within the Beginner Gift Pack, he also discovered the Asura Sutra—a sacred tome filled with ancient wisdom and knowledge passed down through the ages. As he flipped through its pages, Kael felt a sense of enlightenment wash over him, his mind expanding with each word read.

With the Immortal Asura Body adorning his form and the Asura Sutra in hand, Kael knew that he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. With a determined expression, he turned to the Guardian, his eyes ablaze with purpose.

"I am ready," Kael declared, his voice filled with conviction. "Lead me to the next step of my journey."

The Guardian nodded, their eyes gleaming with pride. "Follow me, Kael," they said, gesturing towards the shimmering portal that had brought him to this place. "Together, we will venture forth to a world beyond your wildest imagination—a world where the power of the soul reigns supreme."

With a sense of anticipation coursing through his veins, Kael stepped forward, his gaze fixed on the swirling abyss before him. With a surge of energy, he crossed the threshold into the unknown, his heart pounding with excitement as he embarked on the next chapter of his destiny.

For in the kingdom of Asura, where the echoes of eternity whispered on the wind, Kael's journey had only just begun. And with the power of Asura City by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and carve his own path to greatness in the desolate realm of the soul.


As Kael stepped through the portal, he felt a shift in the very fabric of reality around him. The familiar sights and sounds of Asura City faded away, replaced by a vast expanse of swirling energy and ethereal landscapes.

He found himself standing on a precipice overlooking a breathtaking vista—a world unlike anything he had ever seen before. Mountains soared into the sky, their peaks obscured by wisps of clouds, while rivers of molten lava snaked their way through the valleys below.

In the distance, Kael could see a towering citadel rising from the horizon—a beacon of light amidst the darkness that surrounded it. This, he knew, was the heart of the Desolate Soul Kingdom—a realm where the power of the soul reigned supreme.

With a sense of awe and wonder, Kael began to make his way towards the citadel, his footsteps echoing off the rocky terrain. As he journeyed deeper into the heart of the kingdom, he could feel the power of the soul pulsating all around him—a tangible force that seemed to infuse every rock and blade of grass with its energy.

But as Kael ventured further into the kingdom, he soon realized that he was not alone. Shadows lurked in the corners of his vision, whispering secrets and half-truths in the darkness. He could sense the presence of other beings watching him from the shadows, their intentions unknown.

With each step, Kael felt the weight of the world pressing down upon him—the weight of destiny and the burden of responsibility. But he refused to falter, drawing strength from the power of Asura City that flowed through his veins.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Kael reached the gates of the citadel, its towering spires reaching towards the heavens. As he entered the ancient halls, he was greeted by a sense of reverence and awe—a feeling that he was standing on the threshold of something greater than himself.

And then, as if on cue, a figure emerged from the shadows—a man clad in robes of purest white, his eyes ablaze with inner fire. "Welcome, traveler," he said, his voice resonating with power. "I am the High Priest of the Desolate Soul Kingdom, and I have been expecting you."

Kael bowed respectfully, his heart pounding with excitement. "I am Kael, servant of Asura City," he replied, his voice steady. "I have come seeking knowledge and guidance on my journey."

The High Priest smiled, a knowing glint in his eyes. "You have come to the right place, young Kael," he said, gesturing for him to follow. "Within these halls, you will find the answers you seek—and perhaps even more."

With a sense of anticipation, Kael followed the High Priest deeper into the citadel, his mind filled with wonder and curiosity. For in the Desolate Soul Kingdom, where the power of the soul reigned supreme, anything was possible. And Kael was ready to embrace whatever challenges lay ahead on his path to greatness.

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