

Meal who is chosen by sign in system trevel to desolate kingdom of sole and cultivated his sole to the point where he travelled freely between living world, world of sole and world of heaven now in this novel we see how nobody become sole God and train many disciples.

Purvang · Fantasy
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Chapter 1: The Desolate Kingdom

In the heart of the desolate kingdom of Sole, where the sun had long set on life, a solitary city stood as a testament to the remnants of a once vibrant civilization. Asura City, as it was known, was a bastion of the living amid the sea of the dead. Its towering spires and ancient walls cast long shadows over the barren landscape, a stark contrast to the crumbling ruins that lay beyond its gates.

Within the city's confines, the people of Asura toiled tirelessly in the cultivation of their souls, seeking to harness the ancient power that flowed through their veins. For in the realm of Asura, it was not the strength of the body that determined one's prowess, but the depth of one's soul.

The path of cultivation was a perilous journey, fraught with danger and uncertainty. From the humble beginnings of a Soul Fighter, to the lofty heights of a Sole God, each stage of cultivation brought with it new challenges and trials to overcome. Yet for thousands of years, no soul had dared to venture beyond the limits of the Sole Emperor, the pinnacle of mortal achievement.

Only a select few had ever reached such heights, their names etched into the annals of history as legends among men. But for the vast majority, failure meant not only the loss of their dreams, but the slow decay of their souls—a fate worse than death itself.

In Asura City, where hope flickered like a dying flame, the struggle for survival was a daily battle. The streets were filled with the sounds of desperation and despair, as the people fought tooth and nail to cling to their fleeting existence. Yet amid the chaos and despair, there were those who dared to dream of a brighter future—a future where the barriers between the living, the dead, and the heavens themselves could be torn asunder.

For in the kingdom of Asura, where the echoes of eternity whispered on the wind, anything was possible for those brave enough to seize their destiny.