
Kingdom Of Elites

"The vigorous battle lasted for 2 years,upon hearing this news yujio decided to put an end to it "oh man I gotta stop another war how many will there be,I guess I should go "Yujio" I won't lose here,I will defeat you! *insinuation cannon type 0* let's see you try to stop this "malia" fires off an attack powerful enough to shake the entire universe,Yujio soon arrives on the battle field, Okay let's end this

*DIMENSIONAL RIFT:TYPE 2* dismembered malia's limbs sending it to another dimension in the process "Yujio" damn he got my arm,wait a minute somethings wrong I can't regenerate...this is impossible,I can regenerate for anything and everything so why can't I do it now "malia" it's simple really,I just nullify your regeneration.So just give up and die,DAMN YOU,*if I had punched him and he decided to punch back,he would have destroyed everything,including me*even if I can't regenerate i'll still fight,*ICE DRAGON:ABSOLUTE FROST*I'll freeze him from the inside out,drop his body temperature to absolute zero,freeze him.*DIMENSIONAL RIFT:TYPE 6*INFINITE DARKNESS*what,I can't see anything or even sence his presence,this power...what is he.My ice didn't even phase him,I'll have to create a barrier defense that can't be breached by anything.You think that will work,*destroys the barrier with one punch*say good bye*absorbes his soul*it seams you've completely transended all logic* Yujio,your one of 5 people in this world who have absolute power.And your light spear it has the ability to manipulate the particles that make up matter and the bonds between them and more...I don't think I can destroy it because of the fact that it has the ability to manipulate,create,and/or destroy abstract concepts.It can also use the ability to gain information on a person or object by analyzing them,and his eyes can manifest the ability to manipulate pathogens, illnesses, and viral infections of any kind.He can also touch someone and copy the powers and abilities of others through various mechanisms,even going as far to as being immune to conventional weapons including conceptual ones.So what will we do now,