

When Arne was eleven years old, he was told by his mother, “The animals lie sometimes, they lure you into something that’s a lie, and you forget where you are, you have to beware of that, stay away from them.” Until one day when Arne finds an injured flaming red rabbit and looks into the pair of the most beautiful eyes he has ever seen, it's eyes golden yellow the shade of the afternoon sun with a circle of brown chandelier centered in them, and he can't help but pick it up to sneak it off into his home and nurse it back to health. He was 19 now, and he didn't tell his mother, that at nights and days he had sneaked off before and made friends with animals, they never lied. Until..... Until one day he woke up and suddenly found a man with those same yellow and brown eyes looking at him as if he could snap Arne in half. When he asked the most dangerously beautiful man he had ever seen, "Who are you?" The man's voice whipped through the air like a lash, his yellow brown eyes hissed at Arne filled with hate and distaste, the man said, "You are not allowed to make any statements when I take you there, you are to be taken straight to the palace under the rules of the kingdom. Your mother has been arrested under the imputation of taking you from the King without assertion." "What, what are you trying to say?" Arne had stepped back from horror and confusion, "Where is my mom, where is my rabbit, what have you done? Mom!!!" He bellowed. No response came back. "Who are you?" he roared to the stranger standing with naked chest in his room, the man had countless abs and muscles, his body hard and glowing stark under the dim light of the room but Arne had his own strength, he was taller than the man, and he ran, every day, surely he could handle the man if he tried hard. He prepared himself for a fight and launched himself at the man, the man dived easy as air and picked up Arne with tight strong burning hands as if Arne weighed nothing, throwing him on to the bed. The last thing Arne remembered before losing himself to a bright orange haze that made his body languid and chest hurtle, was those vicious yellow eyes seeping, the man's golden pale face covered with flaming red hair, inches above him raking goosebumps on his skin. And those words, spoken with a hiss of a snake, "You are a prince, and you don't even know how to fight." WARNING: Will contain mature, sexual scenes. Read at your own risk. @ALL THE COPYRIGHT BELONGS TO ME.

Skindledreams · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Author's Note:

Dear reader,

First of all welcome and thank you for all of you for reading this book. Before you start reading this book, I want you to know this book is for YOU. For you to be proud of who you are, for you who try and never give up, for you who love courageously and endlessly and for YOU, who don't need acceptance and confirmation for the love they deserve to feel.

You deserve,

Yes, YOU.

Your grateful author,
