
Kingdom of Bones

Thud!! A book fell to the floor. "My Lady ,what's that?" Elenor asked curiously. "It's just a book , no need to be alarmed." Hattie replied as she bent to pick up the book. It was a rather strange looking book which was bound in red leather. It has various drawings of bones running along it's spine and it's title "Necromancy and the dark arts" was written in front of it, in gold. Hattie gazed at the book excitedly." This is it!" she thought to herself." I can finally bring my brother back from the dead." ______________________________________________ "There she is, just like I told you!" yelled the butler as he led the people to his mistress. "George?! You would dare betray me" exclaimed Hattie in utter disbelief. "I'd never be loyal to a witch" he replied. "Seize her !!" commanded the cleric. "All I want is to bring my brother back from the dead , please don't do this" she pleaded. "Silence witch! " the cleric yelled. "what business does the living have with the dead? Only a witch practices necromancy, it's a sin against the Almighty"."Guards!!! Take her away before she dooms us all". "No! let me go! You can't do this"Hattie struggled as two hefty men dragged her out of her home . "KILL THE WITCH! " "KILL HER!!!" the crowd chanted, waving their torches and pitchforks. Hattie was dragged to the village square to be burnt at stake. She was chained to a wooden pole and no matter how much she struggled she couldn't break free. "Call forth the executioner!!" the cleric yelled and a man dressed in black from head to toe made his way to where Hattie was chained , holding a blazing torch. The crowd parted to let him walk through . He got onto the stage and prepared to set the log on fire. "STOP!!" a voice yelled." I'm the one who told you she's a witch, so I should be the one to set her ablaze". "Very well then, come forth" the cleric beckoned. The owner of the voice moved to the stage and it turned out to be ....... "Elenor ? It's can't be! " Hattie screamed in disbelief. "But why? Why would you do this to me after all we've been through?". Elenor ignored Hattie, grabbed the torch from the executioner and set her mistress on fire. The crowd cheered as Hattie was burnt alive. Her screams of agony was like music to their ears and they all dance and celebrated her gruesome death. ______________________________________________ 200 years later; Ivory port , a small steampunk city is visited by a rather peculiar royal envoy. The next day ,the city is taken over by an army of skeletons and undead creatures. Humans are captured and taken to the castle. After her sister was captured and taken away, Viola Wallace plans to rescue her sister along with her unusual group of friends. Will they succeed? What happens when they stumble upon a huge secret in the castle and now it's up to the to save their city? Who's the lady who keeps appearing in Viola's dreams ? How is she connected to the mystery at hand? Who's the mysterious stranger who saved Viola's life and how does he know so much about the skeletons? Find out in Kingdom of Bones!!!!!.

Rjsherlock_100 · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Chappie 6

Meanwhile, at the royal castle;

The castle was very lively that morning as preparations were being made to welcome the King of Bonehelm and his envoy. The castle was decorated in the signature purple and gold color that represents the royal family. It was filled with bustling servants working hard to ensure everything was in order.

Tables were decorated, windows washed, curtains hung, flags and banners put up and so many other activities were going on. It was a very busy environment.

"You there, tilt the banner to the right....It's crooked"

"Manager Warren.... right away sir" the servant saluted.

Warren Steel also know as the perfectionist was the manager of the castle. His job was to make sure the castle was in perfect condition and that everything was in place. Due to his obsession with perfection, he took his job very seriously. No detail went unnoticed no matter how small or trivial it might be.

Warren was a stern looking man who was obsessed with the color white. Therefore, he was always seen dressed head to toe in white with a purple and gold handkerchief in the breast pocket of his coat .

He made his way into the kitchen to inspect the food and make sure it was absolutely scrumptious. The chef and other staff who worked in the kitchen stood on one side of the kitchen while he examined the food watching nervously.

He tasted all the food and found out it was absolutely delicious. Well almost all, there was a strawberry and cream cake still left .

He picked up a fork to have a little taste when he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. At the bottom of the cake , on the right hand side was a dead fly stuck in the cream icing.

Absolutely repulsed, he yelled at the cook."What sort of abomination is this?! A dead fly?"

"I'm so sorry Manager Warren, it must have gotten there by accident"

By this time all the staff in the kitchen including the chef were trembling in fear. They knew there was a chance that they could lose their jobs.

What is the wierdest thing you have ever found in your food ?

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