
Kingdom of Ashes

Martin_Robert · Fantasy
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11 Chs

The Hidden Prince

The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the quiet village of Willowbrook. Fields of ripening wheat swayed gently in the evening breeze, and the villagers began to close their doors and windows, signaling the end of another day. Among the thatched cottages and narrow dirt paths, a young man toiled in the fading light, his hands deftly stacking bundles of hay.

Eamon wiped the sweat from his brow and leaned against his pitchfork, gazing out over the landscape. To the villagers, he was just another farmhand, known for his kindness and hard work. But Eamon carried a secret that even he was unaware of. He was the last heir to the throne of Eldoria, the final remnant of the Dragon King's bloodline.

"Oi, Eamon!" A gruff voice called from the barn. "Quit daydreaming and get a move on. We've got a storm coming, and I want these bales inside before it hits."

Eamon turned to see Old Garrick, the farm's overseer, lumbering towards him. The old man's face was etched with years of hard labor, but his eyes still sparkled with a stubborn resilience.

"Sorry, Garrick," Eamon replied, lifting another bundle. "I'll get them in right away."

As Eamon worked, he couldn't shake the feeling of restlessness that had been growing inside him. For as long as he could remember, he'd felt like an outsider, like there was something more he was meant to do. The dreams didn't help either—vivid visions of towering castles, fierce battles, and a majestic dragon that seemed to call out to him.

The first drops of rain began to fall just as Eamon finished the last bale. He hurried inside the barn, securing the doors against the rising wind. The storm arrived with a fury, lightning splitting the sky and thunder rumbling like the growl of some ancient beast. Eamon watched the storm through a small window, mesmerized by the raw power of nature.

"Eamon," a soft voice called from behind him. He turned to see Maris, the healer's daughter, standing in the doorway. She was carrying a small bundle wrapped in cloth.

"Maris, what are you doing here?" Eamon asked, surprised. "You should be home with your mother."

"I needed to see you," she said, stepping closer. "There's something you need to know."

Eamon's curiosity piqued. Maris had always been a quiet and gentle soul, but now her eyes were filled with urgency.

"What is it?" he asked, his voice low.

Maris unwrapped the bundle, revealing a small, intricately carved amulet. It glowed faintly, casting a soft light in the dim barn.

"This belonged to your parents," she said, pressing it into his hand. "My mother told me to give it to you when the time was right."

Eamon stared at the amulet, feeling a strange warmth emanate from it. He looked back at Maris, his mind racing with questions.

"Your parents were the Dragon King and Queen," she continued, her voice barely a whisper. "You are the true heir to the throne of Eldoria."

Eamon felt the ground shift beneath him. He had always known he was different, but this? A prince? The rightful ruler of a kingdom he had only heard about in stories?

"How can this be?" he murmured, unable to tear his eyes away from the amulet.

"There's no time to explain everything now," Maris said urgently. "You must leave the village. Malakar's forces are on their way. They've discovered your identity, and they won't stop until you're dead."

Eamon's heart pounded in his chest. Malakar, the dark sorcerer who had plunged Eldoria into chaos, had been searching for him. And now he had found him.

"I can't just leave," Eamon protested. "What about Garrick and the others? They'll be in danger."

"They'll be safe," Maris assured him. "But you need to go. There's a man in the forest—an old friend of your parents. He will help you."

Before Eamon could respond, a loud crash echoed through the barn. The door had been thrown open, and shadowy figures loomed in the entrance. Malakar's knights, clad in dark armor, their eyes glowing with malevolent intent.

"Run, Eamon!" Maris cried, pushing him towards the back door. "Go, now!"

Eamon hesitated for a split second, then turned and fled into the stormy night. The rain lashed at his face, and the wind howled around him, but he didn't look back. Clutching the amulet tightly, he plunged into the forest, his mind a whirlwind of fear and confusion.

He didn't know where he was going or what awaited him. All he knew was that his life had changed irrevocably. He was no longer just a farmhand. He was Prince Eamon, the last heir to the Dragon Kings, and his destiny was calling.

As he disappeared into the darkness, a dragon's roar echoed in the distance, mingling with the thunder and filling the air with a sense of impending destiny.