
Well what now

After Nathan fully explained fully to the red shadow heartless what he saw on his stats page he then asked him what his name was.

" why in the holy hell would you ask me for my name."

" well if your fine with it I'll just call you little red then if you like it."

With a sudden jump, the red shadow heartless jumped on Nathan grabbed his collar raise the other hand write up to his eyes and said.


..... Completely and Utterly surprised Nathen was speechless and if he was honesty was one of the most surprising/frightening moments of his recent memory.


"ok then what do I call you then?"

" Wrath will do now I'm am sick and tired of this damn sewer let's get out of here."

" Ok Wrath just give me a minute some stuff happened before I came down here I need to figure out what the situations like up on the streets to see if the situation has cooled down a bit."

" what on this earth did you do. kill someone?"

" No, but I might have fallen in a bathe on Accident."

Wrath just looked at Nathan as if you just heard the most unbelievable thing of the year.

"What kind of shit luck do you have to have?do you know how many people would kill for that?"

" yay well, You have 20+ people come out you all at once and see how much you like it."

Nathan then went up the manhole cover only to see a Busy street with a few booths selling Food and other commodities right outside the alley he was at.

" hay wrath you mind staying in my shadow for a bit. It should be fine with the low-level guys as long as you don't bump into any master no one should realize that you're in my shadow as long as you don't say anything or attack anyone."

"I have a better idea."

With that wrath quickly jump onto Nathan's shoulder and turn into a little red blue-eyed shadow heartless plushy that Stayed there looking on in front.

" Are you insane everyone and their mom is going to see you either run for the hills or going to recognize me."

" relax Will you this is Rule number one blending in and avoiding people recognizing your face. If you don't have a face changing ability have something distracting that's next to your face that people are going to associate you with. its not full proof but you know how they say about hiding in plain sight and all that. it's by no means perfect but it's a lot easier than just walking around in town with a cloak over your head try not to stand out only draw more attention to yourself inevitably."

Faced with this Logic argument Nathan had no choice but to walk around town with an admittedly cut red shadow on his shoulder. Oddly enough wrath was right.No one stopped him or talk to him for that matter when he did get a few all they did was give a curious look or two. But that was mostly to the doll on his shoulder and not to Nathan himself. Nathan spent his day looking for info on how to join a union as soon a possible. He was far too alone and it would help if they could teach him the in and outs of this world. Lately, it seems that all he has someone to talk to was a red shadow that could somehow talk and a Jackwagon inside his head that was all to Vega at times. Then just as Nathan was getting Annoyed and on the verge of switching to hunt some more he overheard two kids talking about their Union they were in.

"I can't believe I got into the Ursus union now we can fight instead of always running away."

" See I told you there was nothing to worry about there git as I told you there was nothing to worry about there git any on right now.

" excuse me can you wait a second?"


" what do you want?"

" do you mind telling me where I can sign up for the unions a and which one is were?"

Upon hearing Nathan ask about where to sign up for the union the young man's attitude did a 180.

" sure no problem go down the street and up the stairs take a right it's the last building on your left there's no one place for different unions it's on the same building for all the unions as long as you pass the test you can decide which one you want to join. Then there give you a dream eater, a key blade and bangles then your good to go defeating heartless to your heart's content."

" Test what test?"

" ow it's easy they have this Crystal ball that can show how much darkness is in your heart as long as it's no more the 1/10 full of darkness then you're able to join."

" what if you have more darkness then that? you know darkness is every negative emotion it would be normal for most Adults to have some darkness. It's if you give in and act on it that should matter."

"no clue most recruits are relatively young and the one or two adults that try end up failing 9 out of 10. I'm not really sure what happens the one that fails most just walk out and what happens to them is not really anyone's concern."

"Ok thank you go celebrate with your friend have a good day."

As Nathan waved the two kids his smile quickly turned in to a deep frown.

" man this world is really killing my childhood I know it's all fun and games when you're playing a game but the reality is this Entire-time period is nothing but kids fighting literal monsters man what a drag."

" what do you expect with most of the adults having too much darkness are either gone leaving their kids orphaned or just abandoned. The kids have now we're to go plus they're innocent enough to not be corrupted fully yet making a literal almost perfect army of light."

" well heart what now? This is a real buzz kill."

" nothing has changed just your perception you need there resources and knowledge. If you want to survive what is the con."

" ya that so going to be a pain in the a** to deal with. Well, off we go you good with this wrath."

All Nathan got in Response to wrath was a slight shake from the now plushy wrath. which Nathan took as a yes.

" well off we go then."

As Nathan walked on his way to his next destination he and wrath failed to notice one hooded figure on the building silently looking down on them.

????" well well well isn't that surprising the little lab rat managed to survive. Hehehe well off I go then all the pieces are in place and it's time for my next step. May your heart be your guiding key."

As the master of masters turned away and walked he knew that he was turning his back on the carnage and destruction that was soon to follow this town and more so this vary world.

Ya going to be straight with you guys I know my consistency with chapter length is probably a real bumper and probably annoying but it's how I write but sorry none the less if you have any thoughts please let me know

Thanks to everyone how is still reading this?

And on a side not of my side not I see some one just happened to give me a power stone a couple of minutes ago so as thanks am Rel releasing this chapter early as of now

Martinercreators' thoughts