
And so the battle begins

Nathen was slightly taken back by the decisiveness of his opponent. But with what little battle experience he had with the heartless he quickly focused and got ready for his opponents first attack. Nathen quickly rolled out of the was and Proceeded to strike his opponent with his back turned after the opening blow.

"Not bad it Hurt like hell but take this Phoenix fire."

[Nathen quickly dodge!!]

Nathen jumps out of the way with a dodge roll.

"What the h*** man you have to wait for your Health to go down before you start the big moves first"

"Ow quit your bellyaching you baby how I cam from you only God knows"

Nathen quickly got into a fighting stance and quickly started the time-honored tradition of the hit and run tactic for what felt like hours but in reality, was only five minutes.

"what is up with your health why are you still not gon its been forever and a day"

" patients was definitely not one of our strong suits. It's a wonder that you could keep up that stupid hit and run combo for as long as you did. Now on to my final form, Phoenix rebirth."

"Crap crap crap no wait he's on fire for crying out loud "

[Relax Nathen his health is going back to full but his defense will be cut in have wall his attack has doubled the fire is for more of a show-off and doesn't do anything except stop you from messing with him Intel his done with healing.]

" I'm f*** can't do anything now except watch I guess"

[ not so fast I have a move that just might finish him off if you time it right but if you mess up your as screwed as a groundhog in a flash flood.....]

" well, what else do I have to lose I don't have the time, MP, or the patients to do the old hit and run anymore and something tells me he won't let me either."

[ All right listen closely and next time he throws a fireball or next powerful magical attack activate Reflect pile right as his attack come at you. Not only will it combine the three saved attacks from the fight but it will add on to the fourth one coming at you but be careful if you miss all the damage including the one you saved up Blows up right in front of your face. Kind of a do or die moment it's meant as a last resort which it looks like you're at.]

"Well puff its been cool see you in the next life if we don't make it."

[Speak for yourself technically I have already been forged as far as I'm concerned if you fail then I go to the other guy. You can go recurrent by yourself.]

" That is cold but what can I expect from a lizard so be it"

" You done having a chitchat with yourself I'm done healing up hope you're ready to die. Phoenix fire!!!"

" Reflect Pile !!!"

So I'm starting up again but this time with one a week up to date. Because of work and it will give me more time to think the plot through but if I'm honest I all ready know how I want it in this book is just a matter of getting to point A to point Z but that might change any way my first fight scene this part honestly the reason why I stopped for a While let me know how I did work in proof thank you for reading and for a one that’s keeping this book in your library

Have a nice day?

Martinercreators' thoughts