

Then his gray eyes stared at me with no emotion... "I'm sorry Maricella if I ruin your wedding day but you have something that I need,please allow me to demonstrate what it is.” And with that he wave his hand on my face and I am like a puppet who bent my head to the side exposing the naked skin of my neck. I scream in horror when I realized what he meant to do to me. Maricella found out that she's the cure who can save the entire breed of vampire. Her blood, which had gone through so many changes, appeared to be the only thing her creator, Lord Theo the last Nightwalker, needed to become a full immortal. But will she accept it if the price to save her loved ones is to forget her one true mate? Can their love for each other conquer this new ordeal or will their love be forgotten forever? Read to find out more.

LJ_Knight · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Chapter -10 Ordeal

I am surprised seeing we're not just the only one that is present in the office room.

One old Lady was sitting on the chair in front of King Theo's office desk, and one older man was standing near a big window, with a thick fabric preventing the light from coming inside the room.

They all stared at us once we entered the room.

The old lady was the first to greet me.

"Good afternoon Princess. How are you feeling today?" she walked the distance between us. My left hand automatically shields my stomach while my other one is in a fight position in case she tries to harm me.

Even though I can see through her eyes that she doesn't mean any harm, I can't just let my guard down

Seeing how I react, she quickly stop on her tract and gasp covering her mouth in disbelief.

"Please forgive me, Princess. I don't mean any harm. My name is Petula,

high priestess of the wolf.

I came here to help you and Lord Theo, please allow me to hold your hand." She plead like holding my hand will solve everything.

"How do I know if you're not here to harm my child and me." There's no harm in letting them know I'm bearing a child with me.

Maybe they already knew it from that Godly King who's seated in his office chair with face void of any emotion.

She continue her walk, that made me step back.

My eyes snapped to Martha when I felt her firm hold on both shoulders.

Confused, I turn my head slightly to see her face.

She has this knowing look telling me to let the priestess hold my hand.

I turn my head on both sides, not letting my guards down. I whisper to her.." How could you know if she won't hurt me?"

"Trust me. I can see our freedom after this" Martha's eyes are glimmering with hope.

I'm still hesitant not sure of what to do, but hearing the word's freedom sounds pleasant to my ear. I nod my head and stop backing away.

I waited for the Priestess to come closer, and when she's just right in front of me, I lift my right hand unsettled if I did the right thing, letting her touch me.

She smiled, thankful that I gave in.

She grasp for my hand and envelop it with hers.

Closing her eyes, she chant an ancient prayer that was so foreign to me.

It's like dejavú remembering when Martha did the same and predicted my future.

I felt a cold chill run down my body as her power seethe from her palm to mine. I can feel her power running in every fiber of my body.

After a few seconds, she let go of my hand and lead me to the double-seater couch.

I thank her, relieved that I can sit. I feel a little dizzy from what she did, and the soft leather couch help me relax and steady my heart's rhythm.

"Are you feeling much better, Princess?" She observes my movement after a few second she gave me a satisfied


"Yes, a bit, so what will happen now?" I asked her wondering how could a touch can help us with this problem.

She smiled, reassuring that everything is going to be okay.

Then she glance to that Godly King who was thoughtfully staring at me from his office desk.

Meeting his eyes, I felt a chill run down my body.

I scolded my self for being affected by a small stare coming from him.

Damn pulled!

"Well..." The Priestess voice breaks our stares.

Staring back to her, I saw her gave me a curt smile before continuing.

"Princess... I am aware that Lord Theo was not your real mate..." She said, glancing back to that Godly King before meeting my gaze again.

"And I know very well the family of King Damien, your real mates' father. I am a close friend of queen Sophia. Please forgive me, princess Maricella. I am the reason why you are here, far away from your loved ones." She tried to hold my hands, but I flinch away, not wanting her to touch me again.

She didn't touch me again and gave me an understanding look.

"I was summoned by Lord Theo to help him figure out a solution to his problem.

And I didn't hesitate to help him knowing its for the benefit of all vampire.

Just like you, I am a Hybrid, half-wolf, and half-vampire.

I inherited the vision to see the future, and I saw you.

You were destined to be here whether you like it or not." Her last words made me glare daggers on her.

"Even if I am destined to be here, that doesn't you guys have to hurt my love once's and force me to be mark and unbonded with my real mate!

Do you guys know how I feel about it?! It felt like I die over and over again..!

You guys can come to me and asked my help even if my mate won't agree for the sake of my love once I will do it, and I know he will understand!

Now, can you please get to the point because I'm growing impatience from your talking!" I spat at her, earning a gasped from Martha, who was standing near the couch where I'm sitting in.

Not caring, I stared back to the Priestess whose name is Petula.

Petula didn't waver to my words and seems like she's not being affected by my rude way of talking to her.

Instead, she gave me an understanding smile acknowledging my pain and suffering.

"Forgive me, princess. I only want you to know everything now going back to what I'm saying, You my dear princess, need to complete the mate bond so Lord Theo can walk finally in broad daylight."

"What?! you got to be kidding me?!" I stood up.

Shock overwhelm my whole body as I search her face for any hint that she's just joking.

But there's none.

Helpless, I felt my knees wobble, making me fall back to the couch.

"Now, I know its too much for you to take in, but its the only way. If you do this, Lord Theo promised to bring you back to your loved ones. If you don't. You will be kept in here till eternity." She said lastly before standing up.

My body stiffen I can sense blood rushing up to my head.

I hate them all!

Whom are they to imprison me here?! Whom are they for making me feel hopeless and I have no choice.

"I'll leave now its your turn to make a deal with the Princess Lord Theo, I hope you make a right decision.

The Wolf King,The family of Blue blood fairy and The Great Wizard of all wants you to know that they hated bringing back the pass. The alliance between the earthy world and demon world must not be thrown away only for your own reason..." She said meaningfully before leaving the room together with the old man who was standing before near the window.

Hearing the click sound of the door being closed.

I saw that Godly king walk and seat next to me in the couch feeling uncomfortable from his presence near me,

i move to my side till i feel theres no place to move,luckily i felt Martha's hand presses on my shoulder letting me know i am not alone.

"I know you hated me so much..." He said watching my every move.

"I'm sorry..." He muttered out of the blue that almost made my mouth agape.

I stared bewildered from what just came out of his mouth.

Did he just said I'm sorry to me?!

"You're sorry won't bring back what I lost and what I'd been suffering..." I gruff on him.

Huh! He think it's that easy to be able to forgive what he just did?! His wont gonna catch me with those expressive gray orbs of him..

It will take more than a sorry to forget what he did to me,to my father and to Dalton.

"I am well reminded of my mistake so let's make a deal." He offered afterward.

"Huh..! Do you think I would easily buy that?!

Im not stupid!

I know that if i mark you we will be inseparable.

Then what?!

I'm not gonna let myself stuck in here!

If I can't be with my real mate." I emphasize the last word I'm saying to him.

"I'd rather die than to be with you?!" I spat at him which made his eyes glistening as anger flicker on it.

In one moment I was out of Martha's grip.

Everything went so fast that in second I saw blurry things like we run in the speed of light.

I was now laying in his bed,him hovering over me.

I scream in horror when I felt him parted my legs, I tried with all my forced to push him away but I can't!

His way too strong for me even if he channel some of his strength when he mark me,that didn't help much...

"I am trying to be nice and sincere to you but you can't just shut your mouth and clearly state my mistake.

I'm sorry if I'm not the perfect one in your eyes but neither you are! Either I have to force you to mark me or you will do it yourself i don't care!

I know far too well that if you don't do it, there will be a war between your beloved demon world and this earthy world.

It is up to you to decide.

I gave you and your  parents immortality.

In return you give me my freedom to walk in the day light...!" He sneered through gritted teeth.

Within a second I felt my body weigh lighter and I saw him out of the bed staring at me.

I quickly covered my self pushing the black satin blanket over my shoulder.

Cold chill engulf me like I was whip splash by it.

I sob in my hand not knowing what to do.

I cried and cried until there's no more tears coming out of my eyes.

I felt so weak yet I can't make myself fall into sleep..

Thinking he was gone I scan the surrounding.

I was surprise meeting his expressive gray eyes staring back at me with sadness in his eyes.

I was the first one to gaze somewhere else.

I can't stand looking in his eyes.

Somehow today he was different.

His letting his guard down making me see all the hidden emotion in his eyes.

I saw him turn his back sitting at edge of the bed.

"This morning I tried to walk in the day light" He pause somewhat waiting for my response but I didn't say anything so he continue...

"At first I thought I won't be burn in the sun but as the sun rise above the sky I felt it again. Bringing back so many old memories.

The sunlights is like a fire burning my skin down to my bone.

I tried to fight it but it's too much that I cowered back to the shadow of this castle." He chuckle pathetically.

He turn his back facing me.

I felt my heart sunk seeing how sad and hollow he looked right now.

It was like deep inside his heart his looking for somebody to comfort him,longing for someone to love him.

He must have been sad and lonely for a very long time.

"Do you know what I feel when I saw what I created together with my fellow friends freely walking in the broad day light?

I felt jealously seeping through my bone!

Why me?!

I created all of you to be immortal but why only me?!

Why can't I walk in the day time?!" Anger was plastered in his face but the agony was so evident in his eyes that I can't help the tears to fall down in my eyes. I can feel how sad and lonely he is right now,raising my arm i invites him for a hug.

Just like a child who needed love from his mother.

He move in the bed and let me engulf him in a hug.

There was no malice nor hidden lust it was just me and him being two immortals that needed to console each other.

I start to realized that everything is all in my hand.

It was a hard thing to decide.

I want to be selfish but I know it won't bring any good.

I can't let a war start because of me and neither will i let so many live be wasted because of this.

The fact that I could be with Dalton was enough for me to take the risk.

Soon I'll be embracing my freedom.

Happy reading xxx

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