1 another ordinary day

life is so very intrestimg for majority of the world but it is not the same for wu daozi .

wu daozi is your everyday school boy who lives a ordinary plain and boring life.its 8 in the moring now, wu daozi is preparing to head to school as usual packing his bag ,wearing his uniform closing the door heading to start his yet another boring day.as he approaches his school he could feel a mild tingling feeling in his heart an indiscribeable overwhelming feeling of longing. he smells a wired attracting aura in the air. he follows it oblivian about other matters in his mind.after a hour long pursuit of his he finally came to a garden a place so full of life and happiness ,filled with beauty.as he continues to follow the trails of the sweet aura he arrives in front of a cherry tree fully flushed with life, mild breeze accompanied by the flasy sunlight. it falls on on her plae white sking shing as an ivory ,hair black as the night sky,eyes blue and calm as a lake. i slowly approached her
