
Crossing over

Disclaimer - I own nothing but the plot

How many cycles until it ends? What was it? A million in the lands of ancient lords? Ten million in the land of fallen kingdoms? A hundred million in Lordran. Each time, on the second last walk through of these lands I have considered my eternal prison I would regain my former strength and memories barring the land of ancients. The land would have nothing there except the god like beings. And I would slay them all. And finally on the last there would be nothing remaining, but for me to let it fade. Even if it where but a single punch, they would fall. On the last time through the land of Loridan, the Soul of cinder knelt to me, remembering the times I had rekindled the flames over and over, knowing it would be no Match for me. At least that Is what I like to tell myself.

I had tried being the lord of hollows. It worked for some time until the flames descended from the sky. This time… this time will be different. Instead of doing what I have always done. Either link or let it fade. I will steal it for myself. This time the cycle will surely be broken!

Instead of plunging my hand or the dropped coiled sword into the fire, I would focus not only my own power but the power I had left behind those infinite cycles and simply graph it to my very soul. Encasing it inside my indomitable will, where my Pyromancy flame recides.

I can feel my soul burning, the fire trying to fight back, feeling threatened before finally giving up… or is it welcoming it's first and possibly only host? I did not know. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath preparing myself for the surge of power that would surely come. Suddenly a pain unlike any I had felt before, even from linking the fire for the first time! My being was being torn apart by the strength that now surged through my body.

I felt my vision wane as I was forced to kneel down, my arm on my leg to support myself. My armour, fully reinforced with titanite by Andre himself began to turn a molten red, if anything where to touch it with a medium effort it would surely warp and flake. Until it all stopped. A WHOOSH and THUD was heard and an ancient Wyvern stood, towering over him. It looked at it's master in concern. It once stood in defiance like any pride descendant of the ancient dragons. But like all, it respects strength above all else, so it pledged itself to him.

A rift opens, made of flames. Big enough for the both to go through. So they do.

"Oh great one from the worlds beyond please hear my call!" The voice of a woman echoed through the void of the flaming tunnel

"Who are you!? Show yourself!" Responded the Tired warrior weary of the voice

"I am sorry oh great one. But I am unable to show my physical self to you. I plead for your help for a cycle of hatred running eons if not longer has reached a peak. A demon full of hatred and a list for more power, a Hero of courage and a princess though young, is filled with wisdom. The hero has fallen and has finally woken up. Please of mighty one. Please guide him for his memories are long gone and has no drive, no guiding hand like many heroes before him."

"Very well, but first; tell me your name. And I will request a favour once my job helping the hero is complete" replied the host of fire, aiming to get as much as he could without seeming too absurd.

"Very well. I am Hylia, goddess and creator of the land of hyrule. I accept your wish, whatever it may be within reason, it shall be granted"

A portal, not of fire but of kind light opened in their path, pulling them off course.