
King Of War - Yang Luo

Yang Luo was once a king of war who made soldiers of all countries fear. He was a famous killer judge in the underground world. He was a talented doctor in the world medical field. He controlled the mysterious organization gaomai. His personality is arrogant and arrogant, and he is a means to achieve his goal. He is full of ruffian, and all kinds of beautiful women work for him

tolfenle · Urban
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30 Chs

South Korea Beauty

Seoul, Korea

A Rolls Royce slowly drove out of a manor, followed by a dozen black luxury cars. The electronic induction door slowly closed after the motorcade left.

In the middle of the manor stands a three story villa, with security guards patrolling everywhere. In a bedroom on the second floor of the villa, there are dolls on the bed and underground. Clothes are thrown everywhere. The most nosewatering thing is the pink underwear and brassiere thrown on the floor. The people on the bed are covered with quilts and their faces are covered, only their long hair dyed in colorful colors is exposed. When the first ray of sunshine in the morning came in, a pair of pink arms stretched out. Slowly, his long white fingers lifted the quilt, and a delicate face appeared in front of him. His long eyelashes shook. I opened my misty sleepy eyes, and after a while, my big eyes began to look good, and my eyes began to turn.

Looking at the sunshine outside the window, he showed a charming smile, stretched himself and sat up. The quilt slipped down to reveal his thin and white shoulders, his round and firm chest, and two bright red buds. When I was in a daze, I seemed to think of something. The corner of my mouth pouted and revealed my lovely dimples. Jump from the bed to the ground, long legs, that mysterious black forest makes people fantasize.

Take the Pink Tulle pajamas beside the bed and put them on your body. Through the sunlight through the window, the perfect body | can be seen faintly. This is more eye-catching than completely. I went to the floor mirror to look at myself and smiled with satisfaction. If you are seen by any man, you don't want to commit a crime.

He raised his fist in front of the mirror and said, "Jin Zhishan, you must refuel. That lecheron can't escape from the palm of your hand." Then he opened the door and went out quietly. When I came to the door of a guest room, I opened the door gently, but when I saw the empty room, the smile on my face disappeared immediately, and it was really anger on my face instead.

I went to the bed and picked up a piece of paper. It said: you Witch wants me to give up the whole forest | Lin, there is no way to marry you. My ideal is to soak up beautiful women all over the world. How can I give up such a promising rogue career for you. Don't look for me. You won't find me. Goodbye

"You bastard can't run away. Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I'll catch you back." With that, he tore the paper into pieces, and then heard the sound of banging things in the room.

Several big men in black clothes were playing cards in the living room on the first floor. When they heard the sound of smashing things upstairs, their faces changed. Several people winked at each other, stood up and quietly walked to the door. Just as I walked to the door, I heard a clear and sweet voice saying, "Uncle Cheng you, where are you going?"

"Ah... Ah... Haha... Zhishan, we want to go out for breakfast." The leader, a man in his forties, laughed and said. The remaining few people echoed, "yes, yes, we went out for breakfast."

"Really?" Jin Zhishan askew his head and asked suspiciously. Staring at them with beautiful eyes, his eyes turned wildly, and he didn't know what he was paying attention to.

Kim Ji sun suddenly smiled and looked at them with innocent eyes. People who don't know her will think she is a good girl. However, the following big men couldn't help shivering when they saw her smile: "I don't know who's in trouble after all.

What people can't imagine is that this witch didn't torture them, but went to Li Chengyou's side, grabbed his arm and shook it for a while. Her sweet smile can melt any man with an iron heart. "Uncle Chengyou, help me to tell my father that I want to go to China."

When Li Chengyou looked at her, he trembled for no reason. He knew that there must be no good things coming. He heard Jin Zhishan say to go to China. Are you kidding? It's going to kill the master. There is only one daughter in the Jin family. She's very precious at ordinary times. How can she go to China.

"No." There was no hesitation to refuse. "Uncle Cheng you, please, please help me. I won't bother you anymore." Jin Zhishan said tearfully.

"Zhishan, if you want to go to China, you have to say it yourself. It doesn't matter what we say. You also know that the master is strict with you. It's not good to go far in China at ordinary times, let alone go to China."

"Hum!" He shook off Li Chengyou's arm, and the tears that were supposed to flow disappeared. He said angrily: "you know how to bully me. I'll go to my mother and she will promise." Then he ran out and came to the garage. A pink Ferrari top sports car parked there, opened the door and went in. Boom! There was a strong engine sound and a harsh sound came from the wheels rubbing against the ground. He took a pink line and disappeared in front of Li Chengyou.

Li Chengyou shouted: "protect the young lady quickly and never have an accident." Several people hurriedly got on the car and chased after them, but when they got on the road, they could only see that the tail lights were getting farther and farther away from them.