
King Of War - Yang Luo

Yang Luo was once a king of war who made soldiers of all countries fear. He was a famous killer judge in the underground world. He was a talented doctor in the world medical field. He controlled the mysterious organization gaomai. His personality is arrogant and arrogant, and he is a means to achieve his goal. He is full of ruffian, and all kinds of beautiful women work for him

tolfenle · Urban
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30 Chs

Solve a case

Wei Yong said in a deep voice, "hurry up." A dozen people quickly walked out of the office building.

Liu Shijie follows with a sullen face. It seems that this boy is not popular here at all.

Wang Tong couldn't get away from it. Later he stopped struggling and let him hold him. Her face was covered with a layer of frost. No one had ever treated her like this when she was so big.

Yang Luo got on the bus with Wang Tong in his arms and said with a smile, "are you still angry?" Wang Tong said nothing with a cold face.

Yang Luo rubbed his nose and said, "I'm doing this to make Liu Shijie give up. He's harassing you." Wang Tong still doesn't speak.

As soon as Tan long got on the bus, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. As soon as he shrunk his head, he wanted to get off the bus. Wang Tong said coldly, "Tyrannosaurus Rex is driving."

Tan long sat there with a bitter face and an honest face. "Miss, it has nothing to do with me that Yang Luo made you angry."

"Cut the crap! I'm driving."

Tan long lit the fire and turned on the alarm. He followed the car in front of him to Haiyi villa. He didn't say a word on the road. He was afraid of causing trouble.

Wang Tong's face was cold all the time, and Yang Luo was not talking. Ten minutes later, the car stopped at Haiyi villa. This is a three story villa, which has been blocked and cordoned off by the police of the police station. The outside is surrounded by people watching the excitement.

Wei Yong got out of the car and said, "what about director Li? Have you found anything?"

Director Li is a middle-aged man in his fifties. "Lao Wei! The deceased was a woman named Qu Fengxia. She was 32 years old and single. She died after her throat artery was cut off by a sharp weapon. There was a blood fingerprint on the wall. I think the killer was too flustered after killing the person and left it carelessly."

As he walked into the villa, Wei Yong asked, "what else?"

"The scene of the crime was turned upside down. I suspect it was robbery that killed people."

Entering the hall, director Li said, "the deceased is on the second floor."

More than a dozen people went to the scene of the crime on the second floor. The deceased was lying on the bed with blood all over him in his pajamas. The whole room had been turned upside down. There was a handprint on the wall beside the bed of the deceased, and five finger prints were clearly visible.

"Has the medical examiner come yet?" Wei Yong carefully inspects the scene.

"It hasn't come yet. I guess it's almost there." Director Li replied.

"Who found out and called the police?"

"It was the neighbor of the deceased. Every morning, they both went out for a run. Today, the neighbor of the deceased came to her, rang the doorbell for a long time, but didn't open the door, thinking that something was not at home, so she went back. It was only at one o'clock in the afternoon that the neighbor of the deceased felt something was wrong, because they ran smoothly, and would call her even if there was something. When she came back, she didn't knock on the door, and then she called the police."

Yang Luo walked up to the dead man and sighed and said, "it's a shame to die so beautiful."

"Hum!" I don't know why Wang Tong gets angry whenever Yang Luo speaks.

With a smile, Tan long went to Yang Luo and whispered, "you're a brave boy."

Yang Luo said, "I'm not afraid of elder martial sister."

Tan long curled his lips. "OK! When I first saw you, I knew you were not a good boy."

Yang Luo laughed: "I tell you, when I was a child, my brother had a wish to be a professional rogue and a beauty in the world."

"How many friends have you had?"

Yang Luo said without thinking: "there are 80 without 100, and most of them are foreign girls."

Tan long rolled his eyes and said, "you can blow it. You can't die anyway."

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