
King Of War - Yang Luo

Yang Luo was once a king of war who made soldiers of all countries fear. He was a famous killer judge in the underground world. He was a talented doctor in the world medical field. He controlled the mysterious organization gaomai. His personality is arrogant and arrogant, and he is a means to achieve his goal. He is full of ruffian, and all kinds of beautiful women work for him

tolfenle · Urban
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30 Chs


Wang Tong stood up and said, "I just want to go to the bathroom. Let's go together." Looking at Yang Luo's rigid body, "go, aren't your stomach uncomfortable?"

Yang Luo dawdled and followed Wang Tong to the bathroom. As soon as he got in, he took out the phone. "Hey, Feng Kun, where are you?"

"I'm eating." Feng Kun seems to be chewing.

"Fuck! I'm still eating. I'm with a beautiful woman in the riscale open-air restaurant. Come and eat with me." Yang Luo said with a smile.

"Boss, you are so wise and powerful. You can think of me when you eat with beautiful women. I'll be there soon."

Yang Luo put down the phone and smiled, "shit! I finally found the one to pay."

Before the proud laughter disappeared, Wang Tong was heard shouting outside: "Yang Luo, how long do you want to take it inside?"

Yang Luo went out muttering, "I just made a phone call and didn't arrive for a minute." But now she is in a good mood. "Hurry back, I'm hungry."

Wang Tong looked at him suspiciously and said to himself, "isn't this bastard stimulated too much by me? His spirit is a bit abnormal. He was about to die just now. It's really strange how he can be so energetic now."

Back at the dining table, Yang Luo picked up the 82 year old Lafayette and opened it. A strong smell of wine drifted away in an instant. "Good! Good!" I stood up and filled Wang Tong, then poured it on myself: "come on, Xiao Tong, let's drink to celebrate that I solved the case on my first day at work and that you found my handsome boyfriend."

"I've never seen you so narcissistic." Wang Tong said angrily.

Yang Luo laughed: "you don't understand. It's not narcissism, it's self-confidence."

Wang Tong didn't pay any attention to him, and Yang Luo stopped talking, aiming at the lobster and eating it. You can eat it. There was a shout in my mouth, "yummy! Yummy! No wonder so many people like to eat it."

Those who can eat here are all rich and powerful people, who are regarded as the elite of the upper class. Seeing Yang Luo's Rogue eating style, they all frowned and looked at him mockingly.

"I don't know where this son of a bitch came from." A fat woman with a thick layer of powder on her face cursed.

"It may be a nouveau riche." There was a whisper of discussion.

Yang Luo didn't bother to pay attention to them when he heard this, but Wang Tong's face, which had always been flat, suddenly appeared a smile. If any woman saw Yang Luo like this, she would feel ashamed and even turn around and leave immediately. But for her, Yang Luo is very cute now, and her free and easy personality is full of attraction. This is a real man, not hypocritical to show his true self character. Such a man is reliable, which is much better than those men who are well dressed in appearance but extremely dirty in heart.

Yang Luo ate the whole lobster himself, which reminded him that Wang Tong had not eaten at all. This is the first time I'm a little embarrassed because I'm so big. "Why don't you eat, Xiao Tong? I'll have a look."

"Puchi!" Wang Tong couldn't help laughing. "I'm not very hungry. Eat it yourself." Then he looked at the dishes on the table and felt regret. How much does it cost. Finally, I secretly decided to take advantage of this bastard. I'll settle the account myself later. Otherwise, this bastard will really have to drink the northwest wind for a year.

Once again, I appeal to all of you to recommend collections. Looking at the poor recommendations and collections every day, I really want to cry.