
King Of War - Yang Luo

Yang Luo was once a king of war who made soldiers of all countries fear. He was a famous killer judge in the underground world. He was a talented doctor in the world medical field. He controlled the mysterious organization gaomai. His personality is arrogant and arrogant, and he is a means to achieve his goal. He is full of ruffian, and all kinds of beautiful women work for him

tolfenle · Urban
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30 Chs

Case solving 3

Yang Luo said: "from 3:00 to 4:00, it was just dawn. If you were wearing pajamas, would you meet someone you didn't know? Moreover, there was no sign of fighting and struggle at the scene. It was obvious that the deceased was killed unprepared."

Wei Yong nodded: "that's reasonable. How do you say we should track down the murderer?"

"Don't go after it." Yang Luo's words stunned everyone present. "The killer is ready to come out."

"Who?" Tan long couldn't help asking.

Yang Luo said: "immediately control the neighbor of the deceased, that is, the person who reported the case." At this time, Wei Yong no longer hesitated, and immediately ordered director Li to take Tan long to arrest him.

After a short time, Tan long ran back and said, "Captain! The man who didn't find him may have run away."

Wei Yong did not hesitate to issue an order: "immediately block all traffic intersections, especially bus stations, railway stations and airports, and send people to investigate them."

Yang Luo looked at director Li: "you are an old policeman. Why are you so careless? The reporter was the first to contact the scene. You didn't control her."

Director Li's blush: "I'm the blame. The suspect is about the same age as the deceased, and she is still a woman. At that time, she was crying. As soon as my heart softened, I let her wait outside to take a statement."

Yang Luo looked back at Liu Shijie and said noncommittally, "anything can happen in this world, especially love killing." Hearing Yang Luo's words, Liu Shijie's body trembled slightly.

Yang Luo smiled and went to Wang Tong's side and hugged her waist. "From now on, you are my girlfriend, so you should accompany me to dinner to celebrate the success of my first case." After that, regardless of whether Wang Tong agreed or not, he hugged her and left.

Wang Tong said softly, "let me go."

"Don't let it go."

"You rascal." Wang Tong was also helpless. His strength was not as strong as Yang Luo's. He could not earn it and had to follow him.

Liu Shijie stared at Yang Luo's back, his teeth creaking, and his sinister eyes became more and more intense.

Wei Yong didn't stop him either. Watching Yang Luo disappear, he said happily, "I didn't expect to find a treasure."

Standing next to him, Liu Bo said: "this boy's thinking and analytical ability are really too strong." Speaking of this, I looked at the blood fingerprints on the wall. "If we can solve the case, it will take a while."

Tan long said: "damn! How long is this boy's brain? I can see so many problems just by looking at it."

At this time, a middle-aged man in a white coat came in with a white box in his hand. "I'm sorry for the traffic jam on the road."

Wei Yong laughed: "there is no need for autopsy for the old road."

Lao Lu was stunned: "what's wrong?"

Tan long laughed: "the case has been solved."

"Ah? So fast?"

Wei Yong said, "OK, let's stop. Tan long called the funeral parlour and asked them to take the body away. Then, check whether the deceased has relatives and friends and inform them."


Yang Luo and Wang Tong got on a police car. "Where is Xiao Tong going to eat?"

Wang Tong said coldly, "don't shout so affectionately."

Yang Luosong shrugged his shoulders: "you are my girlfriend now. How can you call me if you don't call me that?"

"Who promised to be your girlfriend?" Wang Tong said foolishly.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!!! How can you not admit it when so many people hear that you don't play like this?"