
King Of War - Yang Luo

Yang Luo was once a king of war who made soldiers of all countries fear. He was a famous killer judge in the underground world. He was a talented doctor in the world medical field. He controlled the mysterious organization gaomai. His personality is arrogant and arrogant, and he is a means to achieve his goal. He is full of ruffian, and all kinds of beautiful women work for him

tolfenle · Urban
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30 Chs

Be A Quality Rascal

He mutters as he walks, and the clothes he wears are no different from those wandering psychopaths. People on the street kept away from him, fearing that he would suddenly lose control and make some abnormal behavior.

"Ah, hooligan, how dare you touch me." A woman screamed.

Yang Luo's eyes lit up when he heard the word hooligan. He ran over and asked, "hooligan! Where is the hooligan?"

The girl who was indecently assaulted was a girl in her twenties. Yang Luo pointed to a young man who was almost her age across the street and said, "that's him."

The young man said indifferently: "Hey! You have to be responsible for what you fucking say. Who saw me disrespect you?" The girl turned red and pointed at the young man, unable to speak.

Yang Luo walked over and looked at the young man up and down and said, "you don't look like a hooligan."

Upon hearing this, the young man said happily, "look! Look! This brother said that I am not like a hooligan."

The girl said angrily, "can hooligans write on your face?"

As soon as Yang Luo's eyes lit up, he reached for the young man's shoulder and left. "Follow me."

The young man suddenly felt his shoulder sink, as if he had pressed a huge stone. His body moved and he wanted to escape. His shoulder hurt. His five fingers were like a pair of pliers holding him tightly.

Yang Luo smiled and grabbed the young man's shoulder and left. The young man couldn't help following. As long as he stopped, there would be an unbearable pain in his shoulder.

Yang Luo took the young man to a quiet place and let him go. "Tell me what to do to be a qualified rogue."


The young man was shocked for a while, and it took him a long time to recover. "Is it still useful to teach?"

Yang Luo nodded seriously: "I have studied for more than ten years, but I don't know what to do to be a qualified rogue."

The young man smiled obscene. "It's easy to be a rascal. You see a beautiful woman touching her, her buttocks. You don't know that women feel really good in that place."



With a scream, the young man was kicked out by Yang Luo and knelt on the ground with his stomach covered. My face was twisted with pain, and large beads of sweat flowed down my twisted face.

Yang Luo sat down and grabbed his hair and said coldly, "what the fuck are you calling a rogue? It's just insulting the word rogue."

Speaking of this, he raised his knee to press the young man's head and hit it hard. "Bang", the young man's head suddenly tilted back, and blood flew in the air.

Yang Luo looked at the young man who was still fainting on the ground and said, "Lao Tzu is a man of culture, and I've fucking been in the University. Even if I want to be a hoodlum, I also want to be a hoodlum with culture and quality." Then he turned and left.

A heavily guarded courtyard in Beijing, nearly 1000 square meters, is planted with various plants. A quiet path paved with bluestone leads to an antique two-story villa more than 30 meters away. Weeping willows are planted on both sides of the path. A gust of wind blows, and the leaves clatter.

There were several people sitting in the hall on the first floor of the villa, all wearing military uniforms except an old woman in her late 60s and a very beautiful middle-aged woman in her forties. Both men and women have the smallest military rank and are also senior colonel.

A man in his forties, carrying the rank of major general, sat next to a middle-aged woman and hugged her and said, "Yaxin! Yang Luo will be fine. We all know where he is for so many years." Yaxin is Yang Yaxin, Yang Luo's mother, and this major general is his father Chi Jianjun.