
A mysterious encounter

In unknown world where life seems a a bit comfortable a man is standing holding hands with unknown person who seems to be in a truance with unblinking eye. The man seems to be looking for something, which which is unexplainable.

It seems like the only thing he values is hideath for the facial expression are solemn and angry which seems like an awful episode that has happened in a thriller movie. Though he has an awful look he seems to be rich person of a royal family and power and he looks so weary Look he has been stripped of that privilege.

An elder in certain city V is much conflicted of whereabouts of his son an the heir of the throne

And safety of the whole kingdom and his future lineage of kingship and inheritance as the most conflicting issue on how he will address his subordinates about the whereabouts of his sfeasing man is walking in unknown land with a lady who look more same like his twins in dark street with few people walking like a waving crane on its rails and life looks ordinary to all people and businesses are at its peak and thugs and robbers seems to be feasting on someone's victory with the knowledge of an incoming danger their way.

A man is walking with a lady who also looks calm though tm, thinking ruthlessly on how she is going to avenge and get justice for her family and if friends for the anguish cost towards the people she care most.

A man is calm and looks harmless like a troubled child who has no intentions of accepting his parents request