
Ch 3

Hayley POV

We have been driving for hours non stop. All this while Killian didn't let go off me. Somehow I relaxed into his arms, it has been a long long time since someone hugged me this way.

I had dozed off in between, I was so tired I didn't even realize when I slept.My head was resting on is chest while his hands were on my waist.

The sun is already setting, my neck too has started to hurt now.

I look out of the window, tress sprint by and I notice a board which if I am right read Pennsylvania !

What are we doing here? I slightly look up at Killians face. His eyes were shut and his warm breath was touching my face. He was so beautiful yet dangerous.

"Why are we in Pennsylvania?" I ask in a low voice trying not to irritate him which could get me killed.

Killian opens his eyes. I am scared of him but it was his eyes that drew me in the most - a striking shade of grey, intense and deep, reflecting a sense of wisdom and a hint of mystery. His gaze is both intriguing and intimidating, exuding a sense of dominance that is both alluring and slightly unnerving.

"My home is here and you will be safe here" He replies short

I didn't say anything to him afterwards. My mind went back to the memories I didn't want it to wander into, at least not right now.

One of the few most painful days and years of my life. I couldn't help but start thinking about my life if my parents were alive. I wouldn't be in this situation right now, I would instead have completed my college and would have been stressing about my job interview like any normal girl.

All of these thoughts and the grief mixed with intense fear of what this man might do to me started making it hard to concentrate or even keep my eyes open. Every sound seemed amplified, and the light feels harsher to my eyes. I become acutely aware of my heartbeat, throbbing in my temples in sync.

A soft moan escapes from my mouth as I start to feel more discomfort and without a thought I lean more into Killian's chest trying to lessen the headache by any way possible.

"Hayley?" A soft voice reaches my ear however I am too tired to speak.

Warm hands touched my cheek and I felt Killian shift beneath me. "Hayley, princess look at me" he called out to me as softly as he could which kind of reminded me of my dad. he used to stress out whenever I got sick.

Thinking of him brought tears in my eyes. I refused to raise my head. I didn't want him to see my tears.

"Hayley. Please raise your head and look at me" he said again, and took hold of both my cheeks and made me look up at him.

A single tear rushed out of my left eye and soon before I could even think of stopping my mind from torturing me more, tears started flowing one after another.


3rd person POV

She didn't ask Killian any questions after knowing why we were headed to pennsylvania.

Killian, however felt her pushing her head more into chest as her breath became irregular. She moaned softly in pain and that's when he knew that something was wrong with her.

"Hayley" he called out to her as softly as possible, careful not to scare her as it is she was already terrified of him. Concerned he touched her cheek. The warmth of her cheek under his hand was noticeable, significantly hotter than usual, signaling the fever's presence.

Killian got enveloped in a deep sense of worry and with restless mind he anxiously but politely asks her to raise her head however she snuggles more into him, clearly refusing to listen to him.

"Hayley. Please raise your head and look at me" he said again, this time he forcefully made her look up at him.

The first thing he saw was fresh tears in her eyes, she was controlling them but failed to maintain her calm as soon as a single drop of tear left her eye.

Her sweet sobs turned into small cries and watching her cry and continuously wipe her tears only to be welcomed with more tears made his heartbreak, her sadness echoed in his soul.

"P-papa" she sobbed and whispered. Her head was spinning and all she wanted was to lie down in the arms of her father. She longed for her father's sweet words whenever she was sick, his jokes to make her feel cheerful, his food that he used to make for her when she was sick.

Hayley wanted to be with her mom and dad.

Killian watched her cry while she was clearly in some deep memory lane. He didn't know what she was thinking or recalling but he had a fair idea. She is sick and she must be scared given the situation, she would have wanted her parents to be there for her right now.

"Hayley, princess, look at me " his voice was calm and soft.

Hayley's eyes full of water looked at him. She was scared of him and could do nothing but listen to him if she wanted to survive.

"You are burning up" Killian said when his hands touched her temple.

"Where does it hurt?" He caressed her hair, never leaving her eyesight. Hayley did not have the energy to fight him. She touched her head indicating him where it was hurting.

" I want you to lie down and keep your head on my lap" Hayley was a bit hesitant "Hayley, I am not going to hurt you." Killian reassured her

Hayley stood up from his lap and laid down on the seat while positioning her head on Killian's lap.

Killian took off his jacket and placed it on her body "Close your eyes and focus on my fingers" Killian spoke softly and his fingers gently stroke and in circular motions glide over her scalp. The gentle pressure applied by his fingers stimulates the nerve endings, bringing a sense of calm and tranquility to her. Her sobs slowly silent down as she drifts into sleep.

As soon as she falls to sleep Killian picks up his phone and dials a number. "Call the doctor and send him to my room" He speaks on the phone in his authoritative tone.