
king of the former dynasty-(moved to a new link)

The twelve year old prince was just coronated as the king after his father's death.A rebellion took place and all the members of the royal family was killed but it was rumored that the king escaped. Teri,the 7 year old of the son of the great general was rumored of being a half ghost and interacts with ghost.He was called the weaver.He was the second weaver after centuries in his family bloodline.He was born dead and was buried in a box but his mother heard the baby cries from underneath the ground and dug the box out.with shock,the baby was still alive with red threads on his fingers.The rest that was with her ran away but she kept the child and the red threads choose him. Teri's father,the great general refused to serve the new king.He showed Teri a box which contained three objects that will find their owners just as the red threads found him.He gave it to his second daughter,Darlene who was 11 years old and told his wife to escape with the children to a faraway place.The great general was then killed after his family escaped.The constables looked for his family but couldn't find them. His wife found about his death days later.As a woman with no source of income and three children,she remarried. The happy days were little as Teri's step father hated that Teri could interacts with ghost so he gave him a poisoned pastry which made him blind.But still ,he hated him and wanted to kill him but his mother intervened and was killed. He heard his mother scream and his first sister's ghost,Selena,told him what have happened.With fury,Teri killed his stepfather and destroyed his mansion.He ran away with his sisters, Selena's ghost,Darlene and elley,his little sister who was 5 years old Years has passed,17 year old Teri still has the items in the box.The sword,for the king of the former dynasty,the red whip and the flexible spear. would he be able to find the owners of the items?

Dgirlblusky · History
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37 Chs

prince Ivive slept in front of Teri's chamber


The sun had risen over the horizon, casting its golden rays on the manor. In an open space, Elley and Melovine were practicing combat skills. Melovine had tied her brown hair in a bun and wore a red night dress with a slit. She threw a punch at Elley, who blocked it with her palm. They faced each other with determination.

"Are you sure you're okay with this? Don't you still feel the pain from your wounds?" Lady Melovine asked with concern. She had seen the blood and bruises on Elley's body after the fight with the Deceptor and her soulless men.

"If you are able to move about and still train after that fight, why can't I? After all, you fought the most," Elley said as she panted while they fought. She admired Melovine's courage and skill, but she also wanted to prove herself.

Melovine stopped fighting and patted her forehead. "Let's stop here. I am tired."

Elley bent and placed her hands on her knees. "So soon?"

"I am hungry," Melovine said. She had not eaten since yesterday.

"Fine. I am going to check on my brother," Elley said as she started walking. She was worried about Teri after what happened yesterday.

Melovine followed her as they walked. "How old is Teri?"

"Seventeen," Elley said.

"Is his first name just Teri?" Melovine asked. She had never heard such a name before.

"Terimopulous," Elley said.

Melovine widened her eyes. "Huh... is that his name?"

Elley chuckled. "What a name. It's just Teri."

"Hey, little girl, are you teasing me right now?!" Melovine yelled. She was not used to being mocked by anyone.

Elley walked faster as she laughed. She liked Melovine's fiery spirit.

After some time, they got nearer to Teri's chamber. Surprisingly, there was someone on the floor sleeping beside the door. It was Prince Ivive. His back was leaned on the wall. One of his legs was down while the other was raised a little and he rested his hand on his knee. His short brown hair covered some parts of his face. He moved his head a little towards them.

Elley and Melovine came closer to him.

"Your highness," Elley called. She was surprised to see him there.

He opened his eyes slightly and turned towards Elley and Melovine. He wiped his face with his hands and got up.

"Oh, Elley and Melovine," he said with his deep morning voice. He looked tired and weary.

"Your highness, why did you sleep here?" Melovine asked. She was curious about his reason.

Elley opened the door and saw that Teri was still sleeping. She rushed in.

Teri heard the footsteps and woke up immediately. He sat up and raised his fingers to attack with his red threads. "Who is that?"

"It's the one and only Elley Ereen the archer, the best sister in the world. Across kingdoms her name is mentioned. The whole world knows her and envies her. Not just because of her talent but her handsome brother," she said as she acted dramatically and sat on his bed.

He chuckled and heard another footsteps. "Who is with you?" he asked Elley.

"Bad temper lady in red," Melovine said as she sat on a chair across the table in the chamber.

Prince Ivive glanced at Teri from outside the chamber by the door. When he found out he was safe, he walked away.

"Let's fight. If you were conscious during that fight against the Deceptor and her soulless men, I know you could have done better than me," Melovine said. She challenged Teri to a duel.

Elley sucked her teeth as she glanced at her. "He just woke up and didn't you say you were hungry?"

"Well, I am not anymore and where is Prince Ivive?" she stood up as she looked around and walked outside.

After a few minutes she walked in with Prince Ivive, holding his hand. "I brought the runaway. Have a seat, your highness," she said as she brought a chair out from the table for him to sit.

She continued, "He was sleeping in front of your chamber when I saw him this morning. Who knows if he has been there since yesterday night?" she said as she sat in another chair.

"You slept there?" Teri asked. He didn't expect Prince Ivive to sleep there.

"Your highness, you must be having back pain. You didn't have to do that," Teri said. He was grateful for Prince Ivive's concern.

Mizak entered the chamber and looked around. "Is this a meeting?"

There was no other chair in the chamber so he joined Elley on Teri's bed.

"We haven't settled our score, silver-haired little one," Melovine said. She had a grudge against Mizak for his arrogance.

"Little one?" Teri asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. He was not fond of being called that.

"You're seventeen, I am eighteen. You should be bowing down to respect me," Melovine said confidently. She was proud of her age and status.

Teri scoffed. "Bowing down? Respect?" He was not impressed by Melovine's words.

She stood up angrily. "Did you just scoff at me?" she said as she ran to Teri's bed and jumped on it, straddling him.

Elley and Mizak were startled when she jumped on the bed.

"Hey!" Teri yelled as he tried to push her off.

"Keep your hands steady or you might end up touching my thighs. I bet you have not felt the skin of a woman before," Melovine said with a smirk.

"Hey, lady! Get off me or I will push you away and I don't care how you land on the floor," Teri said.

"Push me? Try," Melovine said.

Teri raised his hand to push her and he ended up touching her breasts as she fell from the bed.

"I'm sorry, I did not mean to touch you there," Teri said as he threw his hands up after realizing.

She stood up from the floor and gave Teri a death stare.

"You!" she said as she jumped back on the bed and pushed Mizak and Elley off the bed.

"You are dead," she said as she was about to fight with him.

"We can leave the room for both of you. Enjoy," Elley said sarcastically.

Suddenly they heard a scream. It was a lady's scream and it was coming from somewhere close in the manor.

"Did anyone hear that?" Melovine asked as she came down from the bed.

"I think we all heard that," Prince Ivive said.

They glanced at each other, wondering what was going on.

After some moments they walked to where they heard the scream from.