
king of the concrete jungle

finding out my girlfriend was cheating on me, was quiet the blow. She was my best friend and the only girl I ever wanted to be with. I turn down countless other women over the last ten years just to be faithful to her, only to find her in my bed with someone else. The worse part was that when I told her I was going to tell the whole world what kind of girl she was, she shot me. To her credit she did look like she was terrified by her own actions. I woke in a white room seemingly floating. As I looked around and found myself alone I was shocked by voice that make from all around me. You will come to my world, be a hero, sleep with all the women you can, and keep me entertained. At that last statement I Could only blink. My silence must have be taken as consent since the room vanished and I found myself in a bed room alone. come with me to find out what happens next.

K_drago_c_S · Fantasy
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New powers

I woke to the sound of my alarm and got up to make some coffee. As I waited for it to brew my thoughts went to the flood of memories from last night. As I stared at my green skinned hand the big thought slapped me in the face, "I have a super power... No not a super power, a quirk, I have a quirk. Poring a cup and then sitting at the table I focus on all the memories of my quirk and I remember my first shift. I'd been playing with my old lab shadow, when I went from standing above her to being nose to nose. Mom would always say she didn't know who was more shock her or Shadow. After a trip to the quirk doctor were I was told that I would be able to turn into any animal of the mammal or reptile family I had made physical contact with I was unstoppable. I started with all the dogs in the neighborhood, then the cats, and then the to month quest to capture a squirrel. My drive continued into my adolescent years were I came up with the idea of get mom to take me to petting zoo's and museums. In the museum is were I found that bones work just as well as skin and fur. After being push by one of my friends while joking around I found myself toughing the skull of a saber tooth tiger. the buzz of my quirk as I felt it was amazing. I made good friends with the people at the museum after that. bringing them coffee and donuts every Saturday, talking with the guards while then waited for people to come in, and most importantly bugging the living hell out of Mr. Jackson who was the director of the museum about letting me touch all of the fossils. The man put up a good fight for almost six months before relenting and giving in. at thirteen I made friends with online in a big game hunter chatroom, were after telling the group about my quirk and desire to become a hero I was asked for my address so they all could send me samples from all of their biggest kills. It was also around this time that I noticed all of the girls in school were always trying to be close to me, always smiling at me, hugging me, and even a couple of the braver ones kissing me on the checks from time to time. After telling my mom about it she took me back to the doctor were they found a secondary quirk factor in witch my body produces pheromones.

After sometime and a second cup of coffee I got up and stretched out my back, I then thought about all the animals I could shift into. the list was long to say the least, but what supersized me more was how easy it was to remember them all and how quickly they came to mind. "I need a test run." I said to the empty apartment as I pushed in my chair. stepping back from the table and taking a deep breath a memory came to me. My old self standing in the living room of my old house and watching the rain coming down in sheets. I was going to go to the part to do my training but not now. that was when the rainy day training routine was born. A smile formed on my face as I thought about the broken lamp I knocked over trying to slide past it as I shifted from a rabbit to a mouse to late. shaking out my hand with one more deep breath I took a step forward and jumped towards the table the shift felt so natural that for a moment I thought my human body was going to smash the table. Instead I hit the table running as a little green mouse and sprinted to the other side of the table at full mouse speed. At the other end of the table I jumped again shifting into a sparrow and flying straight for the front door only to turn at the last second heading for the cabinets and shifting to a monkey so I could run across the top and jump to the bed witch I used as a spring board to launch me at the wall. Shifting again to a cat just before I touched the wall I jumped hard and sailed though the air in the direction of the living room. I wasn't going to make it to the love seat so I shifted again this time to a humming bird. zooming around the love seat, under the coffee table, around the chair, and back into the kitchen. hovering back were I started I shifted once more back to my human form. "Holy shit!" I was a little out of breath but I didn't care nothing in my old life ever came close to the rush of feeling my body shift with just a thought. Once I calmed down I decided to take a walk around town, maybe even take a trip over to U A and check it out. I showered and got dress, then found my keys and wallet and was out the door to see what kind of trouble I could find.