
king of the concrete jungle

finding out my girlfriend was cheating on me, was quiet the blow. She was my best friend and the only girl I ever wanted to be with. I turn down countless other women over the last ten years just to be faithful to her, only to find her in my bed with someone else. The worse part was that when I told her I was going to tell the whole world what kind of girl she was, she shot me. To her credit she did look like she was terrified by her own actions. I woke in a white room seemingly floating. As I looked around and found myself alone I was shocked by voice that make from all around me. You will come to my world, be a hero, sleep with all the women you can, and keep me entertained. At that last statement I Could only blink. My silence must have be taken as consent since the room vanished and I found myself in a bed room alone. come with me to find out what happens next.

K_drago_c_S · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Kill the robots, save the girl

I spent the rest of the day with Jiro, fallowing her around town. she didn't let go of my arm once and by the time we needed to part ways she was pressed up against me and had her other hand on my arm as well. When we parted I took her hand and kissed the back of it giving her my best smile as I said. "I'll be seeing you in class soon." Jiro, smiled back and said, "Your going to be so much trouble, but I can't wait." then she leaned up and kissed me on the cheek. She then asked me for my phone so she could put her number in. when she gave it back to me the rocker girl in her came out, as she poked me in the chest with an ear jack and said "You better call me." Smiling back I said "You got it beautiful." Jiro turned red again before slapping my chest playfully. "God, your trouble. Good night Gar, See you soon." "Good night Jiro, and thanks again for showing me around." With that I headed home. After a quick dinner and a shower I was out for the night.

The next morning I got up early showered again to calm my nerves and ate breakfast. I then got dressed in my black jeans, and red muscle shirt that was skin tight. putting on my shoes I was out the door and got to the subway station right on time. The ride was quite, other than a short dark green haired guy who was muttering to himself. I got a sense of da ja vu looking at him but couldn't place it. I was sure I should know who he is but I couldn't remember. "He must be from the show." I thought. I get the feeling he's important somehow. Getting off the train I followed the other people that looked my age to a large building. I watch the green haired guy trip on nothing and a good looking brown hair girl make him float in the air. I didn't stick around long and headed for my testing room. After completing my written test I headed to the auditorium for the practical exam briefing. After everyone was seated present mic came out on stage. "What's up little listeners, welcome to the U A hero exam, can I get a woo." the room was silent. "Okay, okay well let me tell you how the exam will go." Present mic then explained the one, two, and three point robots to us. As present mic was clearly about to say something else a blue haired guy in the middle row stood up and raised his hand which seemed dumb to me since he didn't wait for the hero to call on him. "excuse me sir, but you said there are three robots but in the pamphlet that was handed out it clearly states there are four. if this is a typo it is extremely sloppy on U A's part to allow this. Also you in the back with the green hair, you have been muttering this whole time. It is distracting and annoying to the rest of us." before I could stop myself I spoke "The only thing I find annoying right now is the blue haired, stuck up, asshole standing in the middle of the room, who couldn't wait for Mr Mic too finish talking before he tries to show everyone how superior he thinks he is, and if all it takes for you to be come distracted is someone muttering to himself you should probably go home." "Okay, okay everyone calm down. I was getting to the fourth robot and let's just say it's more of an obstacle than something you are supposed to fight." with that present mic sent use off to our respective busses. Once I was at my test sight with the other twenty taking the test I started stretching as I scanned the others. I didn't recognize anyone I my group. No green or blue hair and no rocker girl ether. come to thing of it I hadn't see Jiro at all today. "Hope she's doing well" I thought. making my way up to the front I decided to put on a little show. Standing with my back to everyone else I kick my shoes off to the side, then I took off my shirt and stretched my arms up high before tossing it next to my shoes. turning a little towards a group of girls who were staring hard at my chest and arms, I reached down and unbuckled my belt. A girl with Pink hair and light pink sink was watching me with a dirty little smirk on her face. While the other girls watching me were all turning red, this exotic beauty was biting her lip and hope to see more. She realized I was looking back at her and smiled more, then I winked at her and yanked my belt free, tossing it over with my shirt and shoes. "BEGIN!!" Persent Mic shouted. Without hesitation I turned towards the grate, leaning into my forward jump I shifted into a wolf and took off into the testing grounds while the rest of the group just stood there. I lost tract of everything, time, points, I couldn't even remember all the different shifts I made. I was having a blast running around the mock city smashing robots and help the others in my group when and if they needed it. Then the ground started shaking and one of the building a block way crumbled to the ground to reveal the zero pointer. Making my way closer to it just to watch it do it's thing I heard someone screaming for help. right between me and the zero pointer was the exotic pink haired girl. She was pinned against a wall by the upper half of a three pointer with her hands stuck down by her sides. shifting into a cheetah I ran to her. once there I shifted into a Silver back gorilla and lifted the three pointer off of her. I was just about to pick her up when I head the zero pointer above me. looking up I could see it was going to through a punch that would turn us into pink and green pancakes. All I could do was react, shifting in a panic I grew rapidly, strong leg, long powerful arms with claws as big as a human leg, and a big fin of spines on my back. I had shifted into a Spinosaurus and was rushing the zero pointer that was still ten feet taller than me. I slammed into its chest with all my weight and pushed. It felt lighter than it should have been. Another hard shove and the zero pointer tipped over, crashing to the group with me on top of it. extending my neck out I opened mouth, then raped my jaws around the robots head. with a hard pull and twist I ripped the head off. dropping it to the ground I stood to my full height and roared for all to hear.