
King of Seven Realms

A 'Guy' dies in his world. Meets God. Gods said to him to become his successor. But to become a successor he has to completely repair his 'main' world first. Get his wish. Reincarnates in another world. Follow our MC in his journey to become the Strongest Being in Seven Realms. . . . English is not my first Language. First fanfic...ENJOY!!! Disclaimer: I don't own the cover photo. You can find it on the ATG fandom. I don't own any materials of the world's use in this fanfic. Except for OC.

meatball_san · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
155 Chs

Miracle Happens.

The entire Amphitheater was staring silently at the center, where Diodora and Asia stood facing each other.

Diodora smiled confidently, gently looking at Asia, who had her full attention on him. Her brow furrowed, a cute frown on her face as she looked solemnly at Diodora. She appeared to be attempting to send him to oblivion with her looks alone. Which, to be honest, looked rather cute in the eyes of others.

'Believe in yourself...'

Wang Lei's words were the only thing she was thinking about right now.

'Focus... Focus... Focus...'

She focuses her entire attention on him, certain that she can defeat Diodora. It didn't make a difference. Everything will be fine as long as she listens to His Holiness. It must be!

"Will Asia be okay, Buchou?" Issei, who was standing next to Rias, inquired.

"She should be?" Rias was unsure as well, but she had faith in her Master, so she nodded. But she was still unsure because the entire situation was perplexing to her.

"Don't worry. Big Brother is aware of what he is doing. He will not allow danger to fall on Asia as long as he is present." Even Akeno had a serious expression on her face, as opposed to her previous teasing demeanor. But her heart still believed that as long as it was Wang Lei, everything would be fine.

"... Akeno-san is right. Master is always correct..." Koneko added with a slight nod.

Kiba nodded and patted Issei on the shoulder, a dashing smile on his face, saying, "Believe it."

'I would if you didn't look so gay saying it, dude... Like, what the fuck?' Issei said internally, putting some distance between himself and Kiba before returning his attention to the fight, leaving Kiba befuddled.

"What are your thoughts? Who will win?" Sirzech, who was sitting on the throne, inquired.

"Isn't it self-evident? Asia-chan is going to!" Serafall said, but her gaze was fixed on Wang Lei, as if she needed him to confirm it.

Wang Lei yawned and shrugged his shoulders, "It depends. If she believes she can, she will; otherwise, defeat awaits her."

"And you're going to let it happen? A sex machine like you?" Ying'er said from behind, making Wang Lei laugh.

"You are incorrect, my dear pervert maid. Asia is such a pure girl, how can I bear to taint her?" he said, turning to face her (her mood was quite sour because she didn't get to kill any of these arrogant pieces of shit). "Wouldn't that make me a sinner?"

"You were already when you fucked Evil."

"Was your tongue always this sharp?" Wang Lei inquired.

"Humph!" And she ignored it, making him want to spank her buttocks, but he kept it under control. He would have plenty of time to do it later.

"However, she is not incorrect," He smirked and rested his head on his arm, looking down at Diodora, saying, "Even if he wins, he will die. Why? Because I've said so."

'Trouble…' That was the collective thought of all the Satans seated there.

"Why don't you admit defeat, Asia, my love? I'm sure he's pressuring you. But don't be concerned. I swear I'll protect you with my life if you admit defeat."

Not only Asia, but everyone else felt a creepy sensation rise up their bodies. It caused them to frown.

"What an unpleasant person." Serafall, too, did not hide and stated openly. She could see why Wang Lei wanted to kill him. If it weren't for that, it would cause political problems, even if she might have killed him.

"I... I am not being forced! His Holiness would never do anything bad to me!" Asia said, burying the rising fear. "He is far too pure to taint Himself."

Pfff* Ying'er giggled, enough to gain the attention of both Sirzech and Satans, "Pure she says, pure."

Wang Lei didn't say but decided that she would have her buttocks punished soon.

Diodora's smile had faded. He looked at the smirking Wang Lei and wondered what pill he had given her to make her obey him.

"Then forgive me, my love, because I might end up hurting you." He apologized before Demonic Energy began to rise from his body, covering the entire Amphitheater and pressuring the lower-devils.

It had already progressed to the level of an Ultimate-Class Devil!

A great uproar erupted throughout the Amphitheater as everyone was taken aback by his sudden rise in power.

"How did he get to be an Ultimate-Class?!" With a surprised expression, Rias yelled.

Sairaorg frowned, but he didn't seem to mind. In the end, he will triumph.

Raiser and Ravel were uninterested in the fight to begin with because they were still searching for Leiyan's identity.

Sirzech, Ajuka, and Serafall all shook their heads. They appear to have made some connections to his sudden power increase, but no one said anything.

"What a coward. He couldn't win with his own strength, so he had to borrow someone else's." Leiyan expressed his displeasure.

Ying'er followed her with a nod. She liked strong people because she could use them, but she despised people who tried to brag when they had nothing to back them up. The same as inflated balloons. They'd burst open with a single blow.

Asia began to sweat as his Demonic Power began to exert pressure on her body, causing her to tremble.

"I am the strongest Young Devil, Asia," Diodora said, widening his smile. Beating me with your meager strength is impossible, so please give me and don't drag it any longer than necessary (as the Author is doing)."

Asia shook her head, saying, "I-I will win!" She said this with great conviction, her gaze briefly falling on Wang Lei, who smiled at her, making her even more determined.

She gritted her teeth and focused her attention once more.

"Tsk." Diodora sighed and clicked his tongue, "Whatever. Then I'll put an end to it."

As a magical circle formed around him, he raised his hand and pointed it towards Asia. It glowed before erupting into a fireball.

"Don't hate me because I ended up hurting you, okay? But with your healing, everything should be fine."

He waved his hand, completely unconcerned about the fight, and the fireball sped towards Asia.

It was not his fault that he did not take the fight seriously. After all, how could he be serious about a fight in which he needed to fight a girl who wasn't even a middle-class devil?

'I-I can do it!'

Asia yelled internally before tightly gripping her fist and pulling it back, followed by a cute shout as she threw her fist forward, "Iyaaaaa!"

"... is she going to One Punch?" Serafall, taken aback, inquired.

"Asia... you're not bald! It'd never work!" Rias said something completely out of character, causing her peers to look at her strangely.

Ravel, too, shifted her gaze to Asia, her attention completely focused on her.

"Are you an ido—" When Diodora's eyes widened, he didn't finish his sentence. He felt it, something that everyone feels at some point in their lives: death!

Everyone took a deep breath as they witnessed something they had never seen or imagined in their 10000 years of life!

The space around Asia's hand bent, condensed, and broke, resulting in a terrifying spatial storm. In front of it, the fireball appeared to be a toddler. It didn't even get close and was destroyed by the spatial storm's aftershocks.

The ground in front of her had been completely destroyed, and all that could be seen was void.


"Impossible, right? It's got to be a joke..."

Nobody wanted to believe what they were seeing right now. It was completely out of this world, incomprehensible.

"Did she poke a hole in the Dimensional Gap?" As all three of Satan's attentions were drawn to Wang Lei, Ajuka sucked in a deep breath.

"Well, isn't that lovely? Even if it appears a little gay (Dimensional Gap), to think she was this strong. *Sigh* They say that the new will always outperform the old. I suppose I'm getting old." With his melancholy expression, Satan knew they'd get nothing out of him, so they redirected their attention back to Asia.

Leiyan and Ying'er should be the only ones who know what happened. They could easily see the mysteries behind Asia's punch because they could easily break the space of this world with brute strength alone. They, however, choose to remain silent. It wasn't like they had to explain what had happened to these mortals.

"H-how…? This isn't supposed to be possible!" Diodora yelled, his gaze fixed on the space that was hurriedly mending itself. "How can a nun like you, who doesn't even know how to fight and would probably lose to a street delinquent, break space with pure brute strength alone?"

He turned to face Wang Lei and pointed his finger at him, saying, "Yes. It has to be you! You've got to be doing something!" "Meh." Young Master Wang Lei shrugged before amusingly looking at him, as if he were a clown dancing and entertaining his audience.

It fueled his rage even more. 'I'll fucking kill you, you deplorable human! My name is Diodora Astaroth! The most powerful Devil!'

"D-don't blame His Holiness! " Asia shouted with a frown, making Diodora look at her sharply, "I've had enough of this."

(Same man… someone please finish this arc already…)

His Demonic Energy erupted from his body like an active volcano and rained down on Asia. As different Magical Circles began to form all around her, he raised his hand. Their number continued to grow, eventually surpassing hundreds or thousands. He was clearly going all out at this point.

"This could be dangerous to the little lady." Ajuka said with a slight concern, but when he saw Wang Lei's face, he couldn't help but remain silent.

"Asia…" Rias and her peerage were nervous as well, but all they could do was pray to Lucifer that nothing bad happened to her.

Diodora moved quickly, unleashing barrages of various magic on her; Water, Fire, Earth, Thunder - all kinds of magic bombarded her, wanting to devour her.

Asia was terrified, without a doubt. Nonetheless, she clenched her fist tightly, completely trusting Wang Lei, and punched straight at him.

Like before, the spatial laws bent and distorted before being destroyed.

But the destruction this time was unquestionably greater than before; the space was destroyed and continued to be destroyed. It didn't stop, and there was no indication that it would.

It devoured everything with unstoppable ferocity. All of the magic that was about to destroy everything around her, including herself, was devoured silently. Mana, or whatever energy was in the air at the time, was devoured. The light was devoured as well!

Diodora didn't even have time to process what had happened before a massive hole opened up within his chest. It was clear to see through it.

His heart and most of his organs were gone, and blood was pouring out of him.

"Cough*," He staggered backwards, his eyes wide with shock at what had just happened. Everything happened far too quickly for his mind to process. She punched, and everything vanished in an instant.

With difficulty, he looked behind him and saw a long trail of destruction that seemed to go on forever. Even the sky above seemed to be divided in two.

"But... I am... the... strongest..." His body lost all of its strength and collapsed to the ground, his eyes losing their luster and becoming dull.

"..." Silence. The entire Amphitheater was deafeningly quiet, to the point of suffocation, but no one said anything. Everything that has happened appears to have exceeded their knowledge of everything. It could only be described in one word: absurd!

"This…" Sirzech was at a loss for words. A heir died, but it didn't matter. Of course, the Astaroth Family would demand an explanation, and he would undoubtedly respond, "It was all a fair fight; if you have any problems, go talk to Wang Lei. He was the one who started everything, not us."

After all, dumping problems on others was a specialty of higher brasses.

"Asia! You've won!" Rias exclaimed as he ran in her direction and hugged the befuddled Asia. "You are now officially known as One Punch Girl!" Her joy was coming from a completely different source, but she was still happy for her.

Other members of her peerage ran up to her and smiled as well.

"Em... I... Eto..." It was too much for a shy girl like her to be suddenly hugged by the Rias and then praised with a strange name. She couldn't think of anything else to say.

"There is a lot of bark but no talk." Everyone turned to look at the dead Diodora's body and saw Wang Lei sitting beside it, poking him with a stick. "And here I was thinking it would be amusing. He couldn't even beat a little girl. What a letdown."

'When did he get there...' Every high devil inquired.

Wang Lei ignored everyone and waved his hand in front of Diodora's body, which shone and emitted a snake. It hissed as it sat on Wang Lei's palm like a tamed pet.

Wang Lei smiled as he stared at the snake for a few moments before letting it go. The snake vanished in the air, like an arrow released from a bow.

"That was… Ophis Snake?" Ajuka frowned, his first thought having come true.

"So he did have ties with Khaos Brigade... this could be more trouble than we thought." Sirzehc responded.

Khaos Brigade - A terrorist organization that was spreading chaos all over the place. It has been a source of consternation for upper management for some time. They're still looking for a clue about them, but it always leads to a dead end.

"I believe we should expedite the Peace Treaty. With the way things are going, we should try to bring both Angels and Fallen Angels together first. After all, we don't want someone stabbing us from behind."

"I'll consult with Azazel and Michael. Khaos Bridge has also caused them problems. So I'm confident they'll get it."

While Sirzech and Ajuka were engaged in their own conversation, Wang Lei clapped his hands and said, "That was it for today, I guess." He turned to Asia before approaching her and petting the blushing nun's head, saying, "You did well, Asia. I know that you will be able to complete the task."

"It was all due to His Holiness! All I did was follow His Holiness' Light," she explained.

Wang Lei smiled but said nothing else. "We're leaving," he said to Ying'er, Leiyan, and Grayfia.

Before they vanished, the trio nodded and appeared beside him.

"With this, the Youth Meeting comes to a close. I hope that every Young Devil will train during the allotted time in order to demonstrate their strength in the upcoming matches."

With Sirzech's remark, everyone began to leave the meeting. However, everyone's thought process is different right now.

"... She reminded me of Saitama..." Ravel was standing in one of the Amphitheater's corners, looking at Asia with shining eyes. But no one cared what she was thinking.

This P a t r e o n is solely for those who wish to assist me by donating money.

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