
Jyu Viole Grace. (3)

"Viole? I didn't expect a call from you. What do you want?" Erik told the girls to come in the room with him and closed the door before sitting down on the ground. He was still kind of surprised because Viole was the last person he expected a call from.

[Mr. Erik, master told me to call you so I can inform you that I'm about to start climbing the tower again from the 20th floor. He wanted to know if you had any tips for me?]

Erik raised an eyebrow as he responded, "Tips? Viole, you know what I'm about to say right?"


Hearing Viole hesitate to speak, Erik sighed and continued, "If you're still holding a grudge over those people I killed on the 18th floor, just hang up right now. They tried to kill us first so it was only fair that I returned the favor. You know that you would've been dead without me right?"


A slight bit of frustration took over Erik and he shouted, "Viole!"

[Is that how much human life means to you, Mr.Erik?! Do you just kill anyone you want to without giving it any thought?!]

"Human life? Of course, it means something to me. But I wouldn't risk my life or put the lives of those around me in danger because I decided to hesitate in a life or death battle. I have no reason to spare someone who had intentions of killing me."

[But, Mr.Erik, not everyone in their party wanted to kill you. There was that young boy...]

"Guilty by association. What do you think he would've done when he got older? I'm sorry, but that's how I do things. Besides, why should I let him suffer and despair over the death of his parents? I was just being merciful."

[...Do you really think so, Mr. Erik? Why do you like killing so much?]

Erik shook his head at Viole's naivety and willingness to push his ideology on others. It was frustrating dealing with these stupid talks of morality every time they communicated.

"Viole, this conversation isn't going anywhere. You have your way of doing things, I have mine. And it's not that I like killing, it's just that it's an easier solution than leaving my enemies alive so that they can try to kill me again."

[I-I'm sorry, Mr.Erik. It's just that I have difficulties accepting your way of thinking. So, I'm guessing if one of your closest friends betrays you, you would kill them like they were nothing too?]

Erik immediately came to a realization. He had finally figured out what this call was about.

"This is about that woman, Rachel isn't it? Viole, I understand it might be hard for you, but you need to think about who was actually there for you when times were rough and who wasn't. Who lied to you and who didn't. Who betrayed you and who didn't. Remember what I said to do the next time you see her?"

[You said I should kill or completely abandon her. But, Mr. Erik, I-I don't think I can do that...]

"Viole, sometimes, the ones we care for the most are the ones who can hurt us in the cruelest of ways. You can forgive, but you can still punish. Give it some thought."

[...Thank you, Mr.Erik. Although I hate how you do things, maybe you're not bad of a person. The next time we meet, I'll treat you to some lizard tamale!]

Erik chuckled and responded casually, "See you later, brat."


The call was cut and Erik turned his attention to the two girls who had a strange look on their faces. Sola said as she giggled, "Erik, I thought the two of you'd didn't get along well. At first, you seemed to be at odds but as soon as you realized that Rachel was the reason he called, you softened up. Why?"

Leaning his head down on his knuckles, Erik lazily responded, "Cause I pity him. What's the use of betraying such an innocent boy? She claimed she was smart so why didn't she just use his naivety against him and let him carry her up the tower? Instead, she acted like a complete fool. As for Viole, I don't hate him. He just needs to grow up."

Namo interjected as she played her video games and said, "Seems like you hate her, Erik."

"Hate? No. I just disdain traitors. They are like parasites that keep eating away at you slowly from the inside. Parasites, need to be dealt with swiftly."

The trio chatted for a bit more until Sola decided it was finally time for them to get down to business.

"Erik, Master Sophia has called us back to resume our training so we have to leave again. We've already done the 'thing' that you wanted us to do on the 33rd floor already."

Erik wasn't surprised that the girls had to leave as they've been with him for about three years now. Stopping training for so long already put them in a tight position so Erik was at least grateful for their time. Without them, he would've been a bit lacking in Shinsu techniques.

"Alright, Namo, Sola. It's been fun. Thank you for all you've done."

Namo put her console in front of her eyes to hide the tears as Sola leaned forward and kissed Erik on the head. [A/N: Begone, harem sect. This isn't a love interest. Btw, these two girls aren't OC's. I'm surprised you guys haven't said anything about their looks yet lol.]

"Hurry up and become a ranker, Erik. We wouldn't join anyone else until then. Be safe and stay well, my God."

Sola then hurriedly left, leaving Namo in the room with Erik alone. Erik could tell that she was the shyest one of the two since they met. Namo slowly got up and outstretched her hands toward him, handing him her console.

"I-i'll collect it the next time we meet, Erik."

She then left even faster than Sola, slamming the door behind her and giving Erik a good laugh. He held the console and put it in his robe so he could keep it safe. He didn't plan on losing it anytime soon.

'Whew, it's finally time to climb the tower again since my training is over. System, show me my status window.'


Name: Erik Von Jaeger

Age: 35

Position(s): Fisherman, Wave Controller

Rank: E-rank {Strength is equivalent to a B+ rank}

Martial Arts Mastered: Niko, Koei, Heavenly Destruction, Kyotoryu, and Flying Flash Sword styles.

Weapon(s): God-Killing Spear. (A/N: It's actually a sword. Take that as you will.)

Erik went deep into thought as planned out his next moves. First, his fighting techniques. The martial styles he had mastered complemented each other and covered up each other's weaknesses perfectly.

For now, he just needed to focus on becoming more fluid as he switched through them so that he can make it into his own style.

Next, his Shinsu techniques. Most of these were learned from Jinsung Ha at first but after a while, he fused his martial arts with them and made his own. Erik wasn't the type to use massive beams or gigantic explosions to finish his enemies. He preferred more localized, precise, brutal methods as his objective was always to kill.

Lastly, forming his team. The five positions in a team that usually climbed the tower consisted of a fisherman, spear bearer, scout, lightbearer, and Wave Controller.

Iniesta was his only teammate at this time so, like him, she covered two positions; spear bearer and scout. All he needed was someone to cover the lighthouse and dedicated wave controller positions but, he wouldn't mind if he got some extras in the covered positions.

'All I care about is their strength and loyalty. From the looks of things, the latter would be hard to come across in this tower. Sigh...'

*Knock, knock*

"Erik! I'm back!"

Iniesta was back from her trip. She had left to send some letters to a small family who had taken care of her when she was on the run.

Over the past three years, Erik learned many things about Iniesta. She was kind of insane but she was always obedient. Erik could trust her to finish any job he requested her to do and not worry about her failing.

Even in battle, Erik could focus on the enemies without her falling behind or holding him back. He had to admit, she was an excellent teammate.

But, there was always something that worried him.

'How far would she go to save her brother?'

He doubted that she would just betray him like that, especially with how straight forward she usually is. Sometimes though, he would see her crying in her room by herself or when she trains, he could clearly see anger hidden deep within her eyes.

It was a worrisome situation, but Erik just decided to wait and see how the future plays out.

"Enter, Iniesta."

The girl slowly walked into the room and when she noticed that he wasn't training anymore, her steps became a little more confident. As she was about to greet him, Erik asked, "Iniesta, would you ever betray me?"

Iniesta seemed to be taken aback and she shouted without hesitation, "I would never, Erik! I'll always have your back!"

Getting up from his sitting position, Erik tapped her on the head and replied, "I see. Well, it's time for us to find another teammate. After that, we can continue climbing the tower as my training is finally over."

Erik left the room and Iniesta followed earnestly, closing the door behind her. As she walked behind Erik, she thought, 'Why did Erik ask me that? Did I do something wrong? Hm, well I'm sure he trusts me. Also, it's finally time to climb the tower again! Inieta, you'll be freed soon...!'


A/N: All those martial arts can be searched up and I assure you, they are adequate. @ZaneLost, thanks for the heads up about the 'nvm' thing on an earlier chapter. I didn't realize I made that mistake lol. I don't know why you deleted the comment though.

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