
Chapter 4 : The system

"for talking"

'for thoughts'

[ System speaking]

* effects*


London United Kingdom - 3rd April 2004

'Finally, i will be discharged from this hospital, it has been decided by that continuing my recovery in Korea is better for my health. or that's what i heard from my aunt Anna and doctor Sarah.'

'I wont lie, i got sick of the Hospitals environment, even if it is way harder to recover in Home in Korea, and it will be trouble some to keep going back and forth from Home to the Hospital in Korea, at least i wont feel suffocating from the Hospital environment.'

'And apparently there is this rectangle blue thing above me, that says my name, i came out of no where, yesterday it didn't exist, but today after i woke up, when ever i look at my reflection on the mirror, i see it. i didnt tell anyone because i dont want to sound crazy or have a few screw loose. like i wont say i lived a life before. because that's just dumb as heck. and will either end you in Mental hospital for the rest of your life or in a Lab being experimented till the suck you dry.'

'When i looked at my blue name plat for the first time ,it suddenly start to talk to me '.






'Okay, i don't know if i totally lost it or what , but i got nothing to lose if i went along with it for now.'

" Menu" Whispered Cheon-sa

[ User Characteristic]




[The Shop and the Studio are Currently closed , They will open when the user Is back to his Full Health]

[ Please enter the User Characteristic first , To know about your body Characteristic]

' Okay..... did me dying make me go Coco or what' sighed Cheon-sa as see look at the screen in front of him.

After taking a couple of deep breaths , Cheon-sa start to think of other possibility's beside being crazy.

' Did i have the same Power as these video games i used to play as a child, does that mean there is supernatural People here, damn. I really don't want to be fighting things and creature or whatever there is in this new world. From the memories i gained as Cheon-sa , there was no signs or anything like that, and no matter how smart the kid was, he was still a kid, and didn't know or experienced this new world. he only know about this world from his parent and the Tv.'

[ NO , The user is totally wrong, This world does not have any supernatural in it, The user is the only Expectation, and even he wont have super powers, the purpose of the system is to make things easier for the user.]

[ For Example , instead of taking 2 years to learn how to play the Piano in a Decent level, the User only need 1.5 year , or What ever the time frame is , depending on the user Practicing time , and his Talent in that Action.]

[ If the user wanted to be a Doctor for an Example, and the user is just not gifted in that department, like Memorizing, being calm in stressful time, and many other factors, then the user will only be able to shorter the time in very small amount , and sometime the user won't be able to shorten the time 2]

Reading the text in front of him Cheon-sa calms down. 'At least i won't be fighting some world ending creature or something dumb like that.'


[Name: Micheal/Kim Cheon-sa

Age: 8 year old / 11-06-1996


Strength: 1(4)

Stamina: 1(4)

Intelligent : 10

Charisma: 4(8) ]

[ Every number in the bracate() is Your original data before the accident]

[ So Let The System explain 2 of these so the user can understand how the Characteristic of the System work.]

[ The user Strength is mere 1 because he was in a Coma for 2 years, but you can see in the bracate there is the number (4) , that was the original body strength and that mean. The user can Achieve the Strength of 4 way easier , because it is just the user reconverting his Strength.]

[ Every stats in the Characteristic Menu is comparing the user to the people of the age, So even if the user got 10 in Strength which is the max in every stats , he wont be stronger than a normal adult.]

[ In every Birthday, the Stats will Readjust to fit the new age of the user, To simplify it , If the User have a Stamina of 8 when he is 11 year old, When he turn 12 His stamina will get lower because now it is being compared to 12 years old kids , so his new Stamina will be 6]

[ The Max the user can achieve in the system is when he is in his Optimal Body age, In Strength for Example, is that he will be as Strong as an Olympian , or the best body builder. Or for Stamina The user will have the Stamina of a professional Marathon Runner or an Olympian Swimmer.]

[ The user is able to increase his stats by doing the necessary action for that status. The Average in each stat is either 5 or 6]

'Okay this is easy to understand, my health is very poor which make sense, my Intelligent is 10 and it make sense because i have the memories of 27 years old , and just as i knew that i look cute/ adorable for me to have 4 in Charisma when i am malnourished and look like a Skelton.'


[ The maximum Level in each Skill is 10 ,and it does not change with age]

[Music Skills]

[language's Skills]

Seeing the 2 Category's Cheon-sa click on the Instrument Skills] first

[ Music Skills :

Piano : 3 (8) / 10

Guitar : 2 (5) / 10

Singing : 2 / 10 ]

' I think because my body has never played any Instrument , and my body will be stiff if i played now.'

' System can you please Explain to me the Levels in Skills.'

[ Any thing below 5 , the user is gonna fall for mistakes, and 5 is the Average of any performance in the world, They wont be anything Special or eye catchy, but they will to get the show on. For Example in an Average Orchestra with a normal Maestro , the Average Violin player will have 5. Or An Average Singer will have 5 in Guitar , his Guitar skills is just there to play the Extra in Short.]


[language's Skills] :

[ English : 10 / 10

Korean : 9 / 10

Italian: 8 / 10

Russian : 10 / 10 ]

As Cheon-sa was discovering his System , on the outside he looked like he was looking at the City through the Window. And it was at this moment, that Aunt Anna entered his room and was looking at him, she didn't disturb him and was giving him a soft look, that spoke of pity, sympathy, love and carring.

' My Cheon-sa.... my poor child. I Swear i will try my best to raise you and to cover for your parent absents.' Though Anna is she kept looking at her Sweet Nephew.

" aaah Anna Noona , when did you arrive here , are my papers done" says Cheon-sa as he notice his aunt.

" mhm, every thing is ready and tomorrow morning when will go back to Korea Sweetie".

Next chapter