
King Of Heroes In Marvel

Damian was given a chance to reincarnate in the MCU with certain comic elements with three wishes after being rejected by his former world laws as a result of a mistake by higher beings. Follow his adventures as he goes on the become the greatest **** of all time. Support me on patreon.... https://www.patreon.com/Sagittaric ----------*********------------ Hello.... Author here. This is my first time writing a fanfic and I would gladly say now that the updates could be totally random as I see this as a method to improve my writing. Ideas and Constructive Criticism are welcome but take it easy on me. Still a beginner over here lol. I do not own the cover photo. It was gotten from Google and if the owner wants it taken down then I'll oblige. Thank You.

Sagittaric · Movies
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15 Chs


Well I gotta say, even for me that was kinda loud with everyone in the hall going wild and jubilanting. Such loyalty touched me deeply.

And the power.

Oh my goodness! The power I felt in myself was so astounding. It was like everything I me had being enhanced and I finally felt complete. I felt like I could take on all of Asgard and still come out on top....

Dream on! I know that's my mind playing tricks on me. But I feel so different right now.

As soon as I finished talking to my parents with my mother practically going on and on asking if I was okay, to which I replied I never felt better while father just kept looking at me in pride.

Royal Father's, they are so not good when it comes to expressing how they feel to others except their Queen and that's because they both connect on a much more deeper level. I could tell he loved me though, it's weird but he shows it in his own way.

As for mother, well let's just say the title `Goddess Of Motherhood' ain't for show. If you get what I mean.

I made my way to my imperial chambers....

Imperial chambers?? Seriously Gil be original.... But who cares? I sat made sure I gave the orders not be disturbed except if summoned by father himself. I wanted to delve deeper so as to comprehend first hand what my divinities were capable of. But first,


[Name - Gilgamesh Odinson]

[Titles - Prince Of Asgard, The King Of The Golden Rule,?????,????]

[Race - Asgardian [God - 35%]

[Divinities - Kingship, Knowledge, Talent, Magic and Battle]

[HP - 100,000/100,000 (20,000 HP/10 Secs)]

[MP - 150,000/150,000 (15,000 MP/10 Secs)]


[STR - 500]

[VIT - 1000]

[INT - 700]

[DEX - 450]

[LUC - 700]


[Golden Rule] - This is an ability that refers to the measure of one's fortune to acquire wealth. Being destined for a life full of riches.

[Gates Of Babylon] - The King's Treasure. Filled will all noble phantasms and wealth and knowledge collected by Gilgamesh in his lifetime. It is capable of shooting weapons at the command of its owner.

[The Imperial Crown Of Gilgamesh] - Created as a manifestation of Gilgamesh Divinities. It is capable of multiplying his base stats by two when equipped. Can be maintained depending on amount of MP user has. Can only be worn by Gilgamesh.

[Sovereign Of Magic Wands]

[Mellamu Dingir]

[Imperial Monarch Spear Arts] - Made by fusing a myriad number of spear techniques of different principles to create one flawless spear art.

[Imperial Mornach Sword Arts] - Made by fusing a myriad number of sword techniques of different principles to create one flawless sword art.

[Imperial Mornach Halberd Arts] - Made by fusing a myriad number of halberd techniques of different principles to create one flawless halberd art.

[Eye Of The Monarch] - Your eyes are now capable of peering through the obscure, making you capable of seeing through lies and falsehoods. Illusions do not work on you.

[Hoarder Of Knowledge] - You are able to learn and apply things a 100% faster.

[The Talented Monarch] - You are capable of bestowing or taking talents as well as enhancing yours or that's of other in a given field. Dependent on Intelligence.

[Mana Generator] - Far be it from you as a God of magic for you to run out of MP. You are capable of generating your own mana and not dependent on the mana around you.

[Thou Shall Fall Before This King] - While engaged in a battle, instead of getting weaker, you grow stronger the longer you fight. While your opponent suffers a 50% decrease in suppression of actual their strength as your `Battle' divinity acts upon the will of the world to make this effective. The suppression can only be used in dire moments alone.


Looking through all of this. I had only one word crossing my mind.


`I'm already so OP without knowing!, wait why do I feel like that would make a great title for a Chinese Web novel?. Well whatever man.

I have to get very efficient while using my divinity as there have being rumors of Jotunheim planning to start a war with Asgard but while others might ignore it, I knew war was on the horizon and I had to be ready as soon as I can and fortunately I have just the ability for that.

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