
Chapter 2: HELP ME!

Scarlett POV:

I cried in pain cause that I wish that I get out of this hellhole. He just won't let me go, why me in all people, why does he want me for? He just doesn't know all about me in all of my pain that I went through.

My parents died when I was a little girl and Mr. Dallas took me in. He was so sweet to me and he trained me to be a fighter. Now I just got kidnapped by a man that I suppose to kill. A freaking Mafia. I just need to get out of here. Somehow.....

Michael POV:

That woman! She just a little reminder of my last girlfriend, she betrayed me and I end up to kill her and now I have this one into my life. It make me feel like that I need her into my life. I just to get to her slowly, maybe... Just maybe that she will like me..... No wait... I want her to love me and only me, and me alone.

I just got the perfect plan for her and see if she will do as I say. She just need to listen to me and it will make a lot easier for her and me. Hmm.. i am going to send a little message to the Mr. Dallas that I have his girl and she is mine.

Mr. Dallas POV

Oh my God!! She should of be back here by now. I am so worry about her. I hope that nothing bad happened to her. Her mission supposed to be tonight to kill the Mafia Leader. I just need to give her a call.

(Calls Scarlett cell phone)


*Rings like 10 times*

"This number is disconnected. Or miscalculated number, call the operator or try to call again later. Goodbye."

Ugh stupid phones these days! What am I going to do, she always picks up my calls. Wait... I got a text from an unknown number let's see this....

(Text from Unknown)

'I got your girl now, Dallas. If you want to see her again, meet me at the park at downtown and you owned me something that is mine so be there by 48 hours.

From Michael King

P.S did you know that Scarlett is very beautiful Dallas, maybe that I will do something that will make you very angry so you better do as I say or else. Bye for now..'

Ugh!!!! Why!! How did he know about her. She was one if my secret Assassin that I ever had in my life in my Company. I need to find out why that he wants her for. I hope that she is unharmed. I will kick her ass if he hurts her.

Scarlett POV:

It been hours since I eat something, I miss my own bed, but at least one thing good about here that I didn't get any nightmares about what my dad did to me or I should say my step dad. I thought that he was my dad in the beginning with but my mom lied to me since I was little like 5 years old.

I just got I wanted for that, I just want my nightmares to go away. My step dad raped me when I was 14 years old and my mom was sick and he missed to have those things that is called pleasure.

That gross in my book, I just love to have real love, but he took my innocence away. I wish to have that when I start my own family and I won't have to do this violence job and to change my name and everything and go to have a good life.

Then one of Michael Servents come to me with food and it smells very good. Like that I won't had that type of food since mom was alive. She said,

"Here you go mi'lady. I am so sorry that you are here in this mess."

I said,

"It alright, I been through worst than this."

She said,

"What Happened to you that is worst than this."

I started to cry and she hug me and she said,

" It okay to cry and let it all out, by the way, my name is Amy."

I said,

"Nice to meet you, Amy. It just hard to talk about my problems that happened to me so long ago."

She said,

"I am here for you, Scarlett. Just tell me."

I said,


I wipe my tears away.

Michael POV:

I am hearing Scarlett and Amy conversation, I need to know about her and I need to hear what she have to say.

Scarlett said,

"When I was like 14 years old, my step dad raped me and I told him that we are a family and we didn't need to do that. But he said that my mom was sick and she wouldn't give that to her. I knew that he been drinking and that why that he is being that way to me."

I hear her crying and I got pissed off and I want to kill this man that hurt her. I want to hear more.

Amy said,

"That must of been horrible for you been in that situation. Anything else happened?"

She said,

"One day he brought one of his friends when my mom was in the hospital dying, so his friend had raped me too. So after they left me in the room alone, I rushed to the hospital and did tests and they had his DNA and I claimed that he raped me and so of my step dad, they didn't find his DNA. Cause he used comdoms. But they arested his friend so he is in prison for life. Then my step dad started to beat me up and raped me like 30 times a week or more."

Amy said,

"WOW.... I am shocked of what happened to you like that."

I left them to talk and I got all the information that I need. I want to kill him that hurt my girl. So I am going to get men to go out and kill him and I know who that she is talking about, I heard other girls that been saying like rumors that their was a man that rapes a lot of girls.

He is sick. A rapists is always a rapist.

After I got my men to go to kill him, I am going to check on Scarlett. Then I seen Amy in a sad mood. Then I said,

"What wrong Amy?"

She said,

"I feel so sorry for Scarlett, sir. She had a horrible life and she need someone right now. ALL she needs is peace and love. Sir."

I said,

"I know, I heard your guys conversation. I know that man that raped her."

She said,

"You do? How?!"

I said,

"Their was rumors about the man that was her step dad. He is so evil that he raped 14 other girls after Scarlett."

She said,

"Oh God!"

I said,

"I send my men to go out to kill him."

She smiled,

"She will be happy that you done that for her, sir. She needs someone like you."

I said,

"Thank you Amy, you can rest up and have weekends off."

She said,

Thank you, sir."

I went by, and I hear her crying and I am going to tell her about this. So I went in and I see her crying on her bed, laying like a ball. I feel so bad for her. So I came to her and I lay right beside of her and I hug her.

She got shocked and I seen her blushing bright red.

She so cute when she blushing. And then I said,

"I am so sorry Scarlett."

Scarlett POV:

He just told me that he is sorry and I know that he means it, she is that means that he heard the conversation. Oh god, I am so ashamed.

"You heard it, did you?"

He said,

"I did, don't worry about that mean old man, Scarlett, I sent men out there to kill him, so he won't hurt you and other girls every again."

I said,

"Thank you."

Michael POV:

She fell asleep on me and she is so cute. I think that I just sleep in here to. I don't want to wake the angel up.