
King of Beasts and Gamer Girl Adventuring in Another World

The King of Beasts finds himself transported from his savage and untamed realm to a mystical world where classes, statuses, swords, and magic are the norm. Lost and disoriented in his newfound human form, he encounters a girl who was transported just like him. But unlike the king of beasts, the girl was very familiar with this kind of situation as she had read many novels and played games with this kind of plot. After certain events, they both decide to become adventurers, embarking on a quest to explore this magical world they find themselves in.

RealRomanLord · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Prologue : Death of the Beast King (1)

In a world full of humanoid beasts, a majestic figure, with his golden mane flowing magnificently, could be seen sitting on a crude throne.

Four exquisite and enchanting humanoid beast ladies, whose beauty surpassed all bounds known to this world, were accompanying the king of beasts.

These women were revered as the epitome of allure, their radiance captivating the hearts and minds of all who beheld them.

The beast that had the looks of a lioness was cuddled up in the king's lap and was in pure bliss.

The one with the looks of a dragon was sitting on the throne's armrest, flapping her wings to provide a gentle breeze for her beloved king.

The she-wolf was resting beside the king's feet while her tail swayed left and right with happiness.

And finally, on the throne's left side, stood a beast with the looks of a black panther with a hard-to-see blush on her face as the king held her hand.

She preferred to stay in the shadows and did not like to show such open affection in front of the others but as the king requested her presence near him, she had to obey.

The other beast ladies, who were scattered all around the open area, were looking at the four with envy and jealousy.

They also wanted the king to show them affection but they knew that they were not strong enough to get the king's attention.

As the king and his women were relaxing, a beast woman could be seen approaching the throne.

Normally, when an unknown woman comes here like this, she would have to fight her way to get a chance to meet the king but all the other beast women made way for her to pass through.

Although she did not belong there, she was allowed to approach the king.

She stopped near the throne, kneeled, and started to speak,

"I, Trickster Black Rabbit, challenge the Lioness Queen for her spot in the harem."

All the women were glaring at this foolish beast and wanted to tear her limb from limb but no one moved. As this was not the first time they were encountering this absurd situation.

A wry smile tugged at the corners of the king's lips, his voice carrying a hint of amusement as he said,

"So, your back again black rabbit."

"You look as beautiful and majestic as ever my king", she said while bowing her head.

"As I have said many times, I acknowledge your strength and allow you can enter my harem. So why do you keep challenging the impossible".

"I dont want to be like all these useless women who sit around you just wishing for the king to look at them."

All kinds of hostility and growls came towards the rabbit.

"I am going to make your majesty look at me. I want to be the closest to you.", said the rabbit with determination in her eyes.

"Hahaha, I see I see. You have quite a high ambition".

The king smiles and turns towards his queen.

"Well my queen, looks like there is someone here for your spot."

The queen did not move from her position and stayed in the king's lap with her eyes closed. It was like she wanted to ignore this stupid situation.

"hmm, it seems the queen is also impressed by her ambition and is willing to give her spot away", whispers the king jokingly.

The lioness opens her eyes, revealing her beautiful amber irises, and glares at the king.

"Why do you keep making me fight her even when the result is obvious?"

"It is good that she has ambition but she is young and foolish. She needs to understand that there are things you can not overcome with ambition and stubbornness alone."

"And? Why should I teach her that?"

"She has the potential to grow strong in her own way and I want to see that. How far can she get when faced with an impossible challenge? Will she give up or overcome this", says the king.

"Sigh, fine I shall fight her but I want my reward just like always."

"We shall roam the deep jungles and stay there for 2 days, just us."

Satisfied after hearing the answer, the queen gets up from the king's lap and starts stretching.

When the she-wolf saw that the king's lap was empty she jumped on it and started to rub her face on the king's chest.

"You better move when I come back", said the queen with a growl.


"fufufu~, I can't wait to see what new trick she has", said the dragon queen.


"I have to say black rabbit, you do have guts"

"Thank you, my queen"


*Doom* *Doom*

A heavy pressure weighed upon everyone as the queen released her aura.

"Thinking that you can defeat me is just stupidity"

The tension in the air could be felt as the rabbit and the lioness stood in front of each other,

"Begin", the king announced.

The rabbit jumped back, took the staff from her back, and got in a fighting stance. The queen on the other hand did not move and just stood there with folded arms.

She did this because the king had asked her beforehand to let the rabbit make the first move.

This was done so the rabbit could have a chance to show her fighting style. The king was very interested in her way of fighting that used what she called "Tricks".

After a couple of seconds, the rabbit shouts,

"Trick, [Illusion]"

Multiple copies of the black rabbit appeared and started to move here and there trying to hide the original body.

"ohh, she has learned yet another new trick," said the king with interest and amusement.

"Trick, [Light]", shouts the rabbit and a blinding light appears that makes everyone close their eyes for a second.

"No matter how many of these "Tricks" you learn, they amount to nothing in front of pure strength", said the queen and made a fist.

With a thunderous impact, she thrust her fist into the earth, sending shockwaves reverberating through the ground.

Her shockwaves caused the real black rabbit to fall while the illusions kept moving.

"Trick, [Li-"

The rabbit wanted to blind her opponent again but the lioness was already in front of her. She seized her by the throat and lifted her up.

"Give up, you will never be able to defeat me or rather even touch me with those useless tricks of yours", said the queen with complete confidence.

"You....never...know", said the rabbit while struggling.

"Oh but I do know because your too slo-"

As the queen was speaking she felt someone's touch behind her back.

When she turned and looked at who it was, her eyes opened wide with shock.

"See, what did I tell you, you never know", said the black rabbit.

The rabbit that should be in the queen's grip was now standing behind her.


"What you are holding in your hand is, like you said, one of my useless tricks."

When the queen squeezed a little harder the rabbit in her hand popped and turned to smoke.

"My tricks are not useless, queen of beasts", said the rabbit while staring straight into the queen's eyes.

Everyone was in disbelief and shock. No one had ever imagined that this was possible even though the queen was not fighting seriously.

Not even the king