
King Arthur: a trainee Of Roger's Regiment

Traveled to the battlefield of the Valley of the Gods, was adopted by the Roger Pirates, and together with Shanks and Buggy as the first-time pirates, participated in the sea battle of Art Wall, witnessed the birth of the One Piece King, and witnessed the advent of the era of great pirates . Its name is: Arthur Pendragon! Holding the holy sword: the sword of vowed victory, holding the holy gun: the gun that shines at the end, and the scabbard at the waist: the distant utopia! Lead the Knights of the Round Table and form a new Holy British Empire! Reforge the prestige of King Arthur, King of Knights, and the invincible Lion King! Shanks: "Arthur! He's always at the forefront!" Whitebeard: "That brat? Laozi remembers it very clearly! He once said he would surpass me!" Kaido: "That's the kid who cut off Laozi's dragon horn!" Sengoku: "Does the British Empire represent justice?"

The_Creator223 · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Arthur Pendragon! The First Trainee Pirate To Offer A Reward Of 1 Billion Baileys!

Arthur Pendragon.

Douglas Bullet.


The end of the At Wall naval battle really shook the whole world, but! Compared with the victory of the Roger Pirates, everyone paid more attention to these two brats, and other than that, everyone paid more attention to Arthur is gone.

In this battle, the strength that Arthur showed, especially! Arthur's amazing talent and ability are the most shocking, this kid who is only 12 years old, if Arthur What about growing up? How awesome would that be?


Many people are thinking about this question, and Linlin is a typical representative of them. She is a crazy woman, but! No one really thinks that being able to become Four Emperors in the future is an idiot, right? That is impossible! Linlin It is very clear that with the existence of the Roger Pirates, it is unrealistic to want to kill or rob Arthur and Bullet, and the best way is to get married. You must not be able to marry yourself, and you will be ashamed up.

Of course!

As for the external situation, Arthur doesn't know, even if he knows? Sorry! I'm still not interested, Arthur's ambition is different from these, or even said that his ambition is not here. Naturally, he doesn't particularly care about these. A lot of everything is very different.

Oro Jackson!



Breathing out a deep mouthful of turbid air, Arthur's expression was very serious, and with the improvement of his strength time after time, the difficulty of his training became more and more terrifying. Although he was only swinging the sword, but! Sword, my muscles seem to be trembling, as if my muscles are about to collapse, this is my own training, it is extremely terrifying.

This kind of training will make Arthur's strength even greater, and it will make the red dragon's blood more perfect and better, and this! is the most important thing. Combining two or two, only by fully Playing it out is the most important thing.

This is my most important hole card, even if it is a curry stick, it is just a weapon! And, only the blood of the red dragon, this is my own power, and I have to use it perfectly, this is the most important thing .



This terrifying training lasted for a full three hours, and Arthur slowly put down the epee and the weight on his body, at this moment! It was at this moment that he exhaled a long breath and wiped his forehead. Sweat, and every muscle on the body, if you look closely, you will find that it has completely turned red.

That was caused by the intense congestion. If it continues, the muscles will be torn directly, and the blood will flow out directly. Such a result, presumably, is unacceptable to many people.

Arthur let out a long mouthful of turbid air, feeling the severe pain in his body, and said secretly: "Sure enough! With the improvement of the blood of the red dragon, the more it is developed, the more difficult it will be.

The body of the red dragon is too difficult to improve!"

Name: Arthur Pendragon

Noble Phantasm: Sword of Promised Victory (Second Seal Unlocked) Shining in the Final Spear (Unlocked) Distant Gensokyo (Unlocked)

Bloodline: Red Dragon Bloodline (35%) Island Power (unawakened)


British Isles:

Chalk City:

Haki: Conqueror's Haki (Intermediate) Armament Haki (Intermediate) Observation Haki (Intermediate)

Arthur looked at his attribute panel, and after experiencing the naval battle of Aite Wall, his red dragon bloodline increased by 5% again, but he knew very well that if he continued to improve, he would truly become more and more powerful. Difficult, even to say! It is almost impossible to improve simply through training and fighting, but to experience life and death to be able to develop step by step.

Second point!

In other words, his Conqueror's Haki has broken through the elementary level and reached the intermediate level respectively, which is also a level improvement, in general! The current overall strength of Arthur, the general Marine Vice Admiral, is basically delivering food, but! In terms of age, I have indeed reached a bottleneck, and the red dragon bloodline has reached a bottleneck. Next, I need to train harder and harder for a long time to be promoted step by step.

This is an extremely important point. Arthur is very clear that at his age, the improvement of strength is not to advance but to retreat. If he relaxes, then not only will his strength not be improved, but it will even go backwards. Only by consolidating ! Work hard! Improve! This is the way to continue to improve your own strength.


Arthur never had any slack, because he knew very well that slack would only make him weaker, and if he wanted to become stronger, he needed to work harder

Go forward step by step.


"Mr. Rayleigh!"

Arthur wiped off his sweat, looked at Mr. Rayleigh approaching, and smiled; "What's wrong?"

Rayleigh looked at Arthur, listened to Arthur's inquiry, but shook his head, and continued: "Arthur! You need to relax a little bit, and there is a degree of relaxation, so that you can improve better."

Arthur was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Is it because of physical matters? For this, I think..."


Rayleigh interrupted Arthur, and said seriously: "Arthur, I know very well that your body is actually very special. Its recovery power! Defense power! And the power it brings, in every respect, it's like a monster. For you, this kind of fatigue may not be a big deal."


Rayleigh said very seriously: "Arthur, your body can bear it, but can your heart really bear it? I know, you are a very mature child, but! The inner fatigue is accumulated little by little, and if If you don't relax, you will accumulate forever, so, for you, when it really breaks out, it will be the most troublesome thing."


"I see.

Arthur murmured these words, then nodded, and said: "Mr. Rayleigh, thank you for reminding me, I will pay attention to this matter, if there is really a problem, I will take a rest and let myself relax.


Rayleigh looked at Arthur who understood in a few words, nodded with a smile and said: "Arthur! You just need to understand, the future belongs to you, and your growth does not lie in this short period of time, but in a bigger In the long run, take it step by step."


Arthur smiled and said: "Mr. Arthur, don't worry, I'm not that kind of person, I'll understand.

Rayleigh looked at Arthur gently. He really took Arthur very seriously. He really treated him as his own child. With the end of the naval battle at Ait Wall, Arthur was still working hard to improve again and again. Own.


It's actually not a good thing, at least, for Arthur, he needs a little rest, otherwise! His heart is always in a state of tension, so what if he can't? This is a very huge problem!


Regarding these, after Arthur knew about them, he naturally knew and understood even more, telling the truth! Arthur only lived to be in his twenties in his previous life, but now he is only twelve years old in this life. Even if he gradually inherited the inheritance of King Arthur, But still...


The holiness you expect yourself to inherit! Perfect! What kind of useful memory and spiritual maturity can such a king give you? Stop making trouble! I understand things, but if I really want to see through, I still need the guidance of my seniors.

Now?! Rayleigh is already 51 years old. At this age, he really understands better than himself. As he gets older, he understands more naturally and absorbs more experience from the elderly. This is not a bad thing. It will make you grow up faster.

After Arthur understands this, the next step is to prepare his own plan. In the next month, the training will be reduced by about one-third, and the rest will be more, and the study time will also be slightly reduced. Overall! It's important to let yourself relax a little bit, enjoy life, and relax inside.


He took a deep breath, and a month passed. Arthur sat cross-legged on the deck, fishing quietly. Kill three birds with one stone.



Suddenly, deafening shouts came from his ears, Arthur turned slightly sideways, "Buggy, who couldn't stop running all the way, almost fell directly.


At this moment, Arthur grabbed Buggy's waist, pulled him up, and said with a smile, "Buggy, don't be so rash! What's wrong? You found the treasure map that Captain Roger gave you The treasure, or have you found something else?"


Buggy was caught, and with a sigh of relief, he said: "I didn't find the treasure map that Captain Roger gave me, but! I did find a new treasure map during yesterday's battle. I checked it. According to the information, it is said to be a treasure map of a great pirate 100 years ago.


Arthur chuckled, "Congratulations."

"Then look!"

Buggy is so excited, now he has two treasure maps in his hands, in the future! When the Roger pirate group is disbanded, he can form his own powerful pirate group with the treasure of the two treasure maps, At that time, I can find more treasures, form a bigger pirate group, find more treasures, form a bigger pirate group, and form a virtuous circle...



Buggy suddenly came to his senses, patted his head and said, "It's not what I came here for, your reward order is out! New reward order?!"

"Reward order?!"

Arthur was taken aback, and said in astonishment: "It's been a month, and my reward order has appeared?"

Regarding this situation, Arthur was really dumbfounded, generally speaking! Marine's new reward order will appear in about seven days, but this time it took almost a month?

Art Wall Naval Battle!

A full month has passed, to be honest! Marine didn't make any moves. Arthur felt that it might be to suppress this huge war directly, so as not to cause too much turmoil and increase Roger's sea. The prestige of the bandits.


It's been a month, and my own reward order has appeared?! This situation is a bit unexpected, isn't it more or less strange?



Buggy pulled Arthur, and ran towards the other side, and on the other side Bullet, Shanks, Captain Roger, Mr. Rayleigh, Mr. Jabba, San Bell, West Carl, many people were here, surrounding the reward order in their hands Flipping through.

"Arthur Jr.


"You came!"

West Carl greeted carelessly, while Arthur nodded and asked, "Mr. West Carl, is this my reward order?"

Sang Bell nodded and said: "It's indeed Arthur boy, no! The reward orders for the four of you, but it's also quite strange.

A whole month has passed, and as a result, the reward order has just appeared. "


Listening to Sang Bell's words, everyone nodded. It was indeed very strange. It has been a month since the reward order was issued?!

"Not surprising."

Rayleigh said softly; "After the Battle of Ait Wall, we defeated the Flying Pirates. For us, our reputation has been raised to Ultimate, and! I

We are looking for the legendary Raftel. If we really find it, according to our reputation, we will become the legendary One Piece. It is impossible for Marine to look at this

If the situation arises, it will inevitably suppress our reputation. "


"Arthur, Bullet, Shanks, Buggy, these four 840 little guys, their strength has been improved time and time again, if there is no reward for these four little guys

Otherwise, their danger cannot be increased.


Listening to Rayleigh's explanation, everyone nodded their heads. That's true. Things should basically be like this! However, everyone still felt that it was somewhat outrageous.

Yes, I can only say that it is really embarrassing, Marine really makes people feel helpless!

"What about the bounty?"

Arthur was not very interested in these, but asked about his bounty with a smile. If it was possible, he actually didn't want his bounty to continue.

Increase, after all, I don't really want to be a pirate in the future, but! If it rises, it will rise, which is also a recognition of myself.

"have a look."

Rayleigh handed out the reward orders to four people respectively.

Clown Buggy!

Bounty: 320 million Baileys.

Introduction: Roger Pirates trainee pirates.

Redhead Shanks!

Bounty: 330 million Baileys.

Introduction: Roger Pirates trainee pirates.

Devil's Descendants: Douglas Bullet!

Bounty: 890 million Baileys.

Introduction: Roger Pirates trainee pirates.

Buggy, Shanks, Bullet, everyone's bounty has been greatly improved, especially Bullet, which has almost increased to 900 million Baileys in one breath

The bounty is actually very scary.


Thinking about it a little bit, it's understandable. Although Bullet is a trainee pirate, his strength is really good enough. As a dignified headquarters Vice Admiral level, and

And it is not a weak pirate at the Vice Admiral level of the headquarters, and the bounty is about 1 billion Baileys, which is actually not surprising!

Don't think that the Vice Admiral of the headquarters is worthless, Cracker! Jack! These three major cadres of the weaker Four Emperors pirate group are basically the middle and upper ranks of the stronger headquarters.

Will, so it is not surprising that this bounty is offered.


Everyone looked at Arthur, and they were all very curious. How much is Arthur's bounty?

Lion: Arthur Pendragon!!!

Bounty: 1 billion Baileys!!!

Introduction: A trainee pirate of the Roger Pirates, an extremely dangerous pirate with a special Devil Fruit, or a special destructive weapon.

This is the reward order given by Marine. Although looking at Bullet's reward order, everyone probably guessed it, but! More people are still confused.


This is a bounty of 1 billion Baileys! Arthur doesn't say whether he is strong enough, he is just a trainee pirate?! Is the bounty for trainee pirates more or less true?

A little too high?

This is something that everyone has never thought of, let alone that Arthur's bounty has been doubled!