
King Arthur: a trainee Of Roger's Regiment

Traveled to the battlefield of the Valley of the Gods, was adopted by the Roger Pirates, and together with Shanks and Buggy as the first-time pirates, participated in the sea battle of Art Wall, witnessed the birth of the One Piece King, and witnessed the advent of the era of great pirates . Its name is: Arthur Pendragon! Holding the holy sword: the sword of vowed victory, holding the holy gun: the gun that shines at the end, and the scabbard at the waist: the distant utopia! Lead the Knights of the Round Table and form a new Holy British Empire! Reforge the prestige of King Arthur, King of Knights, and the invincible Lion King! Shanks: "Arthur! He's always at the forefront!" Whitebeard: "That brat? Laozi remembers it very clearly! He once said he would surpass me!" Kaido: "That's the kid who cut off Laozi's dragon horn!" Sengoku: "Does the British Empire represent justice?"

The_Creator223 · Anime & Comics
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93 Chs

Aite Wall Naval Battle! End

The violent storm will always dissipate. As time goes by, the violent storm that covered the entire Ait Vol sea area slowly dissipated.


The wind and rain that has never dissipated for thousands of years gradually dissipated, and a beautiful colorful sun fell. After the heavy rain, the sea area of ​​Ait Wall looked very beautiful.

Colorful sunshine.

Eternal rainbow.

as if!

this moment...

All the beauty is gathered here, everyone is quietly watching the wind and rain dissipating in the sea area of ​​Ait Wall, and the sunshine that emerges is really too beautiful. The beautiful scenery makes people feel I couldn't help squinting my eyes!

Everyone was smiling, quietly looking at the beautiful scenery in front of them.

"There is always a rainbow after the storm..."

Arthur muttered these words softly, shook his head with a chuckle, didn't think about it any more, just quietly looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Art Wall Sea Territory!

This sea area will appear every thousand years, which is almost one of the most beautiful scenery in the world, and the duration of this kind of scenery is very short, back and forth, only lasted for about an hour.

It's not a bad thing to quietly appreciate such a beautiful scenery and feel the inner emptiness, is it?


The atmosphere seemed to have become silent.

Roger Pirates.

Air Pirates.

Both sides kept silent, just watching everything in front of them quietly across the beautiful Ait Wall sea area. Everyone has never spoken, and no one knows what the next outcome of this war will be. how.



"Jie hahahaha~~~"

Roger and Shiki looked at each other, they both showed a hideous smile at the same time, and then laughed sassyly.

Roger said boldly: "Shiki! You bastard, what a disgrace! Why did you end up losing like this because of our two apprentice pirates?"


Shiki grinned at the corner of his mouth and said ferociously; "Roger! You bastard, don't be joking, Laozi lost? Cut! This war is just over, it doesn't mean Laozi lost! Roger, you bastard! Stop, your life, Laozi will take it with his own hands!"


Clenching a fist with one hand, Shiki's eyes gleamed with endless madness, and the sharpness gleamed in those eyes, as if he wanted to take away everything.

Roger said proudly: "Shiki! No matter what time it is, the result is the same. You lost! You just lost!"

"Jie hahahaha~~~"

"It really makes people feel ugly!"

Shiki let out a heroic laugh, and the next moment! An astonishing scene happened, and Shiki admitted without hesitation: "That's right! It is undeniable that because Laozi underestimated the two apprentice pirates, this time, Laozi was indeed defeated!"



"Remember for Laozi, next time, it won't be like this, at that time! Either become Laozi's right-hand man, or die!"


Shiki clenched his fist with one hand, and the whole person had a terrifying light in his eyes.



And at this moment, the beautiful scenery that lasted for less than an hour had gradually dissipated, and the sea area of ​​Aite Wall was covered with dark clouds again, and the terrifying rainstorm fell again, which also blocked the sight of both sides. In the same way, it seems to prove that the end of this war is the same.


With his own fruit ability, Shiki floated up with all the pirate ships, but he was heading for the distance. There was a completely different light in his eyes, and a smile emerged.

No one knows!

Shiki, who has already lost, what is he laughing at, or what! What exactly is Shiki trying to do?


Roger looked at the storm in front of him, but smiled, because he knew exactly what Shiki would do.

"That's how you admit defeat?"


Both Shanks and Buggy were a bit confused, they didn't think about it, they just retreated like this, and! Just throw in the towel? This! I just can't believe it!


Arthur chuckled and said, "What's so strange about this? He is Golden Lion Shiki! As the tide-rider of this sea, as one of the three legendary pirates of this sea, as the apex of this sea, does he even admit Don't you have the courage to fail yourself?"

"There has never been a shortage of successful people in this sea, but! What is missing is people who can clearly admit their failures, instead of being able to sink into failure forever after failure."

"That's a pointless thing!"


Listening to Arthur's words, both Shanks and Buggy were lost in thought. Compared with Arthur, although the strength of the two of them was improving by leaps and bounds, they were still young men after all in terms of age, and they needed to think carefully.


They are only 12 years old!

"The Battle of Ait Wall..."


Arthur quietly looked into the distance, thinking about something in his heart, if calculated according to time! It's been 2 years since Captain Roger became One Piece, and only 3 years before Captain Roger's execution!





Arthur came back to his senses, looked at Captain Roger who was slapping his shoulder, and was taken aback.

Captain Roger grinned and said: "Stinky boy! Don't think so much, you are still young, the next sea is your era, and all you have to do now is to watch quietly, this is your era. The glory of the Roger Pirates! The glory of the Roger Pirates that no one can stop!!!"