
King Adventure

A queen who lost her home A hero wanting to prove himself a lord who is ambitious a king who has gone mad a hero with new ambition

ihatepower_45 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Scot Reunification War End

"I sentence you prince James to death for treason." With that sound, all nearby enemies have been crushed.

Our army has grown to around seven thousand men due to a bunch of princes surrendering or joining my side in the past week and a half.

Now it's on to the biggest options we will face, they are lead by the Tepes family. They have so far refused to join our alliance or bend the knee.

They have formed a small alliance with the surrounding prince and declared themselves kings. It's time to give them a royal death then.

Their numbers are estimated to be around five thousand and mostly consist of archers. Which will be a problem for us.

"We should equip or the first row of men with shields and have them slowly march up the hill and slaughter them all." A man dressed in a blue tunic filled with jewellery.

He's offered to join my side recently. Even personally giving his prince chain. He has supplied me with around a thousand men and war funds that will last us taking Ironfort.

His name was Prince Donald but he changed it to mayor Donald based on the position his wife had in Fren.

"We should wait until the forces of Prince Derald arrive, the enemy has the terrain advantage and have the village nearby for supplies." John says angrily refusing mayor Donald words.

"That would weaken her majesty position if we waited on someone help." This bickering has been happening for a while now and I need all advice I can get.

This battle will determine my future position in this county and how I'm seen by history.

"Your nothing but a merchant what do you know about war?" John says and mayor Donald smiles.

"I may be no warrior or general but I'm a man of coin and coin isn't a luxury we have." Money its always money, that will all change if we take Ironfort.

"Money is nothing compared to my men live." It would seem they have come to an end. I have already heard what I need to hear.

"Both of you leave, I will spend the night making my decision." I can't be rash all the other time, I'm no longer a child I'm now a queen.

That night I barely slept since I had to replay the scenario in my head multiple times. The result has been decided on 6/4. Whether or not this outcome will be successful will be determined by time and I don't have that.

"My queen I will ask you to reconsider this decision." I will not, I already sent out the order to do so if I suddenly retract it would cause confusion.

"I order you to carry out my orders." John hearing what I say final bows then leave.

Even now I still repay all the possible outcomes and it keeps changes but it never goes in favour of John option. I already had to deal with the princes I will not create another problem.

The enemy has spread out their archers to maximize their range and high ground advantage. In front of them are two lines of infantrymen there to protect the archers.

Our response is a thick line of shield infantry and our archers behind them to back them up and return fire. Behind them are reinforcements around three thousand strong.

Leading the shield line is John younger brother, Robert, while he's leading the archers. I'm leading a small elite force behind them readying to strike. The three thousand reinforcements are lead by my uncle Derald IX, John and Robert father.

The war drums begin to be sound like thunder and my men begin to March. With each step, I can see scenes of my past. Like the time in 357 A.E when my brother was shot in the eye and died in my arms or when a few months later my first husband was captured by Enland forces and his head was put on a pike.

Even though hundreds of years have passed these memories still linger, even though I've long since lost my thirst for revenge I still want to fulfil my father's wish. To live inside of Scot City.

Very soon I hear the sound of arrows hitting against metal. Our march is slowed down due to that. An order is given and our shield breaks into half and begins to march upwards.

"Who gave that order?" I ask the nearby commander who shakes his head in confusion. Damn it don't tell me that Tepes powers are reaching us from this distance.

All four holy families received a special power from our ancestors the kings of the night. My Carmillia family has the power to manipulate blood, the Dracula to create subordinates with their bite, the Nosferatu the power to control shadows and the Tepes mind control.

I gave Robert that cursed sword to prevent him from being controlled but that won't stop his subordinates. That's the true reason why this battle always has 6/4.

"Send a message to John that our men have fallen under Tepes control search for him." This is the only response I have, I am the only one who is immune to his control.

The commander nods then begin to send a personal message to John. Meanwhile, our men are being destroyed by archer fire.

That side our march has not been stopped. Tepes your cunning but your weakness is well known. I take out a poleaxe and swing it around.

Soon archer fire stops and both sides infantry begin to clash with each other. We are better equipped but the due position we are being pushed back.

"Retreat!" What? Who gave that order?

"Anyone who retreats will be beheaded!" Damn that bastard where is he?

"The line has been broken!" What the hell, no-no-no. Is it true or not?

Whether or not I believe it my men are retreating running down the hill. That bastard.

"Tell my uncle to form a wall of spears to prevent men from retreating." The commander has yet to return so I have forced one of my men to send the message.

Things aren't going well our men are being chased and that bastard is running around loose. I'm calm, strangely so. That's because I've been in this scenario before but in the reverse. What did that bastard do? Yes, I remember it like yesterday.

"(Dullahan)." Appearing from shadows is a headless knight on his black horse. In his right had a lance in the other his head.

"Let's go." I immediately jump on the back of the horse and run towards my uncle even bypassing my messenger to reach my uncle.

"Let them pass, split the line into five hundred men and spread out as much as possible." This was tactically used to crush me and allowed princes to rise. That Tepes kid would have known if he was born back then.

Just like with me the enemy picks up speed thinking that our line can be smashed. Hopefully, those people will realize my plan and fall into position.

Soon both side begins to clash and all deserters have passed through. The enemy begins to push back the lines but that's part of the plan.

"Split!" At my command, the lines break further and begin to surround the enemies now panicking. Realizing what's going on the deserters rejoin and begin strengthening our lines.

That gives our archers enough time to find arrows to rain into our centre that's filled with rebels. The battle is over, the only person left is Tepes.

Then a sign emerged Dullahan begins to act weird like it's been controlled. You're near me Tepes. Bad idea.

"(Blood Festival: Grand Pole)!" Blood spikes sprout from the ground and begin to impale all the people around me except my uncle and the commander.

I then release them and from the height, they fall death is a must.

"Remove all their helmets, find Tepes." Soliders fight and die in war, sometimes you just have to sacrifice your own.

"I've found Tepes!" That's great, this war is finally over.