
King Adventure

A queen who lost her home A hero wanting to prove himself a lord who is ambitious a king who has gone mad a hero with new ambition

ihatepower_45 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Family Matters Part 3

"This hurts like hell." I say getting out of the bed. My magic has built up back, I'm supposed to have it fix the day before but Stephanie magic won't work until tomorrow. 

Speaking of Stephanie she has been trained by mother and the results are disastrous. For one nobody can really touch her because I'm not hundred percent sure when her powers will return. The other reason she doesn't want to.

So now my mother is extremely angry and is berating me for choosing such a savage girl and whatnot. Meanwhile, Stephanie has destroyed two priceless dresses making every female despised her.

At least there is one thing good that comes out of it. She seems to be charmed by the way of the sword and has not missed training once. I was able to bribe her to learn basic language due to that.

I call a maid to help me put on my clothes due to the increased weakness. I'm now quickly missing not having to walk around half dead.

"She's a special one isn't she." Master says looking at Stephanie wielding a sword. She is in the process of fighting a knight and she's winning.

"Yes I've read about her family lineage and it was quite impressive." The keyword was, they have been falling off very hard recently even to near bankruptcy.

"She will most likely raise her family up, the Beowulf are subordinates of the Fallash family you can speak to them." That would be wonderful but. . .

"I'm not the heir so my powers are not existence and actual rank is more of a count and a small count at that." My family couldn't risk giving lands to someone who is fated to die, though it doesn't matter to me now.

"You underestimate your ability, who knows what my change after it's revealed that you're no longer a dead man walking. Beware some people value traditions very much." So people will try and put as the duke, well they will have a hard time. 

"I will be looking out for that." The match ended the knight has been defeated by Stephanie. 

The power of a Duke much can be done with it but all the responsibilities of being one can I handle it. Who knows and I rather not find out. 

"Your has beautiful has ever Doctor Wells." The one who says that is my father, he's followed by an entourage of strange people. They are all wearing different coloured clothing but seeing their Crest I know their origins. 

"Your flattery is unnecessary Lord Eirwen and it's nice to meet you Lady Ladon." My teacher bows then leave. Now it's just me and my father entourage.

"William this is Lady Mary she is a daughter of House Ladon and your fiance." Unlike the rumours, she isn't ugly as a toad. She is filled with freckles but that's not an issue for me.

"It's nice to meet you but I've things to be done now." My father might support this marriage but I don't and I will not be dragged into it.

"What are you doing William? Show our lovely guest and her people around the castle." He's angry so angry his contacts feel out revealing his true colours, white.

"Your contacts have fallen out, come with me, my lady." I guess I can't really resist his words yet. 

Mary nods then take my arm and beginning to walk. She smells like a summer rose, probably due to perfume only being sold in the capital. 

"This castle is quite beautiful almost majestic, my family castle is smaller but more beautiful." She says looking around the place.

"It's built to accommodate as many people as possible, we have to be prepared for a possible Scot invasion." She listen to my words disinterested, her eyes only seem interested in the castle.

"The Scots has never managed to reach here yet so your family worries are pointless." That's easy to say now but when an axe is being driven to your head the situation is different. 

"Either way it's built for protection, I'm sorry to say but I'm really busy maybe later or afterwards." I say bowing to her and leave. 

I enter the training field and walk towards Stephanie who is drinking water and hand her a flower. The flower doesn't wither.

"Your skill with the sword is impressive but your magic skill is lacking." I say and she puts down the cup.

"Magic complicated, I'm not smart." That has been her excuse whenever I try to teach magic similarly when I teach her.

"I will give you an award if you learn how to use magic." Her eyes look at me and she begins to smile.

"Magic not too complicated, reward I want." She nods her head then goes to the arms bearer to ask him something. 

"Everything is ready." Master says to me walking up behind me silently.

"Let's go then."