
King's revenge (One-shot)

(ONE-SHOT) The kingdom of Panistroth, the strongest and mightiest nations of all 12 nations, ruled by the king Marten, ruling alongside with his 13 wives that are queens and princesses of surroundings nations. Peace and unity is their motto, they are loved by the public, Nobles and Royalties respect and adore them, but every good person always has evil within them. In reality, in the king and his wives sweet façade, the wives hold the king hostage, their crazy love for him turns into a dark turn, killing Marten's entire royal bloodline, leaving him the crowned king, leaving his siblings and mother hostage to blackmail him to marry them, killing and extinguishing nobles who dare to retaliate against them. His long anguish caused by his wives, the near extinction of his royal bloodline, the demise and despair he has been through, he sets his life in one thing and one thing only. Revenge.

baduhScribble · Fantasy
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1 Chs


13 children, 1 boy and 12 girls.

The thirteen children lay on the soft, velvety bed of a vast blooming field, their eyes locked on the seemingly endless sky above, the wispy white clouds drifting slowly by. The air was cool, but not uncomfortably so, and the gentle breeze rustled through the field, causing the flowers to sway back and forth. Can be seen below the soaring the sky, viewing the up-above, beyond the drifting clouds.

Suddenly, one of the girls broke the peaceful silence, her voice ringing out clear and strong. "Hey, Marten, when you become crowned king, promise us that you'll make us your brides."

Marten's heart skipped a beat at the unexpected question, and he quickly sat up, turning to face the girl who had spoken. "Wha-, what's with the sudden question?" he stammered, his cheeks flushing red.

"The girl's eyes were bright with mischief as she answered, "This is a quite unbelievable statement, even to us, but; all of us girls have come to like you, you need to take responsibility of stealing a maiden's heart, plus won't you think it's beneficial? All our parents are kings and queens of their respective nations, eventually there will be a time for all us to be separated from one another; but if we all got married to you, then don't you think that we would all be together for a long time?"

The young lady explained to her dear Marten as she continue to lie down while feeling the light breeze coursing throughout her body .

Each child that you see lying down on the ground, gazing upon the sky are princesses and prince of the 12 nations.

Their parents, the kings and queens, have been secretly holding meetings, in a neutral place; away from their lands that they rule, influenced by no nations, regarding the major threat that greatly troubles them, the rise of the Demonic army, to counter this, they hold meetings once a week, sharing crucial information, strategizing and planning against the demons, fortunately, the 12 nations hold no grudge against one another, yes, their grand history of war may beg to differ, but to them, it's all in the past.

The trust that they hold to one another is enough that they bring their own children to their own meetings, hoping to even solidify their relationship through their offspring, and might find potential marriage partners, to kill time, the kids often play in the front yard, while being watched by their own royal guards, this have been happening for a quite a while, that the strangers became acquaintances, acquaintances became friends, and that friends shares a bond no weapon could destroy.

"Are you really sure about this, marriage between nobles aren't meant for fun." Marten worriedly asked.

Marten's mind raced as he tried to comprehend what the girl was suggesting. The idea of marrying all thirteen of them was preposterous, but the thought of being with these girls forever did sound appealing. He looked around at the other twelve, and saw the same hopeful expression on each of their faces.

"Of course, all of us have decided, Am I right girls?"

The girl spoke as if she was the leader of the group.

Each girl answered back with an affirmative, Marten cheeks starts to blush, but tried to cover with his arm in embarrassment, who would have thought that all princesses of the Nations would fall in love with the same guy, it's not something that happens commonly.

Marten agrees and promise them, all the girls happily hugs him and entrap him in glee.

They really are in love, Matren thought to himself, but who would have thought that this singular innocent promise that he made as a kid, would brought hell to his life and others in the future.


Why, how, where did I go wrong? What suddenly happened to them? Why are they doing this?

A pigment of Childhood, the memory that he holds dear, the promise that bound them all together, this must be the cause why he is going through this.

Marten's mind was racing with questions as he sat tied to a wooden chair in the dimly lit cell room of the castle chamber. The only source of light was a small, melted candle that flickered in the stale air. He had been brought here by the very same people he had made a promise with during his childhood - a promise that had once bound them all together.

As he struggled against the ropes that bound him, he couldn't help but think that the promise was the root cause of his current predicament. The memories of their childhood played through his mind like a film reel, taunting him with the thought of how things had changed.

But now, he was gagged with a cloth and unable to speak. He tried to yell for help, but his voice was muffled by the gag. He had been stuck in this room for days, without food or water. His body ached from the strain of trying to break free. And yet, he couldn't give up hope that someone would come to rescue him.

The scenes that Marten's eyes have been forced to witness in the past few days are nothing short of pure horror. The torture and death of his own father, grandfather, grandmother, aunts, uncles, cousins, and other relatives have left a deep and irreversible scar on his psyche. The methods of torture inflicted on them were gruesome and inhumane, ranging from amputations and decapitations to arson and waxing. Marten was forced to watch their suffering and hear their wailing screams as they were subjected to unimaginable pain and suffering. The blood that flowed down their bodies and the screams that echoed through the cell room were a constant reminder of the cruelty inflicted on his loved ones. Their restless corpses, the by-product of continuous torture, were a haunting sight that would remain etched in Marten's mind forever.

As each day passes, Marten's hope of being rescued slowly fades away. He feels utterly helpless and alone, trapped in this dungeon with no one to turn to for help. His captors continue to torment him, relishing in his pain and misery. Marten's mind is haunted by the memories of his family's gruesome deaths, the screams of his loved ones ringing in his ears.

He wonders how such evil could exist in the world. How could anyone be capable of such atrocities? Marten tries to hold onto his faith, praying for a miracle to save him from this nightmare. But with each passing moment, the darkness creeps closer and closer, threatening to consume him entirely.

Marten can only hope that someone, anyone, will come to his rescue before it's too late. He clings to the last shred of hope he has left, desperately trying to hold on to his sanity in the face of unimaginable horror.

Marten couldn't help but wonder where he had gone wrong. These were the same girls that he had made a promise with during their innocent childhood. They were supposed to be the embodiment of purity and kindness, but now they had transformed into cold-blooded psychopaths, inflicting unspeakable horrors upon him and his family.

He tried to understand why they had suddenly changed. Was it something he did? Was it a result of the broken promise? He couldn't find an answer, and the uncertainty only added to his despair.

Their sadistic acts left Marten traumatized, and he struggled to come to terms with the fact that these were the same people he had once considered his closest friends. The pain and suffering they inflicted on him and his loved ones seemed endless, and the hopelessness he felt was suffocating.

As the footsteps grew louder and approached closer, Matren remained unresponsive, his mind shattered beyond repair. Days had passed since he last ate or slept, causing his once strong will to falter and his sanity to slip away.

A lady in a green emerald dress stood before the bars of Matren's cell, her long lush hair cascading down her slim body to her hips. Matren's lifeless body slumped on the wooden chair, barely conscious and delirious from days of starvation and torture. In a calm yet cold tone, she asked him a question that he heard every day, a question that pierced his broken soul like a thousand knives.

"Do you vow to be the next king of Panistroth?"

With his remaining energy, he looked up at the lady with eyes devoid of any emotion. He knew he had no other choice but to accept the crown, to continue the legacy of his bloodline. But the weight of his family's brutal death, the betrayal of his childhood friends, and the crushing feeling of hopelessness had crushed his iron will, leaving him nothing but a shell of his former self. As he whispered his vow, he felt the last remnants of his humanity slipping away, consumed by the darkness that engulfed his shattered soul.

"I vow..."

The weight of his mother's life and his siblings' lives on his shoulders was suffocating, crushing his spirit and leaving him no choice but to accept their cruel offer. The thought of their lives being taken away was unbearable, and the guilt of having to make this decision weighed heavily on his soul. The people who held his family captive had already taken everything from him, and now they were forcing him to become something he never wanted to be. He was trapped, alone, and powerless in a world that had turned its back on him.


It has been months since that incident, and I am now officially the Crowned King of Panistroth. At 22 years old, I am the youngest king to ever be crowned in the world. As for the cover-up of the deaths of the King and almost the entire royal bloodline, they have been falsely accused of Treason. The word has been spread throughout the population that they were making a deal with the Demons against their own country. There was not much evidence to prove the accusation correct, but it seems that words alone from the king himself are enough as proof.

Every single time I close my eyes, I am reminded of the screams and the pain that my own family endured at the hands of those who betrayed us. Their spirits still haunt me to this day, taunting me with words of guilt and shame. I can hear their cries in my dreams, their voices belittling me and filling my heart with unbearable pain.

"Your foolishness led to my torture and death."

"Did you enjoy watching your cousin die in front of your eyes?"

"You're no king, you're nothing but a coward."

"You're far too weak to be a king."

"If only you had acted, we would still be alive."

"You're no son of mine. You dishonor our bloodline."



I awaken from yet another horrific nightmare, and I hastily wipe the sweat from my forehead with the delicate fabric of my silk nightgown. I glance around the room, taking in the opulence that surrounds me.

This is the Royal Bedroom, after all, and it exudes a sense of grandeur and magnificence. The intricately-carved wooden bed frame is adorned with luxurious silk sheets and feather pillows, fit for a king. The room is illuminated by a chandelier that glimmers with crystal and gold, casting a warm glow throughout the space.

The walls are adorned with ornate tapestries, depicting scenes of battle and victory, showcasing my achievements as a warrior and now as a king. .The medals and trophies, once a symbol of my bravery and accomplishments, now seemed like nothing more than empty awards.

My wives, the ones I once held dear since we were young, what happened to you all? You've turned into vicious beasts, tearing apart everything I hold dear! Because of you, MY LIFE IS IN RUINS!

I shout in my head, clenching my fist in anger, I can only but wail from my state of hopelessness.


Tears started to flow down my face, like a never-ending river, I'm the worst. I am trapped in this never-ending nightmare, with no one to turn to for help. those who tried has been executed or gone missing without a trace, I really want this to end, My heart ached at the thought of my family, who had been taken away from me. Although they had promised to keep them safe, I had not heard from them since that day., that only a handful of a people know they're holding them hostage, The only way to ensure their safety was to comply with their demands and act like a king, even though it felt like a betrayal to everything I believed in.

I step out of my bed and out of my room, I walk along the hallway trying to ease my troubled mind. I glance out of the windows, marveling at the breathtaking view of the outside world. How I long for the freedom to roam that world like a free spirit, to venture beyond the confines of these walls. But here I am, trapped in this gilded cage called the Palace, like a bird with clipped wings. My world is limited, and I am confined to the same routine every day, seeing the same sights, hearing the same sounds, and doing the same things. I yearn for freedom, yet I am powerless to escape my captivity.

Despite being in their respective nations, the wives of Matren still hold a tight grip on his life, making him a mere pawn in their games of power.

"Matren! My darling! What are you doing in hallways all alone!"

Matren's keen ears caught the sweet voice of one of his wives, Serenity Evergreen, echoing from across the hallway.

Immediately after hearing Serenity Evergreen voice, I panic, without thinking, I start running away from her, the fear coursing through my veins. I didn't even bother to look back. I knew that she was close, too close.

I could feel my breaths getting heavier with every step I took, but I didn't dare slow down. The consequences of being caught by her were too terrible to even imagine. I had to keep moving, I had to keep running.

But then,

As I turn around the corner, I see Serenity standing in front of me with a stern look on her face. "Matren, where do you think you're going?" she asks, her voice laced with anger, Her hands held tightly on my arms, with no intentions of letting go.

I try to struggle and break free from Serenity's grip, but it's like trying to move a boulder. Her grasp is unyielding, her touch suffocating. She leans in close, her breath hot against my ear, and whispers with a possessive tone that sends shivers down my spine.

"You can't run from me, Matren. You belong to us, I wish that wasn't the case but I have no choice. I'll never let you go." Her words are like chains binding me, and I feel trapped once again. Her obsession is suffocating, and I can't take it anymore.

I winced in pain, trying to pull my arm away from her, but she was too strong. "Serenity, please," I begged, "let me go. You're hurting me."

But she only tightened her grip even more, her eyes blazing with a dangerous fire. "You're mine, Matren," she said, her voice taking on a crazed tone. "You belong to me, and I'll do whatever it takes to keep you."

She raised her free hand and slapped me across the face, the sound echoing through the hallway. I stumbled backwards, dazed and disoriented, but she quickly caught me again, pulling me close to her once more.

"You're mine, Matren," she repeated, her voice growing more unstable by the second. "I won't let anyone take you away from me, not now, not ever. I need you, and I'll do anything to keep you with me. You'll see, we'll be together forever, and nothing will ever tear us apart."

I closed my eyes, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes. I knew there was no escaping her, no matter how hard I tried.

Serenity releases my hand and steps back, a wicked smile playing on her lips. I notice the crazed look in her eyes, and I feel a shiver run down my spine. She begins to speak, her voice laced with a twisted sort of love.

"Oh, Matren, my love," she says, her eyes fixed on me. "Do you have any idea how much I love you? How much I need you? You are mine, and mine alone. I will not share you with anyone, not even your other wives."

As she takes a step closer to me, I can feel the intensity of her gaze, as if she's trying to pierce through me. Her body language is like that of a wild animal, her movements erratic and unpredictable. She seems to be in a trance, her eyes fixed on me with an unwavering focus.

"I want to be with you always," she says, her voice low and dangerous. "To feel your touch, to hear your voice. I cannot bear to be apart from you." Her words send shivers down my spine, and I can feel my heart racing in my chest.

She takes another step closer, and I can see the manic gleam in her eyes. Her body is trembling with a kind of feverish energy, and I realize with growing horror that she's completely lost touch with reality.

"You are my world, my everything," she says, and I can feel the weight of her words pressing down on me like a heavy stone. It's as if she's trying to consume me, to make me a part of her madness.

As she speaks, she begins to pace back and forth, her hands gesturing wildly. Her movements are erratic, like a person possessed. "I will do anything for you, Matren. I will go to the ends of the earth to keep you safe, to keep you by my side. No one can love you like I do."

Suddenly, Serenity's voice drops to a low, menacing whisper, and I feel a lump form in my throat. "And if anyone dares to come between us, to try and take you away from me, they will suffer. You will suffer, Matren. You will learn the consequences of disobeying me."

She steps closer to me, and I can feel her hot breath on my face. Her eyes are like daggers, piercing into my soul. "Do not test my love, Matren," she warns, her voice cold and deadly. "I will not hesitate to make you pay."

I try to back away, but Serenity grabs my arm with a vice-like grip. I am trapped, and I know that there is no escaping from her.

Suddenly, I feel her hand tighten around my throat, cutting off my air supply. Panic courses through my body as I struggle to breathe, clawing at her hand with my own. Her face is twisted into a sinister expression, her eyes cold and unfeeling. This is the face of a woman who has lost touch with reality, consumed by her own possessiveness and obsession.

As I gasp for air, she speaks in a low, menacing tone. "This is punishment for your disobedience, Matren. You should know better than to try and run from me. I will never let you go."

The grip around my neck tightens even more, causing black spots to dance across my vision. I feel myself slipping away, my consciousness fading into darkness. Is this the end?

the voices started again, echoing in my head like a never-ending chorus. They taunted me, reminding me of my cowardice, my weakness.

Look at him, he's nothing but a pathetic coward," they taunted, their voices filled with venom.

"He can't even stand up for himself, let alone his wives."

"He's useless, a waste of space."

"Always cowering in fear, never taking action."

"He's nothing compared to us, strong and fearless."

"Pathetic Matren, always running away from his problems."

"He'll never be able to break free from his own weakness."

"He's a prisoner in his own mind, trapped by his own fears."

"A mere puppet, controlled by his wives' every whim."

"He'll never have the courage to stand up and fight back."

I tried to ignore them, to focus on the present moment, on the physical pain and exhaustion I was feeling. But they persisted, their words cutting deep into my psyche.

I have to fight back, not just against Serenity, but against these voices in my head. I have to prove them wrong, to show that I was strong enough to break free from this cycle of abuse and control, I want to fucking prove them wrong.


I need to fight back. With all the strength I had have, I push against Serenity's grip, trying to pry her hands off my neck.

But she was strong. Stronger than I thought. She refuse to let go, her grip tightening even more. I could feel my vision starting to blur, my lungs burning for air.

In a moment of desperation, I lashed out, hitting her with all the force I could muster.

She stumbled back, shock and anger contorting her face. "You dare to strike me?" she hissed, advancing towards me again.

I stumbled back, gasping for air as she advanced towards me again. I knew I had to think fast if I wanted to survive this.

I ducked as she swung her fist again, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back. She cried out in pain, but I didn't let go. I had to keep her subdued until I could escape.

But she wasn't going to give up without a fight either. With a sudden burst of strength, she broke free from my grip and lunged towards me. I barely had time to react as she tackled me to the ground.

As we fought, Serenity's eyes glinted with a maniacal intensity, her lips twisted into a snarl.

"I won't let you leave me, Matren," she hissed. "You belong to me. You always have, and you always will."

Her grip on my arm tightened, her nails digging into my skin. "I'll make you pay for even thinking about leaving me," she growled. "No one else can have you. You're mine."

Her eyes flashed with a deranged passion, and I felt a chill run down my spine. "I'll hurt you if I have to, Matren," she whispered. "But I won't let you go. I can't. I love you too much."

The intensity in her gaze was overwhelming, but I knew I couldn't give in to her, no matter how much I might want to. I had to escape, to save myself from this madness.

As we continued to grapple with each other, her crazed words echoing in my mind, I knew that this fight was far from over. But I was determined to come out on top, no matter what it took.

My fist connected with Serenity's cheekbone, and she stumbled back, dazed. I didn't waste a moment and lunged forward, grabbing her arm and twisting it behind her back. She cried out in pain, but I didn't let go.

Serenity's voice cracked as she spoke, tears streaming down her face. "Matren, please don't leave me. I need you, I can't live without you. You're everything to me, my entire world. Don't you see that?"

I could see the desperation in her eyes, the way she clung to me as if her life depended on it. But I knew I couldn't stay with her any longer. The abuse, the manipulation, the lies...it had all become too much for me to bear.

She reached out to me, her fingers trembling. "I'll do anything, Matren. Anything you want, just please stay with me. I can make it better, I swear. I'll be the perfect wife, I'll do everything right. Just don't leave me."

Serenity struggled against my hold, but I was too strong. "No, Matren," she whimpered. "Please, don't leave me. I love you."

As she spoke, she seemed to shrink before my eyes, the manic energy draining out of her. She looked like a lost child, desperate for love and affection. And for a moment, I felt a twinge of guilt. But it was quickly replaced by a surge of anger and resentment. How could she do this to me? How could she think that her love was enough to make up for everything else? I knew then that I had to get away from her, from all of them. They were suffocating me, driving me to madness. I would have my revenge.

But I knew better. I had seen the dark, twisted side of her, the one that would do anything to keep me under her control. I will never give in, no matter how much she pleaded

My determination only grew as she spoke those words. I had to escape this nightmare, this hellish existence that they had created for me. I tightened my grip on her arm, ignoring her cries of pain.

"As I stand here before you, I can feel the weight of all your sins. And now, may death show you no mercy for every ounce of pain you've inflicted upon me. You deserve nothing less." I waveringly spoke with no tint of mercy.

I pushed her away from me, and she stumbled backwards, her neck hitting on the edge of the table. She slumped to the ground, dead.

I lay on the ground, gasping for air and staring up at the ceiling. My body ached, every muscle feels sore from the violence that had just taken place. But even amidst the pain, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. For the first time in years, the voices in my head were silent.

I knew that this was a turning point in my life. I could no longer live under the control of my wives, under the tyranny of their love. I had to take action. I had to exact my revenge.

I pushed myself up to a sitting position, ignoring as the pain in my ribs flared up. But the pain didn't matter. What mattered was that I was free. Free from the suffocating grip of their love.

I closed my eyes, taking deep breaths and allowing myself to bask in the newfound silence. It was like a weight had been lifted from my shoulders, a burden that I had carried for far too long.

And as I opened my eyes again, a fire ignited within me. A fire of rage, of vengeance, of determination. I knew what I had to do. I had to make them pay for what they had done to me, for the years of manipulation, control, and abuse.

I stood up slowly, gritting my teeth against the pain. But the pain only fueled my determination. I would not let them win. I would not be their puppet anymore.

With a fierce glint in my eye, I turned and walked out of the room, my mind already planning my next move. It was time to take back control of my life. And I would stop at nothing to achieve it.

I will achieve my revenge.

As stated once again from the chapter title and Novel title, this is just going to be a one-shot, with the purpose of me practicing my writing and trying to expand my writing skills.

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