
Why are you late

A 18 Year old girl sitting on couch , reading the history book and say, "once upon time dragon Prince was crown prince who will become the king after his father. His father the great king cole was successful and very kind .

And this stepmother Stella is very scary and evil character of story ."

Mom:- come down honey breakfast is ready and you are going to be late for school.

Hayden:- yeah mom! Coming down just a minute.

Then Hayden closed the book and went down stair. At dining table Hayden was lost in this own thought that what will happen next in story. Her mother wake up her from dream and tell her angrily " Hayden you are going to be late".

( Narator :- This girl is Hayden who is studying in school and her father is ceo's manager, her mother is housewife and her big brother is missing for 5 years .Hayden is on her history project for school event.)her mom voice wake her from thought.

Hayden you are late for school still you are daydreaming.Go to school right now.

( Hayden leave for school and reach the school then she meet her best friend )

Bella:- Why are you late.

Hayden:- Today I was reading a history for project.

Bella said you haven't finished it yet ,I have completed that work on last week. Submission date is near ,what are you doing Hayden.

Hayden I know I will complete it soon .i promise.

(Then class started and after school Hayden go to park to get free time )when she reach the park she was shock . She couldn't believe on his eyes.

She saw half park is destroyed by horse and people are running here there to save themselves from crazy horse . Hayden was so confuse that she didn't realise the horse is coming in his way because she had some food in his hand .

When Hayden realise that horse is coming closer to her , she started running away, while running here there to save herself she go to pond side . Now she has been away from horse. She took deep breath , started thinking what the hell is happening with me .My project is incomplete and now this.

Suddenly nature change there was strong thunder sound Hayden get scared , and she saw horse is coming towards her ,accidentally get in pond and got a strong hit on his head then his eyes closed.

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