

The war from the START KING by KING Power by Power KING'S FIGHT FOR THE LAND AND OTHERS FIGHT FOR POWER! This story its all about KING'S and Mysterious PEOPLE at the LAND You will love this story at the long run I can guaranteed from love and war that's why don't forget to collect this story you will miss every chapter. "I will also be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com,"

kaiz · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Sounds of Mountain

General Tucker is already at the Land of King Caya and his army starting building there Camp. The General Tucker command create higher and stronger wall.

While other army building a wall at the camp general Tucker he assembly all general to make plan for the next day.

General Tucker speak listen all General I want your eyes open all the time because we dont know how the army of KING Caya moves because all we know from them they are eating people. Tomorrow morning I will try to approach the Camp of king Caya to check how we can attack them. How many men you will bring General Tucker ask one of the general I am not going to bring a lot of men only few ill just bring 8 men with a good warrior. How if one of the Army of King Caya see you general?

They will not see us that I will make it sure. All I want you to do is watch our men building this wall believe me we will need strong wall.

(By telling that words he point the wall)

General Tucker ask all the general if they have a best men using a archer and each General they suggest a men for that position because General Tucker need 3 men for that position.

And he said tell your men come on my tent tonight I need to talk to them.

King Gamu and his son prince Drew and prince Melcolm they are hunting hence for the food for there Lunch.

While the Queen and second wife at the Camp

Queen speak to the second wife she said don't dare to think that your son will be the next KING in our LAND my son will be the KING for sure by telling that words the Queen like snobbish..

The second wife of the KING Gamu respond with smile and the words no worry my Queen my son don't have plan to be KING so don't worry Queen.

The Queen I must worried because you try to stoled my KING when I was sick. The second wife speak like I said before I never Intention to stoled the KING. The king Gamu just come in my room and do something bad to me.

The Queen slap the face of the second wife when she told that words and by saying even the king do something bad I know you like it.

The princess Sera saw the conversation of the Queen and second wife and she hurry up stop that conversation. Mother and Aunt what are you doing here? The Queen speak we are just talking princess after that words of the Queen the princess look to his Aunt.

Princess ask his mother to come her. Mother I saw a flowers at side of the mountain you must see mother its really beautiful and the smell of the flowers is refreshing she said the Queen decline the offer and the princess look to his Aunt and how about you Aunt? The second wife I want to see that princess. That's great Aunt come follow me.

Queen looks to his daughter bad. But the princess ignored it and she grab the hand of the second wife and the Queen react again by calling the name of princess Sera.. but princess said mother don't worried we are not going to stay to long.

(At the Land of DARK STONE they call it dark stone that mountain because sand and the rocks is BLACK the true why that place is black theres a volcanu at that mountain but one mystery men living that place and no one knows who is that men)

The King VLad having a dinner with the beautiful Chanel and the King happy every time he is with Chanel he forgot war because almost the king Fall inlove with Chanel.

Lets go back the Life of Chanel this beautiful women lives one of the land of Lord Bado but while the prince Cao travel he saw a little house and he try to look that house if some one living there and he saw a family and with a beautiful women and that's Chanel. Even prince Cao fall inlove also from the face of Chanel. Prince Cao kill the father and the mother of Chanel he capture Chanel and he said you will be the Queen of my LAND he said but Chanel mad to the prince Cao and she said once I have chance I will kill you even it will take my own life.

(Even the prince Cao have a wife already)

But Chanel did not kill prince Cao because King VLad kill already that's the reason why Chanel is very comfortable to the king VLad

The King VLad also change the way he talk to his council. Even the council wondering why the KING VLad talking nicely.

The council report the new Law of the EMPIRE and he agree all the Law create by the Council.

General Tucker start traveling already with the spy because only spy know where is the camp of KING GAMU at the top of the mountain general Tucker he saw a big big big Camp of king Caya he said to him self how can I conquer this Land even they don't wall but they have a wall of army.

General Tucker ask the spy did you see that camp spy they are to many how we are going to fight with them you forgot to report how many warriors they have. The spy did not answer and the general said wait for me here and men ask the general Tucker where he is going. I need to be alone just wait for me and make position said by the General Tucker.

(General Tucker is really brave men)

General Tucker almost reach the Camp of King Caya he is looking a weaknesses of the army of King Gamu but he found out no weaknesses so there's no chance to win the battle if they are going to attack so general decided to back with his group but there's a group of KING Caya walking IN front of general Tucker

And the General...