

The war from the START KING by KING Power by Power KING'S FIGHT FOR THE LAND AND OTHERS FIGHT FOR POWER! This story its all about KING'S and Mysterious PEOPLE at the LAND You will love this story at the long run I can guaranteed from love and war that's why don't forget to collect this story you will miss every chapter. "I will also be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com,"

kaiz · Fantasy
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37 Chs


At the Camp of Prince Can they are ready to travel already to the Land of King Vlad but suddenly the prince Callan arrived. The prince carson was surprise for the visit of his brother. The prince Callan speak to his brother. My brother i am here to help you i am not after to be a King if you kill King Vlad just gave me the highest position on our palace if you became a King my brother after that message the prince Callan direct hug to his brother thank you brother i will make it sure you will become the Leader of the Empire of INRA and the prince Carson very very happy for that allies because he know his brother is good making plan to conquer every island.

The prince Can call the General ask to tell all men that my brother prince Callan is on our side and we our group will be sure. Prince Callan speak my brother my army is already ready we can start travel now because our brother prince Cao is already at EMPIRE OF INRA. Don't worry my brother if our brother succeed i have better plan hope you will still fallow me my brother by saying that the prince Can look to his brother in to the eyes. The prince callan kneel in front of his brother saying the word brother my loyalty to you what ever happen my brother i am at your side brother. Prince Can speak my brother stand up stay with me until then end my brother and both of them laugh because of the happiness

Prince Can and Prince Callan start travel already....

The prince Carson still at the palace waiting for the army soon he will be travel also. But while he is waiting he still thinking the message of his brother prince Callan.

The general of prince carson just come in at the chamber to report that everything is ready. General we are not going to travel today lets wait another 2 days before we travel just get more men to make it sure I will be the one to be a King let my brothers go 1st by telling that the prince smile because he know he is on the right way.

At the center of King Suyo he got the report from his general that prince Cao is already at the Land of INRA and the prince Can and prince Callan travel already only prince Carson still at the palace.

The King Suyo happy for that message smiling because he know he create a good son can conquer a lot of LAND.

After that message he speak one of his trusted General. General go with them watch them how they fight just incase they are in trouble help them i am to make it sure that King Vlad will be defeat at that war. The General respond don't worry my king you know that the four prince they are good in fighting for sure they will win. But I will be they back up just incase something my king i will bring great soldier with me my Lord I will go ahead now my king.

The King Suyo said wait General watch them who will be the one who can kill king Vlad so i know what should I do. I will my King and the general go ahead getting to travel to the land of King Vlad

After talking to the General the Queen just arrived the wife of King Sur.

The Queen speak all of you leave I want my king to speak alone and everybody go out side.

My Queen any problem? after that question the Queen he approached the king he slap his face by telling what did you do you let our child fighting who will become KING! The king Suyo just laugh and laugh he said my Queen its better because I don't know how will be the next KING because all of them is qualify to be King so make my challenges for them that's will be good to watch who will be them the next KING

The Queen said you are crazy you let your child go the LAND of INRA you know the story that King Vlad is great warrior he became a KING of INRA at that young ages. My Queen dont get worried our son will be survive they can defeat King VLad I gave them support I ordered my best general to watch them to make it sure our son they will come home safe and bring the victory

The Queen said make it sure because you know how I care to our child and the Queen walk away.

In INRA the King VLad still not making a Plan to fight the army of Sur because he still thinking about the message of her mother King and waiting for the result of all princess.

The Clan of Lord Bado send message to King Vlad that they need help from them. The answer of the king Vlad tell to Lord Bado gave me one month just stay and alive

The messenger go back to Lord Bado tell message of the King Vlad. The Lord Bado get mad at that message how we can do that the army of SUR. Lord Bado if no respond from the King Vlad I will surrender to the Sur and we will there allies.

After one waiting is over all of the princess they are not pregnant and the King Vlad very very angry the king get mad to the scholar he said you are useless I said make it sure one of them must pregnant . The answer of the scholars my King I do my best to make it sure they will get pregnant but the problem is you my King. After that message from the scholar the king smile and walk a little bit and smash the head of the scholar until the man dead and the hands of king full of bloods and the everybody see it. The king stand look at them he said prepare the army and I will kill head by head of that four prince and the king face same look at the day he become KING!