
Chapter 4 – CEO Rex’s Decision

"Go home, Ao," Rex said tiredly. "I still need to deal with a few things before I meet them and relay my decision."

"I'll help you," Ao said promptly, even more determined to stay now. He didn't want to take the slightest chance. Even if all six men were really fond of Rex…who knew how they would react when Rex rejected five of them and chose one? What if they said some harsh words? Wouldn't that make Rex feel awful? Ao knew better than anyone that deep down, even though bruised and scarred, Rex was still the naïve and innocent boy when it came to affairs of the heart. He had come to care deeply for all six men, and he was reluctant to break anyone's heart. It surely wouldn't be easy for him to take a decision.

Rex shook his head. "No, it is something I need to do myself," he said firmly. "Go home, Ao. You'll see me tomorrow anyway."

Ao tried to persuade the younger man for some time, but all his efforts were in vain. Finally, he left around 11 PM, his face full of reluctance.

"Call me if you need anything, no matter what time it is or how big or small your needs are, all right?" Ao fussed.

"Yes, yes," Rex said, practically pushing him into the elevator.

After finally getting rid of Ao, Rex opened up his laptop and quickly changed the controls of his office, transferring master access to Ao. His will had already been made many years ago, and left everything of personal assets to his grandfather and Ao. There would be no problem with the Zephyr Business Group in his absence, either, since Ao was fully up to date on all matters Rex was dealing with, and he could smoothly step in and take charge. The only thing Ao would need was to be officially granted the CEO position by Rex's grandfather – and Rex didn't think that would be a problem. He had already written a letter to his grandfather with his own hand, to be delivered to him at breakfast tomorrow.

Rex had also prepared handwritten letters for his six suitors, and for Ao. He put Ao's letter on top of his laptop after he closed it. "I'm sorry, Ao," he whispered.

As for the six letters for his six suitors…Rex had them in his pocket. He would hand them over in person tonight.

At some level, Rex knew that his decision was rather drastic…but after thinking things through, it was the best solution he could come up with. Sure, he knew that his choice would bring grief to his grandfather and Ao and the six men he had come to care for greatly…but that was just a short-term thing. They would all be better off in the long run.

Because Rex knew that he couldn't go on like this. He was too tired and he was too afraid. He thought he would give love a try since his grandfather issued an ultimatum and threatened to take away the only thing he ever truly loved – Zephyr. Rex had long since regarded Zephyr as his own child, and the threat of losing that made him far more unsettled than his grandfather could ever have imagined. But Rex had hidden away his panic and anxiety and instability, and he had tried his best to come up with a solution. He found six excellent men – some by design, some by chance – hoping desperately that at least one of them could move his heart.

To his misfortune, though, Rex ended up falling in love with all six of them. He couldn't bear to choose one and discard the others…he couldn't bear the thought of not being able to remain friends with all of them, that he would have to lose five of them forever if he chose one. The very idea made him unable to breathe.

And even if he did choose one of them…would he be able to do justice to his partner...his fiancé…his husband…? Rex had seemingly moved on from his ill-fated relationship during college, but he had absolutely no confidence in himself and his ability to sustain a relationship. He knew his own merits and demerits, he was perfectly aware that he possessed high IQ and low EQ, and because he was conscious of his low EQ, he tended to be unstable in his personal relationships – either too aloof, or desperately overcompensating. Wouldn't it be tiring for anyone to put up with such a terrible partner for life? He was very grateful for these eleven months…he had been happy. He had a lot of admiration and respect for each of the men who had gone along with his insane ideas and still regarded him with affection. He didn't want to see any of them disappointed in him…and that would inevitably happen over time.

Thus, he thought that it would be best to end things now, before he implicated everyone irretrievably, and to eradicate the source of all trouble – himself.

And thus, a few minutes before midnight, Rex chose the edge of the terrace that was farthest from the entrance, so that when he fell, he would land in an empty area which he had acquired last year for a planned expansion – after all, this was his own mess, and he didn't want to inconvenience other people to the extent possible. He put the six letters on a small bench and put his favourite paperweight on the pile. Then he leaned casually against the edge, waiting for the six men he was enamoured with.

Predictably, Prince Mor was the first to arrive. Flamboyant as ever, he waved merrily at Rex from his helicopter, and jumped down without a warning. He landed three feet away from Rex and grinned like a majestic lion showing off his prowess to his pride.

Rex smiled fondly at him. "Don't do such dangerous things in the future," he said mildly.

"Well, you can keep me on a tight leash in the future, my darling," Mor replied cheekily, without missing a beat. His violet eyes glowed with passion.

Sorrow filled Rex's heart and he couldn't bear to look up at this magnificent prince in front of him.

Fortunately, Dr. Neel, Jaune and Ahmar arrived at the same time, saving Rex from having to give a response to Prince Mor's remark.

The doctor, the actor and the lawyer – Rex saw the exhaustion lining each of their faces and felt a pang of guilt. He knew that these three men were extremely busy with their work, and often went for days without sleep or meals.

"You look so tired…" Rex murmured. "I'm sorry I called you so abruptly like this."

"I'm never too tired to see you, jaan," Ahmar said softly.

"For you, mon coeur, I'd run halfway across the world in my bedroom slippers if I had to," Jaune said with a sweet smile.

Neel frowned at Rex. "What's wrong?" he asked, concern shining in his indigo eyes, visible even in the darkness of the night. "Are you not well? Shall I take you to the hospital now?"

Rex shook his head. It wasn't so easy to fool a genius doctor after all, he thought wryly. "I'm fine," he said, holding out a hand to stop Neel from coming closer. "I'm just a little nervous about today," he said truthfully.

"What's making you nervous, amore mio?" came a deep voice, followed by the dashing figure of Boss Arancio.

Kijani followed him. He flashed an innocent, boyish grin at Rex, his green eyes full of life and mischief.

Ahmar cleared his throat delicately. "So…I assume you invited all of us here because you've reached a decision…?" he asked quietly.

Rex nodded nervously.

Six outstanding men, each with many admirers chasing them, stood patiently in front of Rex, waiting for decision.

A cold fist closed around Rex's heart. He was about to hurt them deeply, but…a flash of pain was better than a miserable relationship that lingered on and on, developing into a chronic ache.

"I'm sorry," he said. "I can't choose. I've fallen in love with all of you…and my feelings, my hopes and dreams for each of you…I've written everything down in those letters," he pointed at the pile on the bench. "I want all of you to move on, to find a better partner and live happily. And that's why…"

Rex turned around and jumped, six horrified screams echoing behind him. He closed his eyes, pretending he was flying instead of falling.

And then, suddenly, he was engulfed in a warm embrace. And then he knew no more.

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