
King’s dream

Mohd_Aamir_5457 · Fantasy
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1 Chs

The beginning

After million of years something finally earth has changed As the sun rose over the horizon, the world was transforming every thing on the planet. People started to find they had access to a strange and wondrous energy inside them Nobody knew where this power had come from as if they had it inside them from very long but it was not active, everything around them was changing or evolving no one understand why it was happening or why it had suddenly appeared, but there was no denying its existence. It was as if humanity had undergone an evolution, and everyone was now capable of doing things that had previously been thought impossible.

At first, the world was in chaos. People were using their powers to do all sorts of crazy things, some good and some bad. But as time went on, people began to learn how to control their powers, and how to use them for the greater good.

One of the first people to emerge as a leader in this new world was a man named kalam . Kalam had always been a bit of an outcast, and had struggled to find his place in the world. But now, with his power, he was able to do things he had never dreamed of before.he could move objects with his mind, his body has become so powerful after training with that mysterious energy and he can even fly now after training that energy to its maximum level after years of training and fighting.

Kalam quickly became a hero to many people. He used his powers to help those in need, whether it was stopping a natural disaster or rescuing people from a burning building. People began to look up to him, and he became a symbol of hope, power ,inspiration and humanity new peak.

But not everyone was happy with this new world. Some people felt that their power gave them the right to dominate others. They formed groups, and began to use their powers to control and oppress those who were weaker than them.

Kalam knew that this was wrong, and he vowed to stop them. He gathered a group of like-minded individuals, and together they fought against those who would use their power for to dominate someone or for bad cause.

The battle was long and difficult, but in the end, kalam and his group emerged victorious. And the main reason for the victory was the hope of mankind kalam who has shown that with power you can do anything. He was firm believer of equality so always tried to use his power for that.

As the years passed, the world continued to change. New awakened beings and people came into existence they learned to use that energy in even more incredible ways. But through it all, kalam remained a symbol of hope and inspiration, a reminder that no matter what challenges he face, he can always overcome them. Later that energy was called force ( because it drives body to do extra ordinary things ) a human body have to be in 100 percent sync or tune with force to evolve into awakened being . When a person is 25 percent in sync with force he is labeled as novice soldier , with 50 percent he is labeled as intermediate soldier with 75 percent advanced soldier and with 100 percent finally evolved.