
kindred of the night

This series is based on the World of darkness game Vampire the masquerade. the characters you will explore the world with are my characters that i have played and roleplayed as in the pen and paper game, please enjoy the dark and horrifying world that WoD has created.

Alice_volker · Horror
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1 Chs

Something roams the night.

The night's midnight mist rolled in upon the city covering the nightly intrigues of mortals and immortals while the moon turns a blind eye to be absent for the eve. Two hooded humanoids smash a window of a tech store with a bat once the glass has shattered and cleared to step in, one moves to the left letting their partner step in. "Come on man we need to be quick." One with the bat stated as his voice was rough and low, While keep an eye out.

"Yea yea fuck we are gonna make good money from this haul." The second was abit soft on the voice however deep. He grab iPhones, laptops and whatever may not be nailed down. "So did you hear what happened to lenny."

"No what."

"Boss met up with him in hospital to find out what happened, turns out him and the five guys were hit by one person only he made it."

"What a load of bullshit, Lenny would have killed em you seen him with that gun of his."

Well he isn't shooting anymore." The looter chuckled

The watcher looked to him leaning on the bat. "Wait what did the boss kill him."

"Yea, Lenny was spouting shit you think he seeing light of day."

"Fair i guess."

A can rolled out to the gutter attracting the watchers attantion to the rolling 7UP. "Mmmm that sounds good after this." As he kicks the can down the street as he turns his back to return inside he lets a scream out to then a loud snap that lead to a weight hitting the floor to dragging.

The watcher ran inside readying his bat the backdoor left open.

"What the hey bill if this is your idea of a joke fuck off." As the watcher took his hood off. He had a grizzled face, rough but full stubble with a mean jawline and shaved head. He steps towards to back door then another only to make a crunch that startled him seeing it only to be a phone. "Fuck BILL stop fucking around." As he walked with a angry sigh he pushed stepped out only to find bill laying on the floor. The watcher checked his buddy not kneeling, only to kick and look around. "Fuck this." He said as he goes back inside closing the door and moving out of the store by his made hole in the window. Only to hear a soft echo of his name. "Jim vangink." The voice was soft as it carried down and around the street. "Age 31 been to jail three times." It repeated as Jim frowned and held his bat ready. "Get the fuck out here pussy." He shouted unable to pin point the sound. He looks down the street then up the street only to be met with a run-down street and darkness. He grits his teeth to weigh his option to run or beat this punk to death. However before he could choose a pair a hands grab him by the shoulders and throw him into a wall on the other side of the street, dropping the bat and groans from the force on his back. As he was about to regain himself from his landing a fist quickly followed in his chest making a loud crack and crunch. A hot pain shot through his body as his middle rib and lower rib snapped he screams out in pain while the wall moved inward. As he looks for his attacker but only met with the shop he broke into and darkness from the alleyways, up and down the streets. He grabs his bat with effort not to make his injury worse however before he could grab his bat he felt a weight on his back as someone got on him and wrapped their legs around his waist and pulled his head to the right exposing his neck. He felt a sharp pain on his neck as if it was two blunt syringes that lead to a calmness over his body then blured vision as his cares faded while a women sucked on his neck wearing a trench coat that was leather and boots. Her hair was black and ended mid-way down her back. She pulls her head back and licks her bite marks healing them to only throw him to the floor and leaves him there as she makes her way into the darkness and vanishing as a police car rolls around the corner and stops near the lullied male.