
kind death

This is a very detailed and imaginative story describing the five countries on Tianyuan Continent and their people, culture, politics and social structure. The story is rich in characters and plot, including a variety of races, professions, and social classes. The protagonists of the story are Dumb and Yatou. They are thieves living at the bottom, but their fate changed because of a chance. The story is filled with adventure and the unknown, making one look forward to what will happen next.

L_Y_5741 · Fantasy
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25 Chs

kind death

Chapter 1 Cold Town

There are five countries on the Tianyuan Continent, namely the Tianjin Empire in the north, the Huasheng Empire in the south, the Sunset Empire in the west and the Suoyu Federation in the east. They are located in the center of the four major countries and border the four countries in a small area of six. The angular land is the most famous Holy See on Tianyuan Continent. Among the four kingdoms, except for the Sunset Empire and the Huasheng Empire, which have poor relations, the other countries can coexist peacefully. Every year, each country must pay a certain amount of "protection fees" to the Holy See as expenses for the Holy See. The humans in the Tianjin Empire are almost all Caucasian, with tall bodies and blond hair and blue eyes, while the Sunset Empire and the Huasheng Empire are both yellow, with black hair and black eyes. The race of the Solo Federation, the only federal country on the mainland, is relatively complex. There are white people, yellow people, and strong black people. Many foreign races also live in the federation. In terms of overall strength alone, the Solo Federation, composed of six ethnic groups, is the most powerful, while the other three countries have similar military strength.

 In addition to the main inhabitants of the continent, there are also some sparse races, such as the kind-hearted elves, the bad-tempered dwarves, the winged humans who are good at singing and dancing, and the sparse orcs who only live in dense forests. As well as the most mysterious Dark Demon Clan and the legendary Dragon Clan. These races, which are fewer in number than humans, are scattered among various countries and have coexisted peacefully with humans for thousands of years. However, due to different living habits, alien races generally live in sparsely populated valleys or forests and rarely come into contact with humans.

 Although the Holy See only occupies a small area on the mainland, the Holy See has the supreme status on the mainland. Except for a very small number of atheists, almost all humans are loyal believers in the Holy See. Clergy are the most respected professions. In the Holy See, the person with the highest authority is the Pope. Under the Pope, there are four red priests who assist the Pope in handling the affairs of the Holy See. They are also called cardinals. Under the red priests are twelve white priests. When more than half of the red priests and white priests think that the pope has made any major mistakes, they can impeach the pope. However, since the promotion of the pope is very strict, since the birth of the Holy See , there has been no impeachment of the pope. Under the white-robed sacrifices, there are high-level sacrifices, intermediate sacrifices, ordinary sacrifices and preliminary sacrifices. The sacrifices are also called monks or goddesses. Clergy in the Holy See are not prohibited from marrying, but the partner must be the most loyal believer in the Holy See. There is another reason why clergy are respected, and that is because they are all light magicians. If they want to be promoted to the position of white priest, the monks must be above the level of light magicians, and The magicians on the mainland have never reached three digits. The power of the red priests is even more unfathomable. There was a legend that if the four red priests and the twelve white priests of the Holy See took action at the same time, the power of their light magic could be equivalent to the entire military force of any country combined. The promotion of the pope is usually selected by the red priests and requires an extremely strict procedure. After the new pope is selected, the old pope will hold a inheritance ceremony to pass on the most supreme and special abilities of the Holy See to the next pope. No one has seen what kind of strength the Pope has, because in the past thousand years, there has never been a situation that required the Pope to take action. The Holy See generally handles external matters under the supervision of the Tribunal. The presiding judge of the Tribunal has the same rights as the red priest. The judges under the presiding judge are also known as the executioners of the Holy Holy See. They are the craziest beliefs of the gods. When it comes to dealing with the issue of heretics, there is always only one word: kill. Unlike orthodox clergy, all members of the Tribunal have no worries and are completely controlled by the presiding judge, who is directly responsible to the Pope.

 There is a unified currency on the mainland, which is a coin engraved with the Holy See emblem customized by the Holy Vatican. The currency adopts a decimal exchange method. One diamond coin, ten amethyst coins, one hundred gold coins, one thousand silver coins, and ten thousand copper coins. An ordinary family's annual The income is generally about fifty gold coins, and it takes about thirty gold coins to maintain a family for one year.

 Each of the four countries has its own common language, and in some big cities and aristocratic classes in each country, the Holy See language is generally used. Our story begins with Nino, a small town in the northernmost province of Birno in the Tianjin Empire on the north side of the continent.

 Nino City is a small city located at the northernmost tip of the Birnuo Province of the Tianjin Empire. It belongs to the far north of the entire Tianyuan Continent. The days are short and the nights are long, and the weather is cold all year round. Most of the people here make a living by fishing in the ice sea next to the small town. There are moving icebergs floating in the ice sea all year round. The seals and sea lion furs produced there are very popular among the nobles.

 The dark clouds in the sky float slowly, seeming to bring another snowstorm. In a dark alley in Nino City, several people wearing ragged cotton-padded jackets gathered together. One of them, a middle-aged man with a scar on his forehead, was glaring angrily at a little girl with black hair and black eyes, only twelve or three years old, and wearing thin clothes. The little girl was very thin, with a sallow complexion. Her half-length hair covered the area above her nose. She could not see her face clearly, and her whole body was trembling. A pair of big bright eyes looked at the middle-aged man in fear through the black hair.

 "Pa" the middle-aged man slapped the little girl to the ground and cursed angrily: "You damn girl, you are so stupid. You can't even complete such a simple task. If Dumb hadn't pulled you back, would you have asked that girl?" The old lady is accompanying you, isn't it? I was really blind back then, how could I take in a waste like you? You only know how to eat all day long, but you don't know how to do anything else."

 Next to the middle-aged man, a boy who was taller than the girl stepped forward and helped the little girl's trembling body up. He carefully wiped away the blood flowing from the corner of her mouth and said blankly to the middle-aged man: "Uncle Li, Please forgive me one more time, I will bring back some fish later."

 Uncle Li snorted, looking at the boy with the same black hair and eyes, and a dull look on his face, his voice softened a little, and said: "Ah-Dai, every time you plead for her, just those few fish you brought back, can you Is everyone eating here? No one can get something for nothing, girl, for the sake of Dumb, I will let you go again today. There will be another time, hum. Let's go." With that, he took the other few A young child walked out. Before he reached the entrance of the alley, Uncle Li turned around again and said to Dumb in a friendly manner: "Don't forget what you just said. It's best to catch a few big fish, you know?" "

 Dumb nodded in confusion, and then Uncle Li left with satisfaction.

 This group of people are thieves living at the lowest level in Nino City. They cannot be called thieves because they can only rely on some petty theft to maintain their livelihood. The so-called fishing is stealing, and Uncle Li is theirs. head. He has a total of more than a dozen children, only the girl is a girl, and they are all orphans he picked up from the street. Among these children, the boy named Dumb is the most capable. At first, Uncle Li took him in because he saw Ah-Dai's dexterous little hands. This kid has always been stupid and he sometimes speaks rudely. He didn't know his name when asked, and he learned to steal things. He also learned skills very slowly, and his brain seemed to be not working very well, so everyone called him Dumb. However, although Dui was stupid, he was very persistent. After several months of Uncle Li's teachings and his own hard training, he finally remembered the trick of leading the sheep easily, and he had practiced this trick to the point of proficiency. In order to practice With such speed, he even poked the snowflakes on the ground alone on the cold street. The fewer snowflakes on the ground, it proved that his eyesight was better. Although this method was stupid, it had a very good effect. After a few months, The practice finally gave Ah-Dai a foundation for catching fish. What excites Uncle Li the most is that Dumb is stupid and doesn't know what it means to be afraid, nor does he understand that catching fish is a bad thing. As long as he is given steamed buns to eat, he will definitely do as he is told.

 Walking on the street, no one would pay attention to a child who looks unremarkable and has straight eyes. However, often in the blink of an eye, their money bag is already in the hands of Dumb. When Uncle Li first saw the bulging money bag in Ah-Dai's hand, he was so surprised that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear. Since then, Ah-Dai has become the most "pampered" among the children. He can at least eat every day. I got one or two cold steamed buns, which made other friends extremely envious. Although Dumb is a bit silly, he is a good person. He often gives part of his food to others when he is not full. However, those companions are not grateful for his kindness. Instead, they often tease him, and even Grab his food.

 The girl was picked up by Uncle Li from the street a year ago. According to the girl herself, she has been living with an old woman for as long as she can remember. Although her life is hard, she is well fed and clothed. More than a year ago, the old woman fell ill and died, and the girl had no source of livelihood and had to rely on begging to survive. The reason why Uncle Li accepted the girl was because he fell in love with the girl, no, he fell in love with the shabby house that the old woman left for the girl. In the cold city of Nino, what is better than a house that can shelter from the wind and snow? Just the opposite of Dumb, she learned everything very quickly. She mastered all of Uncle Li's "skills" in less than a month. However, the girl is also the only child who has never caught a fish. It's not because she's not skilled, the most important thing is because her heart is so kind. She had already obtained it several times, but when she saw the anxious look on the owner's face, she couldn't help but send it back. For this reason, she didn't know how many times she was beaten, and every time, Dumb stood up for her. The smart and stupid children naturally became good friends, and they were very conspicuous among this group of thieves. , because they were the only ones of the yellow race, and maybe it was for this reason that Dumb and the girl developed a deep friendship with each other. Today, the girl was beaten by Uncle Li again because she returned the things she got to the anxious woman.

 Uncle Li's figure finally disappeared at the end of the alley, and the girl threw herself into Ah-Dai's arms and cried bitterly. Dumb stared blankly at the thin body in his arms, wiped the snot from his face, carefully patted the girl's shoulder, and said: "Girl, don't, don't cry. It hurts, doesn't it?"

 After a while, the girl stopped crying, raised her little face that was red from the cold, looked at the boy in front of her, and said with hazy eyes: "Brother Dumb, it's really painful to be alive."

 Dumb obviously didn't understand what the girl meant. He took out half a steamed bun that was as hard as a rock from his arms and handed it over. He said blankly: "Girl, let's eat it for you. Once you're full, you won't feel any pain."

 The girl looked at the silly but sincere boy in front of her, took the buns, sobbed a few times, and said, "Brother Dumb, why are you so nice to me?"

 Duan took the girl and sat in the corner, took off the tattered cotton jacket he was wearing, draped it on their shoulders, snuggled up with the girl, and said innocently: "Have I treated you well? Come on, eat the steamed buns." I feel better after eating the steamed buns. I'm going to catch fish later." As he spoke, he looked at the half of the cold, stone-like steamed buns in the girl's hands with salivation.

 Looking at Ah-Dai's honest face, the girl couldn't help but feel a little crazy. She used both hands to split the half piece of steamed bun into two and handed one piece to Ah-Dai.

 Duan swallowed and said, "I, I'm not hungry, you can eat it yourself."

 The girl put the steamed bun into Ah-Dai's hand and said, "I have a small appetite and can't eat that much. Let's eat together." As she said that, she held her quarter piece of steamed bun in both hands and took a big bite.

 Dumb let out an ooh, and wolfed down the quarter piece of steamed bun. Because he ate too fast, he couldn't help but choked, "Ah, ugh."

 Seeing Ah-Dai's flushed face, the girl couldn't help but chuckle. While patting his back, she grabbed a handful from the snow left on the ground the day before and stuffed it into Ah-Dai's mouth.

 Dui worked hard to turn the snow into water. It took him a long time to swallow the dry buns in his throat. He took a long breath, patted his chest and said, "Thank you."

 After a long while, the girl finally finished her steamed buns after working hard, and suddenly said to Ah-Dai: "Brother Ah-Dai, wait until I grow up to marry you, okay?"

 Dumb was stunned, trying hard to think about the meaning of the word "marriage". After a long time, he hesitated and said: "What is marriage?"

 The girl sighed secretly and said: "Marrying means that I will be your wife and take care of you for the rest of my life. I will treat it as your promise. You are not allowed to go back on it. From now on, my girl will be your fiancée. You must take good care of it from now on." for me."

 Dumb nodded and said: "Fiancée, okay, then I'll give you a little more steamed buns every day."

 The girl rolled her eyes at him and fell speechless.

 After a long time, with the help of the cotton-padded jacket, the girl had warmed up a lot. She put the cotton-padded jacket on Ah-Dai's shoulders again and said to him: "Brother Ah-Dai, go catch the fish quickly, or Uncle Li will scold you again. Me, I'll go with you."

 Dui nodded, helped the girl stand up, and asked: "Girl, why do you have better skills than me, but you always return the fish to others?"

 The girl sighed and said, "Brother Dumb, don't you know that stealing other people's things is wrong?"

 Dui shook his head and said: "But, if we don't catch the fish, we will starve."

 The girl knew that she and this stupid guy couldn't explain it clearly, so she simply stopped talking and pulled Ah-Dai out of the alley. The two of them walked towards the most prosperous area of Nino City. Only there would be a good start. The girl secretly decided that she would help Dui bring back a few more fish no matter what she said today, in order to repay his kindness to her.

 Not far away, a call suddenly came from behind them, "Little girl, stop."

 Dumb was startled, and turned around at the same time as the girl. What appeared in front of them was a gorgeous carriage. The face of an old woman appeared on the small window of the carriage. The girl recognized that it was the person who returned the money bag today.

 "Little girl, it's really you." A smile of surprise appeared on the woman's face. She raised the door of the carriage. With the help of the servant, the old woman got out of the carriage. She was dressed in luxurious clothes. It was made of fabric that the girl had never imagined, and it was covered with a mink fur shawl.

The girl said timidly: "What do you want?" Dumb thought that the old woman was going to cause trouble for the girl, so he quickly blocked the girl behind him and looked at the old woman in front of him warily.

 The old woman smiled and said: "Children, don't be afraid, little girl, you just returned the purse to me, and I haven't thanked you yet. It's such a cold day, why are you wearing such thin clothes?"

 The girl shook her head and said, "No need to thank you, I stole your wallet in the first place."

 Dui was startled. Although he was stupid, he knew very well what would happen if he was caught by the person holding the fish. He quickly covered the girl's mouth and said urgently: "Girl, don't talk nonsense."

 The old woman did not order her servant to beat the girl as Dumb imagined. She still said with a smile: "Then why did you return the money bag to me again?"

 The girl pulled Ah-Dai's hand away and mustered up the courage to say, "I, I saw that you were very anxious, so I gave it back to you. Don't make it difficult for him. If you want to hit me, just hit me."

 The old woman smiled slightly and said: "Well, you are indeed an honest and kind-hearted good boy. I know that you must not be willing to steal things, right. Where are your parents?"

 The girl's eyes turned red and she said, "I have no parents, I am an orphan."

 The old woman frowned and sighed: "A good boy like you shouldn't stay here and suffer. Come on, come over and let grandma take a look." As she said this, she waved to the girl.

 A'Dai was afraid that the girl would suffer a loss, so he hurriedly said: "Don't go, girl, let's leave quickly."

 The girl did not listen to Ah-Dai's dissuasion. She vaguely felt that maybe the old woman in front of her would change her life. She walked to the old woman with her head lowered and stood there tremblingly.

 The old woman held up the girl's dirty little face, combed her messy hair back, took out a white handkerchief from her arms and wiped her face, nodded and said: "Well, child, you must You must have suffered a lot. Are you willing to go with grandma? Grandma can provide you with a good life and allow you to receive a normal education."

 The girl's big eyes lit up, and she turned to look at Ah-Dai. Ah-Dai looked a little anxious and stood still in place.

 "Why, my child, aren't you willing to leave with me? My husband is the governor of Mica Province, which is the border between the Empire and the Holy See. It is like spring all year round. It is really too cold here."

 The girl turned around and looked at the gorgeous and glamorous attire of the old woman, and asked tentatively: "Grandma, can you take my brother with you?"

 The old woman looked at Ah-Dai, who happened to be wiping the two yellow snot flowing down his face with his hands, looking stupid. A look of disgust flashed through the old woman's eyes. She shook her head and said, "No, he just tried to deceive me. He is not an honest child. I can only take you alone. Decide quickly, this place is really dangerous." cold."

 The girl hesitated for a moment, looked at the carriage and the old woman in front of her, then looked at the shabby Dumb, and nodded resolutely: "Okay, I'll go with you."

 The old woman smiled with satisfaction and said: "Well, this is a good and well-behaved boy. Let's go. Let's get in the carriage and find a place to help you change clothes first. If you wear so little, you will freeze."

 The girl said: "Grandma, please wait for me." After saying that, she turned around and ran quickly to Ah-Dai, "Brother Ah-Dai, I have to leave, don't blame the girl, okay? I really don't want to live like this without food and clothing anymore." Let's live, Brother Dumb, you must remember what we just said, when I grow up, I will definitely come back to you."

 Dumb said: "Girl, are you really going to leave? If Uncle Li finds out, he will beat you."

 Two lines of tears fell from the girl's eyes, and she choked with sobs: "Brother Dumb, don't worry, he will never have a chance to hit me again. I'm leaving, remember what we just said. If you have a chance, you should also leave Uncle Li, He is not a good person. Stop being a thief." After saying that, before Dumb asked how he could have steamed buns if he didn't become a thief, the girl had already turned around and ran to the old woman. The old woman got on the carriage first. With the help of the servant, the girl I also got on the warm and gorgeous looking carriage. Before the car curtain was lowered, the girl took another deep look at Ah-Dai, as if she wanted to remember his appearance.

 The carriage drove away, leaving Ah-Dai standing there in shock. Looking at the carriage in the distance, Ah-Dai felt a faint sense of loss in his heart. For Dumb, in his heart, the girl is the only thing more important than the steamed buns.

 "Pa" Uncle Li knocked a few small money bags out of Ah-Dai's hand and cursed: "You are stupid, you just watched the girl go away with others, wasting so much food on me, and you haven't repaid me for this damn girl." You dare to run away, you're so angry with me, you're so angry with me." Uncle Li kicked Ah-Dai to the ground and kept walking in the small wooden house.

 Duan huddled on the ground in pain and sobbed: "No, I didn't let her go, she left on her own."

 Uncle Li was furious. After hearing Ah-Dai's words, he became even more angry. He kicked Ah-Dai hard and cursed angrily: "If she wants to leave, just let her go. You're so stupid. Make you stupid, make you stupid." ." Screams kept coming from Ah-Dai's mouth, and the thieves nearby were gloating about everything in front of them, and no one came up to dissuade him.

 After a while, Uncle Li's anger subsided a lot, and then he remembered that Dumb was his main source of income after all. If he was damaged, where would he find such obedient subordinates? Angrily, he picked up the money bag on the ground and said to Dumb: "Teach me to be smarter in the future." A man walked out, and the thieves all knew that he went to drink.

 Duan huddled in the corner with pain all over his body. He couldn't figure out why Uncle Li hit him when it was none of his business. The girl's words before leaving were still lingering in his mind.

 The other thieves ate the leftovers of miserable soup that Uncle Li got from who knows which restaurant, laughing and chatting about their day's experiences. When Ah-Dai remembered that he hadn't eaten anything all day long, even the dregs were gone. His heart seemed to be pressed by something, and his longing for the girl became more and more intense. The girl was right, living was really painful.

 Early the next morning, Uncle Li mercifully threw a steamed bun to Ah-Dai. After he devoured it, he was sent out to start the day's fishing operation.

 The scattered snowflakes falling from the sky brought a slight chill to passers-by. Walking slowly on the road, Dumb thought to himself, when will an old woman appear again and take him away? When will he be able to eat steamed buns and be satisfied? I don't know what happened to the girl. She left with the old woman. Do you have steamed buns to eat every day?

 Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw a strangely dressed man in front of him. The reason why he felt strange was that the man's tall figure was completely shrouded in a large cloak, and his appearance could not be seen clearly from the outside. There seemed to be a bulging money bag dangling under the cloak, and Dumb decided to make him his first target today. While thinking about it, Ah-Dai followed quietly, took out his sharp little blade from his belt, and waited for the opportunity to strike. The reason why Ah-Dai can often successfully catch fish has a lot to do with his toughness. Whenever he decides on a prey, he will definitely follow the opponent until he succeeds.

 Following him, the man in the cloak walked into a luxurious restaurant. From the outside, the restaurant looked splendidly decorated, and the roof was paved with glazed tiles. Dumb thought to himself, if he could eat here, he must have something in his wallet. A lot of money. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but secretly feel happy. If he could bring more fish back, maybe Uncle Li would give him a full meal of steamed buns. He squatted in the corner next to the restaurant entrance and waited patiently.

 "Go, go, go, you little beggar, just stay here." The doorman of the restaurant kicked Ah-Dai and looked at him with disgust and said.

 Dui was already used to such a snobbish doorman, so he hurriedly nodded and ran a little further away, and found a dark corner that could protect him from the wind and snow before squatting down again.

 Playing with the sharp little blade in his hand, Ah-Dai waited patiently. He was not in a hurry. He always had to come out after eating.

 A full hour passed. Finally, the man in the big cloak walked out. What made Ah-Dai very excited was that the man was walking towards him. The front is the best place to start. He quickly stood up, stabilized his mind, and walked towards the man. The man was very tall, and Ah-Dai only reached around his belly. The distance between the two was getting closer and closer. Ah-Dai scratched his hair with a hand with a razor blade. When the two were one meter apart, Ah-Dai His feet staggered and he collided with the man.

 Dui suddenly felt as if he had hit an iron plate, and there was indescribable pain all over his body. He inadvertently raised his head and saw the face of the man. He had an old face, with countless fine wrinkles on his face. He looked as if he was seventy or eighty years old.

 "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." Ah-Dai kept busy with him.

 The old man just snorted and said nothing. He still walked forward, seemingly unaware that a gap had been cut in his cloak and the money bag around his waist was gone.

 Seeing that the other party was not embarrassment for him, Ah-Dai ran forward excitedly. He accidentally slipped on the snow on the ground and fell onto his back. This affected the wound where he was severely beaten by Uncle Li yesterday, causing him to constantly Spasms. But even so, it could not hide the excitement in Ah-Dai's heart. When he got the money bag, he found that the weight was unusually heavy. Even if it was completely filled with copper coins, it was enough for today's payment. He stood up unsteadily and ran quickly to an alley. He turned around and saw that no one was chasing him. He breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and sat down. However, what Dui didn't know was that the person he was stealing from was a special profession of alchemist on the mainland.

 The most noble profession on the mainland is the clergy. In addition to the clergy, there are several professions in various countries that are higher than ordinary workers. These professions have formed their own trade unions and become several special groups on the mainland. power.

 The mercenary union is the largest union. The so-called mercenary is actually a special profession that performs some simple or difficult tasks at the request of the customer. They receive varying amounts of remuneration according to the difficulty of the task, and the mercenaries are scattered all over the country. The mercenary union branch is the most ideal place for them to take on tasks. Of course, the mercenary union does not serve the mercenaries in vain. They will charge a certain fee based on the difficulty of the task. A team composed of mercenaries is called a mercenary group. Generally, employers like to find powerful mercenary groups to perform some very difficult tasks, even if they pay a high price. Mercenaries and mercenary groups are divided into six levels. The lowest level is the fourth-level mercenary or mercenary group, and so on. The upwards are three-level mercenaries, second-level mercenaries, first-level mercenaries, special-level mercenaries and so on. The highest level of super mercenary. Due to the large number of mercenaries and mercenary groups, it is very difficult to increase the level of a mercenary or mercenary group. Mercenaries of different levels will be issued different badges by the mercenary union. In mercenary organizations, high-level mercenaries or mercenary groups are very respected by their peers with lower levels.

 In the Magician's Guild, magicians are the second most important profession on the mainland after clergy. Since practicing magic requires extremely high quality, the number of magicians is extremely rare. Among them, those who practice light magic are almost Being absorbed by the Holy See makes magicians even more precious. They are often hired by armies with high salaries. Almost all intermediate magicians and above will be ennobled by the kingdom where they are located. Therefore, the profession of magician is also for ordinary civilians. Most desirable, it represents reputation and power. Magicians are divided into junior magicians, intermediate magicians, senior magicians, great magicians, wizards and magisters. Since state subsidies are their main source of income, magicians usually go to the Magician's Union to obtain badges corresponding to their level in order to receive corresponding remuneration. Of course, obtaining the badge requires passing the assessment of the Magician's Union. The Magician's Guild is also the only union that gives money without having to pay for it.

 Although the Alchemist Guild is not large in number, it is very respected in various countries. Unions in various countries are often bribed by the country, because the weapons made by alchemists are much better than those made by blacksmiths, and they are the best equipment for high-level armies. Best choice. The Tianjin Empire got its name because they had the largest alchemist union among the four countries. Alchemists are actually a branch of magicians. Most of them are good at fire magic. What makes them better than magicians is their understanding of various minerals and medicines. Powerful alchemists can often forge high-level magic weapons. The value of these magic weapons is Almost immeasurable, he is deeply loved by royal families in various countries and even the Holy See. Alchemists are also the richest group of all professions except assassins. Alchemists are divided into apprentice, junior, intermediate, advanced, special and master levels. Although alchemists also have corresponding level badges that are common to all countries, high-level alchemists often disdain to receive them.

 The Killers Guild has the smallest number of people and is also the most mysterious union on the mainland. Some people also call them the Killer Group. Although the number of members in the Killer Guild is not large, they all have high abilities. They accept killing tasks through some underground channels and receive fees. High commissions. The union is extremely well-organized, and there are only two ways to join it. One is to go through various difficult tests. Second, the Killer Guild announces a very difficult task every year. As long as someone can complete this task, they will be absorbed into the Killer Guild. member. Of course, the difficulty of completing that task is definitely much more difficult than those difficult tests, and it is very likely that you will pay for it with your life. Due to the intrigues and power disputes among human beings, this union, which makes ordinary people laugh at them, has always been able to survive on the mainland. Killers also have obvious levels of distinction, from low to high, they are divided into assassins, assassins, ninja killers and exterminators. These killers are managed by the Killer Guild, and their identities are extremely secret and not known to outsiders. They do not belong to any country, and their number never exceeds a hundred people. However, they are a quite terrifying force. There are very few killers who are magicians.

The Thieves Guild, to put it bluntly, is a collection of high-level thieves. In order to get the valuables they want, some nobles will hire thieves in the guild to steal them. Not every thief can join the Thieves' Guild. Although its membership requirements are not as strict as those of the Killers' Guild, they still need to pass various assessments and only absorb thieves with high quality and professional skills. The levels of thieves are divided into thieves, high-level thieves and acquirers from low to high. Generally, thieves who can reach the level of acquirers have the honor of stealing priceless treasures many times. They are also the group most feared by most nobles. . The Thieves Guild has one of the strictest rules, that is, killing is absolutely not allowed. It is precisely because of this that they were not wiped out by the armies of various countries. In order to better complete the tasks assigned by the employer, the Thieves Guild is the most well-informed. Like the Killers' Guild, the Thieves' Guild also belongs to the dark forces on the mainland. Taking out the heavy bag of money, Ah-Dai's heart was filled with joy. The money bag is very delicate, made of leather, with a six-pointed star made of gold thread on it. Dui had never seen such a beautiful money bag. He hurriedly opened the top of the rope and dug inside. He daydreamed about how wonderful it would be if there was a rose amethyst coin in the money bag. In more than a year, he had stolen an amethyst coin once. I remember that time, Uncle Li excitedly rewarded him with a big chicken leg, which made other companions extremely envious. He had never tasted such delicious food, and in the end he shared it with the girl, and even the bones went into his stomach. The wonderful taste still makes him have endless aftertaste.

 When Ah-Dai took out all the coins in his wallet, he was stunned in surprise. Because, in the money bag, there were not only the "chicken legs" that he had been dreaming about for a long time, but also dozens of rose gold coins, and even a shining blue coin that he had never seen before. Looking at the small pile of purple mangos, this is a dozen "chicken legs". "I can eat, I can finally eat." Ah-Dai shouted excitedly.

 Just when he was excited, the golden six-pointed star on the money bag suddenly lit up, and then an old voice sounded in his ear, "Have you never had enough?"

 Ah-Dai's whole body was shaken, and the coins in his hand couldn't help but scatter on the ground. The voice, where did this sound come from? He looked around, but there was no one around, "God bless, God bless." Ah-Dai clasped his hands in front of his chest, but He kept mumbling.

 "Do you think God will bless a thief?" The old voice sounded again. This time Dumb heard it clearly, and the voice seemed to come from that exquisite money bag.

 "Ah" Ah-Dai exclaimed and threw the money bag out. His whole body couldn't help but tremble slightly. This was the first time he encountered such a weird thing. He was still a child after all, and fear showed in his eyes. . Sparse snowflakes were still falling continuously, and the sky was still so dark. At this moment, it seemed that the tattered cotton jacket on Ah-Dai could no longer bring him warmth, and a cold current quickly rose from the bottom of his heart.

 The money bag that fell not far away gave off a faint light, and the beautiful golden six-pointed star shone with a dreamlike faint golden light. Under Ah-Dai's horrified gaze, the golden light suddenly turned bright, and a blurry figure appeared. Above the money bag, the figure gradually became clearer. It was the old man wearing the big cloak just now.

 Weird and deep voices kept coming from the cloak. If Uncle Li were here, he would definitely find that the old man was chanting a magic spell. Finally, his body completely transformed into a solid body, floating lightly and landing on the ground.

 The old man landed next to the money bag. He slowly bent down, picked up the money bag from the ground, and sighed: "I haven't used this spell for a long time. I feel really unfamiliar."

 Seeing the person he was holding fish in such a weird scene, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that he was in danger. He never expected that he, who had not failed in four months, would be caught by the financial owner after successfully catching a big fish. He curled up in a ball on the ground, his body shaking non-stop. He thought that what he was about to face would be a violent beating. This was not the first time he had encountered this situation. The last time he was caught, the big man almost broke his hand. If Uncle Li hadn't appeared in time to scare him away, I'm afraid he would have lost the ability to hold fish, let alone eat his favorite steamed buns. .

 The old man threw the money bag in front of Ah-Dai and said calmly: "Pick it up and put it back for me."

 "Yes, yes." Ah-Dai carefully took the money bag into his hand and took a deep look at the six-pointed star made of gold thread on the money bag. He could not understand why people could "drill out" from the money bag. "When he came out, his whole body was trembling, and he carefully put the Yimeimei coins back into his purse. This process lasted for a long time. Strangely, the old man did not urge him. A pair of shining eyes under the cloak kept looking at Ah-Dai.

 "Okay, okay, here, here you go." Dui tried his best to act as humble as possible, holding the money bag in both hands and handing it to the old man. Maybe, he acted cowardly, and the other party would beat them later. Be gentle. Dumb had never thought of resisting, so how could he resist with his "tempered" body? Even if the other party was an old man.

 The old man took the money bag and neither took action nor let Dui go. He still stood in front of him and looked at the thin child in front of him.

 Duan squatted down with his head lowered, his hands that were red from the cold covered his head, and his whole body curled up as much as possible, waiting for the storm to come.

 "Well, my hands are very nice, with long fingers and broad palms. No wonder I didn't even notice that the things were stolen. You haven't answered my question just yet, have you?"